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"This lunch box is the best I've ever made since I started cooking, so please enjoy it, President."

Hearing what Shirogane Miyuki said, Yuuki Asuna smiled confidently.

【Isn't it just cooking? What is there for this hypocritical woman to be proud of? However, this method can be used as a reference. I use the excuse of making a bento for the first time to ask the president for guidance. It seems that from today on, I have to learn how to make delicious dishes. I must not be outdone by that hypocritical woman.】

Seeing all this from behind Shirogane Miyuki, Kaguya Shinomiya's jealousy spread like a blazing flame. At the same time, she came up with a brilliant idea, a way to improve her relationship with the president and destroy Yuuki Asuna's plan.

" tastes pretty good, but if you put less oil, it would taste even better."

Baiyin Yuxing picked up a piece of golden fried chicken with chopsticks and put it in his mouth. He savored it carefully before slowly speaking.

"Really? I'll pay attention next time."

After hearing Shirogane Miyuki's comments, Yuuki Asuna nodded seriously.

"This rice is delicious! It tastes light and sweet."

"Yuuki-san, this shouldn't be made from ordinary rice, right?"

After picking up another mouthful of rice, Shirogane Miyuki's eyes suddenly lit up. He slowly asked Yuuki Asuna,"This is the most delicious rice he has ever eaten in this anime world."

"Mr. Shirogane, you guessed it right. This rice is made from five-grain rice, which is famous all over the world."

Faced with Shirogane Miyuki's question, Yuuki Asuna smiled and explained to him:

"No wonder it tastes so good."

After hearing Yuuki Asuna's explanation, Shirogane Miyuki nodded with a look of understanding.

He had some knowledge of the five-grain rice that was unique to this anime world, but he had never eaten it for various reasons. Today, thanks to Yuuki Asuna, he finally got to taste it.

After tasting the other dishes one by one, Shirogane Miyuki put down the lunch box in his hand, and then made a simple comment to Yuuki Asuna with a smile on his face.


"Yuuki-san, it seems that you are very talented in cooking! Compared with the previous time, the progress is very obvious."

After the comments, Shirogane Miyuki whispered to Yuuki Asuna with admiration on his face.

Shirogane Miyuki is not surprised at all that Yuuki Asuna is very talented in cooking. After all, she was voted the most talented candidate among countless anime beauties by otakus. Cooking must be a piece of cake for her, and the original work described that she is very good at cooking.

In this world of anime, it is natural to be good at cooking, but what Shirogane Miyuki did not expect is that Yuuki Asuna will improve so fast. It seems that she must have practiced a lot at home. This is one of the reasons why he admires her so much.

"Thank you for the compliment, President. Compared to you, I am still far behind you!"

Hearing the compliment from Shirogane Miyuki, Yuuki Asuna said happily

"Is that so? Yuuki-san, how about you try the bento I made?"

In response to Yuuki Asuna's words, Shirogane Miyuki just said in a very calm tone

"Well, the president must cook very delicious food."

Yuuki Asuna nodded and said softly, her tone full of trust in Shirogane Miyuki's cooking skills.

"That's not necessarily true. You can't tell the quality of food just by looking at it. You have to try it to know."

After hearing what Yuuki Asuna said, Shirogane Miyuki shook his head with joy and said softly.

As a real man, Shirogane Miyuki was very happy for the compliment from such a beautiful girl like Yuuki Asuna, but he still had to say what he had to say.

"President, I will definitely keep your words in mind.

Yuuki Asuna nodded very seriously and kept Shirogane Miyuki's words in mind.

"I'm ready to eat!"

After saying this, Yuuki Asuna began to eat the bento made by Shirogane Miyuki in small bites.

"Shinomiya-san, don't just stand there, come and eat lunch with us!"

After noticing that Shinomiya Kaguya was standing there blankly, Shirogane Miyuki waved to her, signaling her to come and eat lunch with him.


After hearing the very familiar voice of Shirogane Miyuki, Shinomiya Kaguya came back to her senses from her long contemplation. After coming back to her senses, she immediately habitually showed an elegant and proud smile and slowly walked towards his seat.

"Mashiro, you should eat quickly too. I will make you a Baumkuchen after lunch."

Looking at Mashiro Shiina who had been staring blankly at her lunch box, Shirogane Miyuki stroked her soft long hair and said to her in a soft voice:

"" Hmm."

Hearing what Shirogane Miyuki said, Shiina Mashiro instantly became much more energetic. After a soft"hmm", he began to eat his meal in small bites.

【I feel like there's something wrong with Shinomiya today.】 After taking a bite of the meal, Shirogane Miyuki thought to himself.

Because he noticed that Shinomiya Kaguya would secretly look at him from time to time, as if she was expecting something.

"Shinomiya-san, your lunch box is quite rich! It must look delicious."

Shirogane Miyuki's mouth twitched involuntarily. He was not used to being peeped at by Shinomiya Kaguya from time to time. He had no choice but to speak first.

"Hmm... it's definitely not as delicious as the food made by the president."

Hearing what Shirogane Miyuki suddenly said, Shinomiya Kaguya was slightly stunned, and after coming to her senses, she slowly spoke


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