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"The order has been placed, and it should be delivered in a while."

After placing the order for two servings of pork chop rice, Shirogane Miyuki said softly to Shiina Mashiro beside him.


This time, Shiina Mashiro did not say anything, but just nodded expressionlessly, then picked up the draft and started to draw again with great concentration.

Shirogane Miyuki, who saw this scene, did not say anything to disturb Shiina Mashiro, but just sat aside and quietly watched her beautiful back.

In Shirogane Miyuki's heart, Shiina Mashiro is such a girl who devotes everything to the things she loves. For the sake of her favorite comics, she ignored her family's dissuasion and came alone from faraway England to Japan, where the comics industry is booming. Once she starts drawing comics seriously, she is often immersed in the world of comics and is unaware of the things around her. She devotes her whole body and soul to it.

"The takeaway has arrived. I'll go downstairs to get it."

After receiving a call, Shirogane Miyuki said to Shiina Mashiro with a smile on his face.

Hearing Shirogane Miyuki's words, Shiina Mashiro just nodded silently, and the brush in his hand still showed no signs of stopping.

Shirogane Miyuki just smiled and walked downstairs slowly without saying anything.

After getting two servings of pork chop rice, Shirogane Miyuki certainly did not forget to take out the annual ring cake that Shiina Mashiro had been thinking about.

"Okay, Mashiro, let's stop here today. We should combine work and rest in everything we do, so that we can be more efficient."

"After lunch, let's play a few games together to relax!"

Shirogane Miyuki reached out and touched Shiina Mashiro's cute little head, and whispered to her

""I'll listen to you."

Hearing what Shirogane Miyuki said, Shiina Mashiro reluctantly put down the paintbrush in her hand, and her tone was a little disappointed.

But it is certain that painting has always been the greatest entertainment and enjoyment for this innocent girl, which is something that ordinary people cannot understand even in their entire lives.

After lunch, in Shiina Mashiro's bedroom, Shirogane Miyuki and the owner of this bedroom, each with a laptop, were playing the game Legend of the Century to fight monsters.

This game was recommended by Shirogane Miyuki to Shiina Mashiro for relaxation. After learning how to play, Shirogane Miyuki started to use his own game character to help Mashiro kill small monsters and level up.

Shiina Mashiro's talent in the game is relatively good, of course it can't be compared with her talent in painting.

After all, one is world-class, and the other is pretty good. They are completely on different levels, so how can they be compared? After playing for about three hours, Shirogane Miyuki stretched comfortably.

With Shiina Mashiro, who has only decent gaming talent, Shirogane Miyuki, a novice who has just played for a week, has a special sense of superiority.

"Mashiro, let's stop here today."

After Shirogane Miyuki exited the game interface on the laptop, he whispered to Shiina Mashiro who was standing beside him.

""Okay, can we draw the second episode of Slam Dunk now?"

After hearing what Shirogane Miyuki said, Shiina Mashiro's eyes suddenly lit up and she asked him expectantly.

As expected, in Shiina Mashiro's mind, drawing and playing games are completely unequal.

"Is it this late? Wait until after dinner, then you can start drawing."

Looking at the time, it was already 6:52. Shirogane Miyuki muttered to himself before whispering to Shiina Mashiro.

"Dinner? Baumkuchen."

Hearing what Shirogane Miyuki said, Shiina Mashiro said in a low voice with a blank expression.

"Mashiro, I'm sorry, the last Baumkuchen at home was eaten by you at noon, so there will be no Baumkuchen tonight."

Shirogane Miyuki said to Shiina Mashiro with a smile.

"No Baumkuchen……"

Hearing Shirogane Miyuki's ruthless words, Shiina Mashiro muttered to himself with a look of loss on his face.

"Then I will go downstairs to prepare dinner. I will call you Mashiro when I am done."Shirogane Miyuki pretended not to notice the disappointed expression on Shiina Mashiro's face. After saying this, he quietly left the bedroom.

In just twenty minutes, with Shirogane Miyuki's superb cooking skills, a delicious dinner was prepared.

After going upstairs to call Shiina Mashiro, the two began to enjoy the delicacies on the table.

"Mashiro, I have already told you the general plot of the second episode of Slam Dunk. Draw it yourself and show it to me tomorrow. Then I will know what you are still missing in the comics field."After taking a bite of the rice, Shirogane Miyuki whispered to Shiina Mashiro

"I want to draw comics with Yuki."

After hearing what Shirogane Miyuki said, Shiina Mashiro looked at him expectantly and said

"Mashiro, didn't you say you wanted to be a real cartoonist? Completing the second chapter of Slam Dunk without any help is the first step to becoming a real cartoonist."

Looking at Shiina Mashiro's expectant eyes, Shirogane Miyuki had an impulse to change his mind and agree to her, but he finally held back and said to her softly in a tone that was for your own good.

"Well, OK, I will definitely become a real cartoonist."

Shiina Mashiro nodded firmly and said

"I believe that you will succeed, Mashiro."

Looking at the determined Mashiro Shiina in front of him, Shirogane Miyuki smiled and said to her softly



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