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""What happened to Mashiro?"

Looking at Shiina Mashiro who suddenly grabbed the corner of his clothes, Shirogane Miyuki asked her in a puzzled voice.

"OK, comics!"

Shiina Mashiro said these three words slowly and calmly.

"Oh, so that's what it is! But Mashiro, you need an original script before you can draw a comic, and I haven't started writing the script yet."

After hearing what Shiina Mashiro said, Shirogane Miyuki shook his head helplessly.

"How about this, although the script has not been written yet, we will draw the characters of some of the main characters tonight."

As soon as the voice fell, Shirogane Miyuki saw the disappointed look of Shiina Mashiro, and he sighed softly.

He originally planned to go back to his room to play games for a few hours and then have a good sleep, but now he can only throw this beautiful idea out of his mind.


Hearing what Shirogane Miyuki said, Shiina Mashiro's disappointed look instantly disappeared, and an expectant smile appeared on her face, nodding repeatedly.

""Okay, let's get started quickly."

Seeing that Shirogane Miyuki didn't move for a while, Shiina Mashiro hurriedly urged him impatiently.

"Don't be so anxious, there is still a lot of time, and tomorrow is Saturday and the school is closed, so there is no need to get up so early."

Shirogane Miyuki ignored Shiina Mashiro's urging words and spoke to him in a calm and unhurried voice.

As a superhuman, Shirogane Miyuki can naturally write out the entire plot of"Slam Dunk" in a short period of time, but he himself does not want to write it out quickly.

After all, writing all the content at once this time will not help Shiina Mashiro at all. Shirogane Miyuki wants Mashiro to learn how to think independently and how to conceive the next step in the process of drawing comics, instead of relying on him for everything.

Of course, if Shirogane Miyuki himself wants to debut as a cartoonist, it will naturally not be so troublesome, and he will completely refer to all the scenes of"Slam Dunk" in his previous life.

Not long after, the two came to Shiina Mashiro's bedroom and saw that the room was full of scattered clothes.

Shirogane Miyuki looked at Shiina Mashiro speechlessly. It was quite tidy yesterday, why did it become like this today?

【It seems that Mashiro's bad habits have not been completely changed.】

"Mashiro, I will clean up this room with you, and then we can start the next work."

Shirogane Miyuki turned to the expressionless Mashiro Shiina beside him and said softly

"Let's start first."

Hearing what Shirogane Miyuki said, Shiina Mashiro had an expressionless face.


Baiyin Yuxing simply replied with these two words, without any room for easing.

""Okay, bad guy."

Hearing Shirogane Miyuki's extremely resolute words, Shiina Mashiro muttered unhappily.

"I'm doing this for your own good."

While saying this, Shirogane Miyuki had already squatted down and started to help Shiina Mashiro tidy up the clothes scattered all over the room.

Shiina Mashiro saw this scene and said nothing, and squatted down and followed suit to tidy up his own room.

It took nearly twenty minutes for Shirogane Miyuki and Shiina Mashiro to finally sort out the scattered clothes in the bedroom and put them into the closet.

After tidying up the room, Shirogane Miyuki asked Shiina Mashiro to take out her drawing tools, and then used this set of tools to draw the rough outlines of the main characters Sakuragi Hanamichi and Rukawa Kaede.

Anyway, Shirogane Miyuki would never admit that he only drew the rough outlines because it was too troublesome. He did this in order to improve Shiina Mashiro's comic skills, and he also believed that the cute little Mashiro would definitely understand his good intentions.

"This is the rough outline of the two protagonists. I'll leave the other details to you, Mashiro."

"You have to use your imagination according to the characteristics of the characters. For example, one of the main characters, Rukawa Kaede, is handsome and looks cold on the outside, but he is actually passionate on the inside, so you have to draw all these characteristics completely."

After Shirogane Miyuki drew the outlines of the main characters Sakuragi Hanamichi and Rukawa Kaede, he turned around and said to Shiina Mashiro in a serious tone.

Seeing that Shirogane Miyuki had drawn the outlines of the main characters, Shiina Mashiro nodded very seriously and kept his words firmly in mind.

At the same time, he quickly picked up the sketchbook beside him and began to draw all the details in his mind according to the draft given by Shirogane Miyuki.

""Okay, is this okay?"

About half an hour later, Shiina Mashiro took a piece of drawing paper, walked quickly to Shirogane Miyuki and asked him softly.

"It's very beautiful, but Mashiro, don't you feel something is wrong?"

Looking at the drawing paper in Shiina Mashiro's hand, Shirogane Miyuki shook his head and asked her softly

"Something wrong? No."

After hearing Shirogane Miyuki's question, Shiina Mashiro thought for a moment and shook his head, his tone full of confusion.

"How should I put it? The Sakuragi Hanamichi in the plot is definitely not like what Mashiro draws, he is a character that is both bold and simple, and the most important thing is that he can never be this handsome."

Looking at the Sakuragi Hanamichi who is more handsome than Rukawa Kaede, Shirogane Miyuki's mouth twitched involuntarily.

In Shirogane Miyuki's impression, the somewhat silly idiot can never be this handsome, and he feels very uncomfortable no matter how he looks at him now.

"Is that so?"

Hearing what Shirogane Miyuki said, Shiina Mashiro nodded thoughtfully, without saying anything more, and lowered his head.���Started to draw

""Okay, I've modified it."

Seven or eight minutes later, Shiina Mashiro handed the modified Sakuragi Hanamichi character picture to Shirogane Miyuki.

"Very good, let's start drawing other characters next!"

Looking at the familiar yet unfamiliar Sakuragi Hanamichi in front of him, Shirogane Miyuki nodded with satisfaction, and in his heart he deeply understood Shiina Mashiro's amazing talent for painting.


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