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"Mashiro, it's about the comics that I'm going to submit in a few days."

After noticing the puzzled look on Fujiwara Moe's face, Shirogane Miyuki smiled and explained to her softly:


After hearing Shirogane Miyuki's explanation, Fujiwara Moeha's doubts not only did not decrease but became even more serious.

Shiina Mashiro, a world-class genius painter, is going to draw comics? What a joke.

In her mind, or let's put it this way, in the minds of most people, comics are not mainstream at all and can only be viewed as entertainment, not to mention compared with oil paintings, which are completely two different levels.

In fact, these people are not wrong. No matter how popular a comic work is, it will only be popular for a lifetime, while works of art such as oil paintings will truly be passed down for generations and regarded as treasures by collectors, and comics will never have such treatment.

"Yes, the reason why Mashiro returned to Japan and transferred to Shuchiin Academy this time was to become a true cartoonist."

Faced with Fujiwara Moeha's question, Shirogane Miyuki smiled and nodded slightly.

"I wish you to become a cartoonist soon. By the way, can I call you Mashiro?

Although Fujiwara Moe felt incredible and totally disagreed with Shiina Mashiro's choice, she still said to him with a smile on her face.


Shiina Mashiro did not refuse, but nodded lightly.

"Mashiro, we have guests coming to our house today, so you can't just stay in your pajamas. Change your clothes and come down quickly."

Looking at Shiina Mashiro who was sitting motionless on the bed, Shirogane Miyuki spoke to her softly.


Shiina Mashiro nodded again and said"Yeah" softly.

"Since Mashiro is already up, let's go down together, Mengye, and let her change clothes here alone."

After instructing Shiina Mashiro, Shirogane Miyuki turned to Fujiwara Mengye and said softly

"Well, Senior Baiyin, let's go. I also want to play some video games with Sister Qianhua."

Fujiwara Moe nodded without any hesitation and said

"Then let's go."

After hearing Fujiwara Moe's reply, Shirogane Miyuki didn't say anything else and walked out of the room slowly.

"Hey, Senior Silver……"

Fujiwara Moeha, who was following closely behind, raised her lips slightly and called out to Shirogane Miyuki in a sweet and pleasant voice.

"Hmm? What's going on? Mengye."When Shirogane Miyuki heard Fujiwara Mengye calling his name, he asked her in confusion.

"Senior Baiyin, as expected, is just like Sister Qianhua, not only gentle and considerate, but also very considerate."

Fujiwara Moeha recalled the scenes she had just discovered, and said softly to Baiyin Yuxing with a very sweet smile.

"No, I'm just doing what I should do."

After hearing what Fujiwara Moe said, Shirogane Miyuki suddenly realized why she said that. He shook his head and said in a matter-of-fact tone.

【The rumors are indeed true, Senior Shirogane, you are really gentle! The more this is the case, the more I want to hold your heart firmly in my hands, and then occupy you all by myself. 】

Thinking of this, Fujiwara Moe licked the corners of his lips involuntarily, and a smile full of strong desire to occupy appeared on his face.

After noticing the unusual smile on Fujiwara Moe's face, Shirogane Miyuki's body stiffened for some reason, and wisps of cold sweat broke out on the back of his body, as if he was being stared at by something.

Although this is not the first time this has happened, the feeling he had this time was particularly strong.

"Come to think of it, I also want to thank you for always taking care of Kei!"

In order to hide his embarrassing state, Shirogane Miyuki pretended nothing happened and said softly to Fujiwara Moeha with a smile on his face.

As Kei Shirogane's brother, Shirogane Miyuki knew that although she had many friends, Fujiwara Moeha was the only one who was truly close to her.

From the first time he met Fujiwara Moeha until now, Shirogane Miyuki's impression of her was very good, sometimes even surpassing his dear sister Shirogane Kei.

Of course, it was only sometimes. As a deep-rooted sister control, his sister was always ranked first in his heart and could never be surpassed.

"No, it should be Kei who has been taking care of me."

After hearing what Shirogane Miyuki said, Fujiwara Moeha chuckled and shook her head.

While they were talking, the two of them had unknowingly come to the living room.

Looking at Shirogane Miyuki and Fujiwara Moeha who were chatting happily, Shirogane Kei, who was sitting on the sofa, frowned. Somehow, an indescribable sour feeling surged in her heart, making her very uncomfortable.

"Mengye, come here quickly, Sister Qianhua is about to finish the fight, and I will teach you how to play then."

Baiyin Kei suppressed the unspeakable bitterness in his heart, waved to Fujiwara Mengye and said

"Then Senior Baiyin, I will go."

Fujiwara Moe nodded to Baiyin Kei first, then turned to Baiyin Yuxing beside him and said softly

"Go and have fun."

Shirogane Miyuki said softly to Fujiwara Moeha with a gentle smile on his face.


Fujiwara Moe responded happily and walked quickly towards the sofa.

""Is it eleven o'clock? It's almost time to cook. What should I cook?"

After Fujiwara Moe left quickly, Shirogane Miyuki glanced at the clock on the wall and muttered to himself in annoyance.

Since returning to this anime world, the biggest headache for him every day is what to cook for lunch and dinner, not to mention that now there are two more people.

"I just bought some beef and vegetables from the supermarket, so I decided to make beef hot pot."

After thinking for a moment, Baiyin Yuxing's eyes lit up, and he immediately had an idea.


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