"That's right, then you will be the one recruiting the revolutionary army members in Najeshitan, but you have to teach them a lesson first."

Shirogane Yuxing pondered for a moment and finally decided.

"As you command, I will do my best to surrender the rebels."

Najshita walked out from the team of civil officials with a complicated expression.

You know, three months ago, she was still a member of the revolutionary army, but the top leaders of the revolutionary army disappointed her so much that she abandoned the revolutionary army and joined the empire.

But it doesn't mean that she doesn't have any feelings for the revolutionary army. After all, she has been in the revolutionary army for so long and has deep feelings for a large part of the people in the revolutionary army.

But the deep feelings here are only relative. If they hinder the construction of the world in her heart where everyone can live and work in peace and contentment, she will have to kill them.

She will never show mercy, because she is such a woman who can abandon everything for justice!

Sitting on the throne, Shirogane Yuxing was thinking about which one of Esdeath and Budd should suppress the rebels. He looked at Esdeath's eager eyes, and then at Bud's calm eyes, and immediately made a decision in his heart."

"General Esdeath!"

Baiyin Yuxing said with dignity.

"I am here!"

Esdeath stepped forward from the crowd of generals and said

"I order you to lead an army of 100,000 plus an additional 10,000 Wushuang troops to suppress the rebels. This time I have no other requirements for you. All the high-ranking members of the rebel army and that disgusting group of nobles must be killed on the spot. As for the others, those who surrender will not be killed, and those who do not surrender will be killed!"

Baiyin Yuxing issued an indifferent order.

"I will obey your command and bring victory to your majesty."

When Esdeath heard about the 10,000 unrivaled troops, his eyes lit up and he said excitedly

"General Porus!"

"I am here!"

"I order you to lead the newly formed Burning Army to assist General Esdeath in suppressing the rebels. Let me see how terrifying this Burning Army is."

"" Your Majesty... Your Majesty obeys your command."

Porus said shyly. If a beautiful woman spoke so shyly in front of Baiyin Yuxing, it would be quite interesting, but for a muscular man like Porus, forget it. It made him want to vomit just by looking at him.

Baiyin Yuxing said calmly:"Then you two should go to the military camp to gather the troops now. You should set off this afternoon. I am waiting for your good news in the imperial capital.""


As soon as the voice fell, Esdeath and Porus walked directly out of the hall.

Baiyin Yuxing didn't care much about these rebels. If they hadn't jumped out now, Baiyin Yuxing planned to let him live a carefree life for a few months, but now that they have jumped out, he will just shoot them to death.

In short, these rebels are just a group of ants to the current empire, which can be destroyed by stepping on them a few times. Now that they are gathered together, it saves Baiyin Yuxing a lot of trouble.

Looking at the backs of the two people leaving, Baiyin Yuxing turned his gaze to the hall, and saw Lan who wanted to say something but didn't say it.

Baiyin Yuxing smiled and said to Lan:"My dear Lan, if you have anything to say, just tell me directly, I won't hide it like this."

"Your Majesty, isn't it a bit too little to suppress the large number of rebels with only a few hundred thousand troops?"

After hearing what Baiyin Yuxing said, Lan Cai reminded Baiyin Yuxing in a deep voice, and deliberately emphasized the large number of people.

"Not less at all, on the contrary, I feel it is a bit too much!"

Baiyin Yuxing smiled mysteriously when he heard Lan's worry.

As for why Lan thought that the force to suppress the rebels was not enough, of course it was because he didn't know about the existence of the generals' tools.

Baiyin Yuxing has not yet made this kind of generals' tools that can be mass-produced. Only a few people know about it. Even when he selected the most elite soldiers from all over the country, he just thought that he wanted to form an elite army.

You know, even four hundred years ago, the emperor at that time also tried to make imperial tools, but he could not surpass the previous weapons.

Therefore, the emperor regarded it as a shame, so he ridiculed these weapons as ministers' tools and sealed them up.

Moreover, these ministers' tools with extremely obvious negative effects cannot be mass-produced.

It is conceivable that with Dr.

It is amazing that the Royal Academy of Sciences, led by Shishang, has created a general weapon that can be mass-produced and is below the divine weapon of the ministerial weapon.

This is all the power of science.

In the eyes of Shirogane Miyuki, the greatest wealth in this world of Akameki : Killing Red Eyes is the dangerous species that are unique to this world.

You must know that the most powerful imperial weapon of a single human in this world is made with the body materials of dangerous species as the basis.

Dangerous species is a unified name given to them by the people of this world, meaning the most dangerous species to humans.

It can be said that the strongest in this world of Akameki : Killing Red Eyes has never been a human being, but those super dangerous species.

What is really scary is that some super dangerous species do not exist alone, but Have their own tribe.

For example, Esdeath's Teigu Demon God Manifestation (Devil's Essence) is actually the blood of a super dangerous species that is said to live in the Far North. How much blood does this dangerous species have?

You must know that Esdeath is the Demon God Manifestation·Devil's Essence, which has the power to resist millions of troops and freeze time and space. Although Esdeath's talent accounts for a large part of these powers, the most basic foundation of power is the Teigu Demon God Manifestation (Devil's Essence).

And the Teigu Demon God Manifestation (Devil's Essence) is the blood of a super dangerous species that is said to live in the Far North.

Does it mean that as long as we find a way to eliminate the evil thoughts of the blood of the super dangerous species that is said to live in the Far North, we can artificially produce them in large quantities? A strong man like Esdeath.

Let the scientists of the Royal Academy of Sciences use the knowledge that Shirogane Yuxing brought from modern society and use super dangerous species as materials. Is it possible to create weapons that far exceed the current 48 imperial weapons? The generals that are mass-produced now are a good example. They are made using the scientific knowledge of modern society and are made of very common ordinary dangerous species. Otherwise, they cannot be mass-produced.

So Shirogane Yuxing feels that his idea is completely feasible.

If it was not certain before, now Shirogane Yuxing can clearly show that with the unique advantages of this world, it will definitely surpass most of the technology in modern society in a few years.

"Really? Since His Majesty has said so, then there will be absolutely no problem."

Lan bowed and said, somewhat confused.

"You will know why I said this later, please leave."

Baiyin Yuxing waved his hand and said mysteriously.


Lan returned to the team of civil officials.

Baiyin Yuxing glanced at all the civil officials and military officers in the hall and said with a smile:

"Let's continue with the topic we just discussed."

"Regarding the land issue, do you have any opinions? If not, tomorrow all the land you hold will belong to the empire."

Hearing Baiyin Yuxing's words, everyone present looked bitter, but still forced themselves to smile and said:"I have no opinions, it's all up to your majesty." Do they dare to say no? Not long ago, several officials firmly disagreed, and then nothing happened. Now their bodies are still lying there quietly!

""Very good! Very good!"

Baiyin Yuxing's smile became even wider.

In order to make the empire develop faster and better, all the land must belong to the empire, so in order to make these guys hand over their respective land ownership, Baiyin Yuxing worked very hard, otherwise how could these guys hand over the land ownership like they did now?


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