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"I forgot to bring my keys."

Bai Yingui replied in a very cold tone.

"No wonder the three of you have been standing at the door and not going in."

Hearing Baiyin Gui's extremely cold words, Baiyin Yuxing nodded with some understanding.

"Senior Baiyin, let me help you hold your things."

Just when Baiyin Yuxing was about to say something again, Fujiwara Moe patted her chest cutely and volunteered to say softly

"Okay, thank you, Mengye."

Shirogane Miyuki did not refuse Fujiwara Mengye's help, but he sighed again in his heart,"This is the difference between my sister and other people's sisters."

"Come in, let's talk if you have anything to say."

After handing the two large bags to Fujiwara Moe, Shirogane Miyuki opened the door of his house with a smile on his face.

"President, excuse me."

"Senior Baiyin, sorry to bother you."


Shirogane Kei, Fujiwara Chika, and Fujiwara Moeha responded to Shirogane Miyuki in different words.

"This is the president's home. It is much more interesting than I imagined."

After seeing the game controller on the sofa, Fujiwara Chika, who had just arrived in the hall, suddenly brightened up and asked Shirogane Miyuki in an excited tone.


After hearing Fujiwara Chika's excited words, Shirogane Miyuki didn't react for a moment and asked her with some doubts.

""Yeah, that's it."

Fujiwara Chika pointed at the game controller and nodded repeatedly, her tone full of expectation.

"So Fujiwara-san, you mean electronic games. Do you want to try them out?"

After seeing what Fujiwara Chika pointed at, Shirogane Miyuki nodded with a bright look on his face.

Whether he was a time traveler or the original owner, he naturally knew that the Fujiwara family had strict rules. Since childhood, the three daughters of the Fujiwara family were forbidden to touch all kinds of entertainment, among which electronic games were the top priority.

So it was not surprising that Fujiwara Chika, who was very playful, was so excited when she saw the game controller.


After hearing what Shirogane Miyuki said, Fujiwara Chika nodded and agreed without any hesitation. After all, this was the video game she dreamed of playing!

"Mengye, do you want to play with your sister too?"

After seeing the very excited Fujiwara Chika, Shirogane Miyuki turned to Fujiwara Mengye who was in the same situation as Chika and asked

"Video games? I just happen to be interested in this.

After hearing what Shirogane Miyuki said, Fujiwara muttered to himself, then nodded with interest.

"Have fun, both of you! What do you want to drink? I just bought a lot of drinks at the supermarket."

Baiyin Yuxing pointed to the one next to him and asked the three beautiful girls with a smile on his face.

"Senior Baiyin, do you have any juice?"

Fujiwara Moe raised her hand and asked Baiyin Miyuki with a smile on her face.

"Of course, there is, but only canned orange juice."

Baiyin Yuxing also smiled and nodded slightly in response.

"I like orange juice the most. Thank you, Senior Baiyin."

Hearing what Baiyin Yuxing said, Fujiwara Moe nodded happily and replied softly.

"Fujiwara-san, Kei, where are you two?"

After handing the orange juice to Fujiwara Moe, Shirogane Miyuki asked Fujiwara Chika and Shirogane Kei again with a smile on his face.

"I'm fine with anything."

Fujiwara Chika's attention was focused on the video game at this moment. She replied perfunctorily to Shirogane Miyuki's question.


Baiyin Gui said coldly to Baiyin Yuxing:


Looking at Fujiwara Chika who was concentrating on the video game, and Shirogane Kei who was even more indifferent to him than before, Shirogane Miyuki sighed helplessly, and without saying anything more, he directly handed two cans of coffee to the two women.

"You guys can play here, don't be too restrained, I'll go upstairs to call Mashiro."

After looking at the time on the clock on the living room wall and the note lying quietly on the dining table, Shirogane Miyuki whispered to Fujiwara Moe and the other three girls.

"Senior Shirogane, is the Mashiro you just mentioned the world-class genius painter Shiina-senpai?"

After hearing what Shirogane Miyuki said, Fujiwara Moe, who had just taken a sip of orange juice, thought of some rumors about him, and suddenly her eyes lit up and asked him in a somewhat uncertain tone.

"Right... do you know Mashiro?"

Shirogane Miyuki nodded slightly, hesitated for a moment, and asked Fujiwara Moe with some doubt.

"Well, I am a loyal fan of Shiina-senpai. I like all of her paintings, and I have even watched them five or six times."

"After I heard that Senior Shiina transferred to Shuchiin Academy, I wanted to see her in person, but I was delayed by some things."

In response to Shirogane Miyuki's question, Fujiwara Moe said softly with admiration.

"Yes... is that so!"

Shirogane Miyuki smiled awkwardly. Hearing Fujiwara Moe calling the cute-looking Shiina Mashiro"senpai" in an admiring tone, he felt it was very strange.

As for the fact that Mashiro had fans, Shirogane Miyuki didn't find it strange at all. After all, she was a world-class talented painter. Isn't it normal to have many fans?

"Is Mashiro still sleeping?"

At this time, Shirogane Kei's pleasant and cold voice reached Shirogane Yuxing's ears.

"Yes, Mashiro painted very late yesterday. If no one called her, I think she would have slept through the whole day."

Shirogane Miyuki nodded gently and said

"Can I go in and see Senior Shiina?"

After hearing what Shirogane Miyuki said, Fujiwara Moeha's bright eyes revealed a very curious look, and she asked him in a very expectant tone.


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