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"Then let's go to the rooftop."

After comforting Shiina Mashiro, Shirogane Miyuki smiled and said to Yuuki Asuna who was full of expectations.

As soon as the voice fell, Shirogane Miyuki stood up from his seat and walked slowly out of the classroom with Shiina Mashiro.

""Eh? OK!"

Hearing what Shirogane Miyuki said, Yuuki Asuna was stunned, and then nodded happily in agreement.

Ever since she had eaten the food made by Shirogane Miyuki, Yuuki Asuna couldn't forget the taste, and wanted to taste it again all the time, but she was embarrassed to say it to the president so openly. After thinking for a long time, she finally thought of this good way that would not appear abrupt but allow her to taste the delicious bento made by the president. On the other side, in a hidden corner not far from the classroom where Shirogane Miyuki and others were.

Shinomiya Kaguya was looking anxiously in the direction of the president and others, while Hayasaka Ai was looking at her expressionlessly.

"Ai, why hasn't the president come yet? Did you make a mistake?"

After looking at the shadows of Shirogane Miyuki and others for a long time without any signs of appearing, Shinomiya Kaguya turned to Hayasaka Ai with some suspicion and asked

"My information will never appear."

Faced with Shinomiya Kaguya's suspicion, Hayasaka Ai replied with an extremely affirmative tone.

"Why haven't the president, that hypocritical woman, and Shiina passed by after waiting for so long?"

After hearing Hayasaka Ai's extremely affirmative words, Shinomiya Kaguya's anxious mood relaxed a little, but she still asked

"Maybe something happened. If there is no change in the plan, we should be able to wait for the president in a while."

After looking at the time on the watch on her arm, Hayasaka Ai spoke slowly.

After meeting Yuuki Asuna in the student union activity room yesterday, Shinomiya Kaguya felt a strong sense of crisis. In addition, she knew that Shirogane Miyuki would enjoy lunch with Yuuki Asuna every day at noon, which made her even more worried.

So after the last class this morning, she dragged Hayasaka Ai to this place where according to the intelligence, Shirogane Miyuki would definitely pass by, to create an unexpected encounter, and then naturally joined the team eating lunch together, in order to destroy the evil plan of Yuuki Asuna, the hypocritical woman.

However, while the two were talking, Shirogane Miyuki, Yuuki Asuna and Shiina Mashiro had appeared at some point, not far away from their sight.

"Miss, look, aren't these the group of people that the president is with?"

After accidentally glancing at the actress Shirogane Miyuki, Hayasaka Ai said to Kaguya Shinomiya calmly, obviously very confident in the accuracy of her information.

"As expected, it's the president! Xiao Ai, you can go first, and leave everything to me."

Hearing Hayasaka Ai's slightly bland words, Shinomiya Kaguya turned around excitedly and saw Shirogane Miyuki and the other three.

""Yes, young lady."

Hearing Shinomiya Kaguya's order, Hayasaka Ai responded without any change in tone, as if she had known it would happen.

Then, just as she said, she quietly left this hidden corner.

"Now it's my turn to perform. This time I will create a perfect coincidence."

Kaguya Shinomiya showed an unfathomable and beautiful smile, and murmured in her unique and proud voice.

"But the hypocritical woman of the Yuki family is really annoying! I feel unhappy just looking at her smile."

After seeing Yuki Asuna and Shirogane Miyuki walking and chatting with a smile, Shinomiya Kaguya felt an indescribable anger in her heart. It can be said that no matter how she looked at it, she felt very unhappy.

【Why do I suddenly have a bad feeling? It seems like something bad is going to happen soon... But it must be my illusion, right? 】

Shirogane Miyuki, who was chatting happily with Yuuki Asuna, suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart. But after thinking about it for a while, he still couldn't figure out the reason, so he had to attribute this feeling to his own illusion.

"What's wrong with the president?"

Looking at Shirogane Miyuki who suddenly fell into deep thought, Yuuki Asuna asked him with some confusion

"It's nothing, I just don't want to think about something."

Faced with Yuuki Asuna's doubts, Shirogane Miyuki just smiled.

Shinomiya Kaguya certainly didn't know that Shirogane Miyuki had a bad feeling at this time. She calmed down the anger in her heart that seemed to be about to burst out at any time, and tried to let her delicate face show a noble and elegant smile.

"Everything is ready, and it's time to meet the president by chance."

After adjusting her clothes and mood to the best state, Shinomiya Kaguya walked slowly towards Shirogane Miyuki and the other three with a beautiful smile on her face and a luxurious lunch box in her hand.

""Eh! Isn't this Shinomiya classmate?"

When Shinomiya Kaguya appeared in front of Shirogane Miyuki and the other two, Yuuki Asuna exclaimed.

Hearing Yuuki Asuna's exclamation, Shirogane Miyuki also looked up and saw the beautiful Shinomiya Kaguya walking slowly towards them with an elegant pace.

""President, Shiina-san and Yuuki-san, good afternoon. I didn't expect such a coincidence!"

As if she heard Yuuki Asuna's exclamation, Shinomiya Kaguya smiled and greeted Shirogane Miyuki and others cordially.

However, when it was her turn to greet Yuuki Asuna, her tone was obviously a little cold.

"It's quite a coincidence, isn't it? Shinomiya-san."

Facing Shinomiya Kaguya's somewhat cold greeting, Yuuki Asuna didn't take it to heart at all, and greeted her with a beautiful smile.


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