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Hearing the threatening words of this violent teacher, most of the people present spat and responded in unison.

Some of them have deeply experienced the consequences of violating the classroom discipline set by this violent teacher.

Shirogane Miyuki looked at Shiina Mashiro who seemed to have not heard Hiratsuka Shizuka's almost threatening words, and was still painting by herself, not moved at all.

"Mashiro, didn't you hear what Mr. Hiratsuka said? Don't draw anymore. When the class is over, you can draw whatever you want."

Shirogane Miyuki reached out and patted Shiina Mashiro's shoulder, and said softly to this innocent girl.

This violent female teacher doesn't care whether you are a man or a woman. As long as you violate her class rules, you will be beaten up. It's just a matter of how many problems you have. Many female students suffer from it.

""Okay, you're back!"

Shiina Mashiro slowly raised her head and stared blankly at Shirogane Miyuki who had just taken a photo of her. Her originally expressionless face showed a slight fluctuation, and she said in a silly and cute way.

"You just realized I was here?"

Looking at the cute Shiina Mashiro, Shirogane Miyuki was inexplicably moved and a little moved, then he smiled helplessly and said


Shiina Mashiro nodded seriously, looking at Shirogane Miyuki with a puzzled look, as if asking when did you come back?

"I came back a long time ago, but you were so focused on painting that you didn't notice."

Shirogane Miyuki said softly, with a funny look in his eyes, touching Shiina Mashiro's soft hair.

"Okay, stop drawing and take out your Chinese textbooks for class."

Shirogane Miyuki said as he glanced at Hiratsuka Shizuka who had already started teaching.

Hearing Shirogane Miyuki's words, Shiina Mashiro didn't say anything this time, but just nodded expressionlessly, then put the drawing tools on the desk into the drawer and took out the Chinese textbook.

"Very good, I'll buy you a Baumkuchen when I get home later."

Shirogane Miyuki smiled with satisfaction when he saw Shiina Mashiro listening to him so well. For some reason, Mashiro became more dependent on him than before after he came back, so she listened to him very much.

With the ringing of the bell, Hiratsuka Shizuka's Chinese class officially ended.

"Class is over."

Shizuka Hiratsuka said with an unhappy look on her face, as if she was unhappy because the class was not satisfying enough.

To be fair, Shizuka Hiratsuka is a very good teacher. She is rigorous in teaching and cares about her students very much, so she spontaneously took on the role of life guidance teacher.

After Shizuka Hiratsuka, the violent female teacher, came to teach the classroom, the atmosphere of the whole classroom suddenly became relaxed.

The boys went to the toilet in groups. Anyway, Shirogane Miyuki didn't understand why a group of grown men went to the toilet in groups.

The vast majority of girls continued to gossip, and a few students were good students, immersed in the ocean of knowledge, and were not affected by the noisy environment outside.

Originally, a beautiful transfer student like Satsuki Nakano should have a group of people asking questions after class. Who told her to be arranged by Shizuka Hiratsuka, the violent teacher, to be around Shirogane Miyuki, the male god in the minds of most girls in Shuchiin Academy!

"Let's go buy a bottle of drink."

After a whole class, Shirogane Miyuki felt a little thirsty, so he stood up and prepared to buy a bottle of drink from the vending machine outside the teaching building.

He glanced at Shiina Mashiro who was concentrating on painting since the class was over, and sighed in his heart.

【As expected of a talented painter who has been painting since childhood.】

This time, Shirogane Yuxing did not intend to disturb this innocent girl. He gently stood up and walked out of the classroom slowly.

Many flowers were planted in the flowerbed in front of the teaching building. Red, purple, pink, green, yellow, and white, all kinds of colors were mixed together, colorful, adding a bit of vitality to this beautiful campus.

Looking at this beautiful scenery, even Shirogane Yuxing was in a good mood.

When he came to the vending machine, he found someone who made him feel familiar standing there quietly, not knowing what he was doing.

Shirogane Yuxing walked up with some curiosity and saw Nakano Miku, who was still wearing blue headphones around her neck, looking at the vending machine in front of her with an angry look.

Seeing this scene, Shirogane Yuxing knew without thinking that this was definitely the vending machine that swallowed Nakano Miku's money.

At this time, Shirogane Miyuki inexplicably thought that if Misaka Mikoto's money was swallowed by the vending machine, she would use the"Secret of Tokiwadai Middle School, Grandma-style 45-degree oblique attack mechanical maintenance method" to get a free drink, instead of standing there like Nakano Miku. Shirogane

Miyuki took a few steps forward, a gentle smile on his face and whispered

""Mr. Nakano, I didn't expect to see you again so soon. Did this vending machine swallow the money you put in?"

Upon hearing the familiar voice of Shirogane Miyuki, Nakano Miku turned around and stared at him for a while with her big blue eyes full of resentment, then nodded and said softly.

"Good afternoon, President."

"Um, is this vending machine broken?"

Shirogane Miyuki, whose guess was confirmed by Nakano Miku, smiled slightly and said in a sympathetic tone.

"This vending machine shouldn't spit out money like you did, otherwise it would have been replaced by the school long ago."

"This happened the first time you used this rice vending machine, so Nakano-san, you are definitely an African."

Mr. Nakano asked in a tone of doubt and resentment.


Shirogane Miyuki looked at Nakano Miku with a playful look before explaining.

"It means that your luck is very bad."

After hearing Shirogane Miyuki's explanation, a shadow suddenly covered Nakano Miku's body, and her expression looked a little depressed.


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