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"Wait for me!"

Seeing that Shirogane Miyuki left with Shiina Mashiro without waiting for her, Nakano Satsuki had no choice but to chase after them.


There was no conversation along the way.

Shirogane Yuxing and the other two went directly to the school library. After showing their student ID cards to the librarian, the three of them came to the study room on the third floor of the library.

There were only a few people in the study room at this time. The education here in Japan is different from that in China. It implements a"relaxed" education. There is no so-called morning self-study and evening self-study. The school time is before 8:30 in the morning and the school is over before 4 in the afternoon.

All time outside of class is at your disposal. If you want to join a club, join the club. If you want to work outside the school to earn some pocket money, go to work.

There is no tutoring in the summer vacation. If you fail the exam and need to take a make-up exam, it is another matter. In case there are students who aim to go to good universities such as the University of Tokyo and Waseda University, they will go to private schools for tutoring during the holidays. Of course, such things will never happen among the students of Shuchiin Academy.

All the students in Shuchiin Academy are either geniuses or have rich and powerful families. Naturally, they will not go to private schools for tutoring. The most important point is that Shuchiin Academy is a school that covers kindergarten to university. The university department of Shuchiin Academy can be regarded as a top university in the world. It is not inferior to Tokyo University and Waseda University, and even slightly surpasses them.

It can be said that students who enter Shuchiin Academy are equivalent to getting a stable job. As long as they can ensure that they are not fired by the school, they can be promoted to the top university that most students envy. Naturally, they will not do such a thankless task.

This is also one of the reasons why so many powerful people want to send their children to Shuchiin Academy no matter what. Of course, the main reason is the energy and connections that Shuchiin Academy itself has.

In all modern societies, you can be without money, but you must have strong connections. Otherwise, no matter how capable and rich you are, it will be useless because it only takes a few minutes for others to bring you down. And in Shuchiin Academy, which is home to many children of nobles and geniuses in various fields, there is no need to explain how powerful the connections are!

"President, where should I start?"

Satsuki Nakano sat upright on the stool opposite to Shirogane Miyuki, her eyes full of anticipation for the next study. This is definitely the type of student that all teachers like the most.

Because students with this kind of attitude and expectations for learning generally have good academic performance, but who knew that there would be a serious student like Satsuki Nakano.

Mashiro Shiina sat next to Shirogane Miyuki, watching this scene with a silly look on her face.

"It's a very simple question. We learn what we don't understand."

"This is a test paper from a previous exam. Write it down and let me see what level you are at."

Baiyin Yuxing looked at the expectant girl, took out the test paper, and said softly,

"If you don't know how to do it, just skip it. Don't force yourself. Just do your best to write it."After thinking for a while, Shirogane Yuki continued to ask Nakano Satsuki in order not to waste extra time.

"Got it!"

Nakano Satsuki took the test paper handed over by Shirogane Miyuki and said excitedly. He took out a pen from somewhere, sat up straight, and began to do the questions seriously.

"Mashiro, do you want me to find an interesting comic book for you to read? It's also a good opportunity to see how others draw interesting comics!"

Shirogane Miyuki took his eyes off Nakano Satsuki and said to Shiina Mashiro who was standing beside him with a silly look on his face.


Upon hearing the word"comic", Shiina Mashiro's eyes lit up, and she nodded and said"hmm" softly.

The types of books in the Shuchiin Academy Library are very diverse. Not only do they have various famous works, learning materials, etc., but they also have various well-known light novels and comics.

After finding the comic for Shiina Mashiro, Shirogane Miyuki took a copy of"The Prince" and read it attentively.

After about an hour, Shirogane Miyuki put down"The Prince" in his hand, glanced at Nakano Satsuki opposite her, and saw that she was sitting there with a pen in her hand, motionless. Obviously, she had encountered some unsolvable problem and felt a little bit at a loss as to where to start.

"How did you do?"

Shirogane Miyuki sighed helplessly when he saw this scene.

You know, this test paper is the easiest one in Shuchiin Academy in many years.

Except for five or six difficult questions, the rest are the most basic questions.

If you don't do those difficult questions, it usually only takes half an hour to finish them all.

That's why Shirogane Miyuki asked Nakano Satsuki to skip all the questions he couldn't do.

He didn't expect that he spent twice as much time as the average person and still couldn't finish it.

How could this not make him, the student council president, sigh helplessly?

"Alas, I have only done half of it now. President, give me some more time, I promise I can finish it all."

After hearing Baiyin Yuxing's question, Nakano Mayu came back to his senses and whispered to him with a pleading look.

"It takes one hour to take this test, and now exactly one hour has passed, so please hand in your paper immediately."

Baiyin Yuxing ignored the pleading look in Nakano Mayu's eyes, pointed to the big alarm clock in the study room on the third floor of the library, and said in a serious tone:

"You didn't say there was a time limit for writing this test paper."

Hearing Shirogane Yuki's serious tone, Nakano Satsuki involuntarily handed him the unwritten test paper, and then reacted and said unconvincedly.

Shirogane Yuki seemed not to have heard Nakano Satsuki's unconvinced words. After taking the test paper she had just written, he started to read it without doing anything else.

The more Shirogane Yuki read, the more confused he felt. Most of this test paper was some very basic easy-to-score questions, and he took twice as long as the average person, so why did he get all of them wrong?


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