
The whole audience was shocked.

Everyone present was shocked by Baiyin Yuxing's words. He could not believe it. He was punishing most of the nobles in the imperial capital?

Who could believe it? You have to know that they were nobles! In the worldview of the common people, nobles were superior to them.

If the emperor of this empire had not given the order in person, they would not have believed it.

Among the guards who were maintaining order in the square, there was a cute young girl with a white puppy by her side. She looked at Baiyin Yuxing who was sitting on the throne on the stage, her eyes full of admiration.

【Is this the pinnacle of justice? Yes, this is absolutely the pinnacle of justice. This is the person who deserves my loyalty.

As a member of the Imperial Guard, how could she not know the evil deeds of these nobles? However, because the laws of the empire are completely to protect these nobles, she is also powerless.

"I didn't expect that the emperor really wanted to execute these disgusting nobles."

Najeshitan said thoughtfully.

"Isn't he afraid of rebellion from nobles in other parts of the empire?"

Marin said with a heavy heart.

"Since he decided to arrest Ernest's accomplices, he had no way out. Now he is just speeding up the process."

Leone, who had been silent all this time, sighed and said

""Do it."

After hearing Baiyin Yuxing's order, Oka ignored the nobles' wailing and said to the guards behind him.

Soon, the so-called capital punishment was presented in front of everyone.

The soldiers beside each noble took up the military swords at their waists and chopped at the nobles' necks.

The first cut was from above the neck, too close to the head; this cut only cut half of the neck.

The nobles' bodies fell on their backs to the left side of the stand, facing the sky, their legs and feet were shaking, and their hands were weakly raised.......

The soldiers chopped at his neck three or four more times, and finally cut off his head.

Because there were too many nobles to be beheaded, and there were only a few executioners in the imperial capital, Baiyin Yuxing had to ask the soldiers of the Imperial Guard to act as executioners.

Baiyin Yuxing had expected this situation to happen, or rather, he did it on purpose.

It made the"simple" death penalty beheading so cruel.

"The most direct beheading has become such a cruel punishment, I am afraid that guy did it on purpose."

Leone said with lingering fear.

Sitting on the throne, Baiyin Yuxing listened to the wailing of the group of people being executed. He ignored them and stood up and said lightly:"Everyone, for a better tomorrow for the empire, I decided to order Grand Duke Joly to amend the imperial law and formulate a law that makes everyone equal."

Of course everyone is equal, not including himself.

After hearing what Baiyin Yuxing said, everyone present was shocked again. What does it mean? Re-enact a code of equality for all? This completely subverted their worldview.

The three people who attacked at night were also shocked and speechless. Even though they claimed to be a revolutionary army liberated for the people, they had never thought of enacting a law of equality for all.

What a shocking statement to the world! What a subversive statement to the world!

In this world that is still in a feudal society, the class differentiation is obvious. The common people will never rebel against the nobles. No matter how the nobles bully the common people, the common people can only endure it silently. This is the limitation of the times.

When the common people only want to have their most basic right to survive, Baiyin Yuxing announced that he would amend the law and create a law that everyone is equal. To make the common people and the nobles equal to a certain extent is tantamount to a subversive blow to the identity of the nobles.

"In addition, I will hold the first civil and military competition in the empire in a month to select talents for me. Anyone has the right to participate. Those who perform well will be appointed as officials in the court and hold important positions."

"Remember, I mean that anyone is eligible to participate in the civil and military competition."

"I don't care about your birth, as long as your ability is good enough, you can enter the court as an official and become a superior person."

Baiyin Yuxing continued with a dignified face.


After hearing what Baiyin Yuxing said again, everyone had only one thought in their mind, that is, the whole empire was going to change.

All the civilians present cheered and called out to His Majesty the Emperor frantically. Even so, they could not suppress their excitement. This was the first time in a thousand years that the empire had the opportunity to allow civilians to serve as officials! The first law that made everyone equal.

The two good news for civilians added together meant double the happiness.

How could the civilians present not cheer and shout?

Amid the enthusiastic shouts of the civilians, the three Night Raiders couldn't help but want to shout along with them!

Is this empire really coming to an end?

At this moment, such an idea suddenly popped up in the minds of the three Night Raiders.

In a trance, they had the urge to serve His Majesty the Emperor and rebuild this empire that was heading towards its end.

"His Majesty, the Emperor is so courageous!"

"He is making an enemy of all the nobles in the world!"

Najesita looked at the Silver Royal sitting on the throne with a shocked face.

【Your Majesty, why didn't you reveal your purpose earlier?

Before joining the Revolutionary Army, Najeshita was a general of the Millennium Empire. When she went to the southwest border with Esdeath, she saw Esdeath massacring foreign people and the atrocities of his army. She felt deeply the darkness of the empire and joined the Revolutionary Army.

"Is this... Is this His Majesty the Emperor?"

Leone said excitedly.

She grew up in the slums of the imperial capital, Slam. She killed all the nobles because she couldn't stand the cruel game of riding horses and trampling children to death. Later, she joined the assassination unit Night Raid under the revolutionary army.

So she is the one who can best understand the excitement of the civilians at this moment.

【Your Majesty, why didn't you announce these two pieces of news that shocked the world earlier?

She said with some regret in her heart



Here I will answer a reader's question. My setting for Shiina Mashiro is Shirogane Miyuki. I have never watched"The Pet Girl of Sakurasou" in my previous life. I only know that Shiina Mashiro is very famous in the two-dimensional world and is a natural idiot.

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