""Huh, I finally got off the train."

I got off the train at the stop near Shuchiin Academy.

Shirogane Miyuki looked at the time and saw that he was going to be late, so he ran quickly towards Shuchiin Academy.

With the speed of my 18 years of singleness in my previous life, I finally arrived at Shuchiin Academy within the stipulated time.

Shirogane Miyuki looked at this famous aristocratic school with curiosity.

The decoration of each building is unique, and no one is repeated, showing"I have money and I am willful." With a turn of his eyes, Shirogane Miyuki felt that this school was as big as several universities in his previous life before he even entered the school gate.

"It really deserves to be the number one aristocratic school in Japan!"

Shirogane Miyuki secretly exclaimed.

Shuchiin Academy is based in Minato-ku, Tokyo, and is a school from kindergarten to university. You can also transfer in mid-term, and the deviation value of the high school is around 77.

In the past, it was established as an institution to educate aristocrats and samurai families, and it is a prestigious school with a long history.

Even now that the aristocracy has been abolished, there are many people who were born in rich and famous families and will bear the fate of the country in the future.

Most of the students here have been studying here since elementary school.

It is rare for someone like Shirogane Miyuki to transfer in mid-term and become the student council president.

In addition to his excellent academic performance, the key to Shirogane Miyuki's election as the student council president is his outstanding leadership temperament.

As usual, Shirogane Miyuki attracted the attention of many people as soon as he entered the campus.

Shirogane Miyuki didn't care. He began to learn to enjoy the feeling of being the center of attention.

Since it can't be avoided, just enjoy it! This has been his life creed for many years.

""Hoo... Good morning, President!"

A pink-haired girl full of energy greeted him from behind.

"Good morning, Fujiwara-san.

Shirogane Miyuki looked in the direction of the voice and nodded politely.

"But President, why are you here so late today? Did something happen?"

Fujiwara Chika's voice came again.

"Nothing, I just slept late yesterday."

Baiyin Yuxing responded calmly, complaining in his heart that the original owner should not be so serious. It was only 8:30 and the class would start at 9 o'clock, and there was still half an hour before the official class.

How early should the original owner come? He is indeed the top student in Xiuzhi Academy!

The two walked and talked, and soon they arrived at the teaching building.

Because they were not in the same grade, they could only say goodbye first.

"Then, President, I will meet with the students at noon."

Fujiwara Chika said goodbye to Shirogane Miyuki with a smile on her face.

Then she skipped away, and soon Shirogane Miyuki could no longer see Fujiwara Chika.

"It's exactly like the character in the original novel!"

Shirogane Miyuki said with a smile as he walked.

He was looking forward to what it would be like when he met the ice-sculptured beauty, Kaguya Shinomiya!

Shirogane Miyuki walked and thought, and unknowingly walked to his class, Class A, Grade 2.

As soon as he entered the door, he heard classmates greeting him one after another, which showed that Shirogane Miyuki was quite popular.

Shirogane Miyuki nodded politely in response.

Shirogane Miyuki doesn't like being stared at by countless eyes during class, so he sits in an inconspicuous corner by the window. The reason why so many eyes are staring at him is that his class A in the second year of high school is more female than male. There are a total of 40 people in the class, and 30 of them are girls.

Shirogane Miyuki is an excellent student, handsome, and the president of the student council. His popularity in Shuchiin Academy has always been high.

When he sat in a conspicuous seat, there were always countless eyes staring at his back during class, which made the original owner very uncomfortable.

The original owner took the initiative to ask the teacher to change seats, and since then Shirogane Miyuki has been sitting by the window.

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