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"You mean all your friends are singles?"

Shirogane Yuxing asked in surprise. In this school where the ratio of men to women is 1:2, all the friends he knows are those who have never been in a relationship. How bad is this guy's popularity?

"That's it……"

Uemura Shizuki said a little embarrassedly. At first, he did go to his friends to ask for advice, but who knew that all his good friends were singles, and some of them had never been in a relationship since they were born.

If he listened to the advice of these singles and pursued the goddess that made his heart beat, he would be completely out of luck in just one round. In desperation, he had to ask the president, who was rumored to be experienced in love, for advice on this important matter that would affect his future happiness.

"So I thought that the president, who has been through a lot in the love field, would definitely be able to give me some good advice."

Uemura Shizuki looked at Shirogane Yuxing with a pleading look.

"Really? Then let me hear your love problems."

After hearing what Uemura Shizuki said, Shirogane Yuxing raised his eyebrows and smiled slightly.

【What the hell? I have been through a lot in the love field, when did I give others this impression?】

Whether it is the original owner or the current him, he has zero experience in dating. Although many beautiful girls like him, he is still a virgin.

After taking a breath, Uemura Shizuki seemed to think for a while before saying

"I fell in love with a girl in my class and wanted to confess my love to her, but I was afraid that she might reject me.……"

"Should I wait until my relationship with her gets better, then I can confess my feelings to her."

Uemura Shizuki said with a blushing face.

"Then let me ask you by the way, do you have any connection with that girl?"

Baiyin Yuxing thought for a while and said in a deep voice. He felt that this scene was inexplicably familiar, as if it had happened in the original plot.

"I... I was her deskmate for a semester, does that count?"

Uemura Shizuki whispered

"So how is your relationship?"

Baiyin Yuxing continued to ask

"I can only talk to her."

Uemura Shizuki said somewhat unconfidently.

"Is that so? You should have heard of the suspension bridge effect, right?"

Baiyin Yuxing smiled and said softly. In order to quickly solve this problem, he chose the most direct and effective way.

"Suspension bridge effect? "

Uemura Jingxue was somewhat puzzled when she heard what Baiyin Yuxing said.

"Well, the suspension bridge effect refers to the fact that when a person crosses a suspension bridge with trepidation, his heart rate will involuntarily speed up."

"If he happens to meet another person at this time, he will mistakenly interpret the accelerated heartbeat caused by this situation as a physiological reaction caused by the other person making his heart beat faster, and thus develop feelings of love for the other person."

Baiyin Yuxing raised his eyebrows and whispered to explain the confusion.

"Just like this, she was suddenly cornered, with no way to escape."

"In this way, because the bodies of both parties are close, the girl will inevitably be very shy, which will greatly increase the chances of a successful confession."

Baiyin Yuxing leaned against the wall of the corridor with both hands, imitating the scene and said

"Thank you, thanks to you, I have the confidence to confess to the girl who makes my heart beat."

Uemura Shizuki's face was full of excitement, as if she could definitely catch up with the goddess who made her heart beat as long as she followed the method that Shirogane Miyuki said.

"As expected of the president who has dealt with Senior Shinomiya."

Uemura Shizuyuki looked at Shirogane Miyuki with admiration and continued.

After hearing what Uemura Shizuyuki said, Shirogane Miyuki did not show any emotion, but said calmly. After all, rumors about him and Shinomiya Kaguya had been flying all over the Shuchiin Academy.

"Don't be happy too early. Even if your confession is successful, it is just because of the suspension bridge effect, which makes the girl's heart beat faster, making her think that it is love, and she will accept your confession without knowing it."

"After a period of calm thinking, the girl will realize that it was not a heart-throb. If you don't make her like you during this period, your relationship with her will only become more and more distant."

"So, all of this can only rely on your own efforts."

In order to prevent this guy called Kamimura Jingxue from bothering him again in the future, Baiyin Yuxing planned to explain the advantages and disadvantages of the suspension bridge effect to him clearly and solve this matter once and for all.

"President, how can I make Jingjing really like me?"

After hearing what Baiyin Yuxing said clearly, Shangcun Jingxue's excited face froze instantly.

"Do you really like that girl?"

Shirogane Yuxing looked at Uemura Shizuki quietly, his face suddenly becoming a little serious.

"I like Jingjing from the bottom of my heart. She is the first and last girl who touched my heart."

Uemura Jingxue nodded firmly without any hesitation.

"Since you like that girl so much, you should pay more attention to her during the time she accepts your confession and let her see your strengths."

After a pause, Baiyin Yuxing continued

"But you should not deliberately show your strengths in front of that girl, which will only make her think you are artificial. You should show your strengths naturally."

""Hmm, hmm, hmm, so that's how it is!"

Hearing what Shirogane Yuxing said, Kamimura Shizue nodded repeatedly, and suddenly understood something in her mind, and kept the president's suggestion firmly in her mind.

Although Shirogane Yuxing has not had many relationships, he has seen pigs run even if he has not eaten pork.

Even a man who has never experienced any relationship can put forward quite constructive opinions with his many years of experience, because this is equivalent to an accumulation of years.

As a time traveler, he has the experience of two full lifetimes. With that amazing experience, he can naturally give some advice to Kamimura Shizue on her love issues.


Dear masters, I beg for flowers, collections, monthly tickets, rewards, and subscriptions!

I have finished Slashing Red Eyes and returned to the daily world to show off. Please support me.

Dear masters, I am thinking about whether to add any new anime characters to this book. Please give me some advice.

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