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"Let me enjoy the power of understanding God's will with a non-God body."

【The system uses the Accelerator template to advance once.]

Shirogane Miyuki said to the system in his mind

"Ding, Accelerator template upgrade completed."

The next second after Shirogane Miyuki finished speaking to the system in his mind, he heard the notification that Accelerator template upgrade was completed.

"Accelerator has completed the upgrade, this is unscientific! After all, this is an absolute ability user who has advanced to the level of understanding the will of God with a non-God body, why is there no movement, I'm afraid he is a fake."

Shirogane Miyuki complained.

That being said, at the moment when Accelerator's template completed the upgrade, Shirogane Miyuki clearly felt that he could use vector manipulation without calculation, and if he used vector manipulation with all his strength now, he could destroy this world of Akame ga Kill in an instant.

"Is this the vector manipulation of the absolute ability level? It is really powerful! My next plan can proceed smoothly."

Baiyin Yuxing looked at the dimensional gate on the system panel, smiled slightly and muttered to himself.

After Baiyin Yuxing experienced the emperor's overwhelming power, he couldn't give up such a life. As the saying goes, it is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality.

When he saw the reward of the dimensional gate before, Baiyin Yuxing speculated that this was a gate to other worlds based on the literal meaning, and the result was as he expected.

After Baiyin Yuxing experienced the power of holding the world in his hands and sleeping on the lap of a beauty, an amazing idea came to his mind, that is, to establish a super empire covering multiple dimensions.

Of course, it was only speculated that the dimensional gate could go to other worlds before, but it was not certain.

The reason why Baiyin Yuxing developed the empire wholeheartedly was because he had such an idea in his mind.

Even if the dimensional gate is not what he thought at that time, he can obtain various items made by many Royal Academy of Sciences using dangerous species unique to this world, and he will not lose anything at all.

Now that he knows that the dimensional gate is what he thought, he is more determined to build a super empire covering multiple dimensions.

"But this kind of thing can't be done in time, let's extract the growth template first!"

Baiyin Yuxing muttered to himself

"The system extracts the growth template, limited to the emperor."

Baiyin Yuxing said to the system in his mind. If it was before, he might not know what type of character template to choose, but now he has decided to build a super empire covering multiple dimensions, so naturally he will choose the emperor character template.

"Ding... Extract the emperor-like characters...

Familiar scenes flashed through Baiyin Yuxing's mind one by one...

Finally... a man in his early twenties, wearing a golden dragon robe, holding a golden sword in his hand, and with an emperor-like domineering aura, gradually appeared in front of Baiyin Yuxing.

"This is……"Baiyin Yuxing looked at the mighty and domineering young emperor who appeared in his mind, and had no idea where he came from. The characters drawn in the previous two times had very obvious features, and they could be recognized at a glance.

However, even if he didn't know the origin of the mighty and domineering young emperor, Baiyin Yuxing could feel the domineering aura that all things in the world would submit to just from his figure.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for drawing the top growth template... Holy Heavenly Emperor One.

Holy Heavenly Emperor One: A traverser who traveled from the earth to a large world, relying on his own strong perseverance and extraordinary wisdom to rise from obscurity, established the Great Saint Heaven and ruled that large world for several epochs.

"I have never heard of this character, and there must be some powerful people in the universe that I have never heard of."

"But looking at the character introduction, this guy is also from Earth, although it may not be the same Earth, anyway, it is really predestined!"

Baiyin Yuxing looked at the mighty and domineering Saint Tiandi Diyi in his mind, and murmured to himself with some envy.

Suddenly, a very mysterious martial arts book"Nine Heavens Emperor Record" came into his mind. With the help of the system, Baiyin Yuxing clearly understood some of the most basic spells in the"Nine Heavens Emperor Record".

"《"Nine Heavens Emperor Records" The supreme method of the emperor's way, if you want to truly practice it, do you need to use the Yun Dynasty as a supplement? It's exactly what I want!"

Baiyin Yuxing has already obtained the important inheritance of the Holy Heavenly Emperor,"Nine Heavens Emperor Records", and has comprehended the most basic part with the help of the system.

In addition to the supreme method of the emperor's way,"Nine Heavens Emperor Records", it also comes with a part about the Yun Dynasty.

Yun Dynasty is also divided into levels, starting from the lowest dynasty, and then the imperial dynasty, imperial dynasty, heavenly dynasty, fairy court, holy court, and heavenly court.

"But let's not talk about other things first, let me see how powerful this"Nine Heavens Emperor Record" is!"

Baiyin Yuxing regained his mind, immediately sat cross-legged on the dragon bed, and began to practice the"Nine Heavens Emperor Record" for the first time.

As Baiyin Yuxing began to practice the"Nine Heavens Emperor Record", his whole body suddenly emitted a golden light, and the power of the emperor rippled all over his body.

At this moment, in every place under the rule of the empire and every heart toward the empire, countless golden light spots that ordinary people cannot see gathered above the imperial palace at the speed of light.

In the bedroom, above the head of Baiyin Yuxing who was sitting cross-legged, a domineering golden dragon suddenly appeared out of thin air.


A golden dragon was flying in the sky above the imperial capital. It suddenly roared, and its might shocked the whole world, emitting a breathtaking aura.

All the people of the empire looked at the mighty golden dragon, and felt a sense of intimacy, and also felt an inviolable, emperor-like noble pressure.

"That’s the direction of the imperial palace, auspicious sign from heaven!"

"Your Majesty is definitely the emperor, and our lives will definitely get better and better."

"Your Majesty is indeed a true dragon descended from the earth. Under your leadership, the empire will surely surpass its former glory."

No matter which world it is, in ancient times, people were most reverent to ghosts and gods. In the eyes of many people, the vision of the golden dragon was more like a sign from heaven that Baiyin Yuxing, the emperor, was destined to be the emperor.

All the people of the empire fell to the ground, kneeling with reverence to the golden dragon that was the empire's national destiny.


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