"What a good thing, this palace beehive, a palace of 1,000 square meters? And it looks like a three-story golden palace, how many bees can live in it? It's quite interesting that there are such props. However, this palace looks a bit special, it's not made of gold, but looks like a palace made of beeswax and mud."Su Yu thought to himself as he looked at the style of the palace in the backpack.

I don't know how big this palace will be when it is released, I'd better deal with the queen bee first.

Looking at the queen bee that was knocked unconscious in his hand, he used the power of life to heal it in order to prevent this guy from dying.

Under the influence of the power of life, the queen bee in his hand soon flew up again.

After flying up again, it flew around Su Yu.

"Come here." Su Yu said, and the queen bee immediately fell into Su Yu's hands.

When he came outside, Su Yu took out the super manor and walked slowly into the plantation.

When he came inside, he found that the plantation was also sunny. Su Yu opened his hand and the Jade Flower Queen Bee flew up.

"Come with me, little guy. I'm looking forward to what kind of nectar you can make. I'll give you a better place to live."Su Yu said as he walked towards the sea of flowers where he had planted flowers before.

Buzz, buzz, buzz.

The Jade Flower Queen Bee followed Su Yu to the sea of flowers where he had planted flowers before. Su Yu walked to an open space and released the palace hive.

Looking at this hive that was reduced countless times and looked like a small wooden house, Su Yu took a look and his mouth twitched. Looking at the palace that looked like an exquisite model, Su Yu waved his hand and used his life force to create a wooden platform.

Then put the palace hive on it, which looked more beautiful. Although it wouldn't rain here, it wouldn't look good if it was placed directly on the ground.

After handling it, Su Yu pointed to the palace hive in front of him:"Go, this hive belongs to you."

Buzz, buzz."

The Jade Flower Queen Bee flapped its wings excitedly and rushed into the hive. Looking at the situation inside the hive, its eyes glowed with gold. This was definitely the most beautiful hive it had ever seen. It was even more beautiful than the hive it originally lived in, and it was also very large.

Seeing the Jade Flower Bee fly in, Su Yu's mouth curled up. This ability that gave bees a certain amount of wisdom was really interesting. I wonder what its function was.

After taking a look, Su Yu took out the Flower Treasure Bag and opened it.

【Successfully opened the flower treasure bag】

【Get Good Morning Rose Seed X1】

【Get 1 fragrant chrysanthemum seed】


A series of prompts sounded, Su Yu squinted his eyes and listened to the prompts silently, and waited until the prompts disappeared.

Su Yu began to check the seeds of various flowers, and the strange and bizarre flower seeds filled a lot of space in his backpack.

Buzz, buzz, buzz.

After turning around, just when he was about to run out to collect some honey, he saw the flying toffee bees. The Jade Flower Queen Bee flew to Su Yu's side and looked at Su Yu who was in a daze.

"Go play, don't disturb me." Su Yu waved and the Jade Flower Queen Bee flew over and immediately turned and flew to the surrounding flowers to look for delicious nectar. Although the new home was big, the honey it originally stored was gone, and it needed to collect some pollen as food.

"They are all low-level flowers, but there is still something to gain."

Su Yu looked at the seeds in his hand, three Good Morning Rose seeds, ten Nurse Tulip seeds, five Medical Lily seeds, and six Pure Heart Chrysanthemum seeds. These four are precious flower seeds with a capture level of more than 40.

The most precious is a Corona Sunflower seed.

Looking at the seeds with golden light flowing in his hand, the Corona Sunflower seeds are the plants that appeared in the movie.

Just drinking a drop of Corona Sunflower dew made A Lu go berserk. Although there are exaggerations in the movie, the Corona Sunflower seeds are indeed extraordinary and can be used to suppress the Flame Wolf Dragon. It is indeed a plant unique to the food world.

Looking at this Corona Sunflower seed, information appeared.

【Corona sunflower seeds】

【Capture Level: 288】

【Ingredients: Sunflowers absorb solar energy and convert it into delicious flower dew and seeds. As more solar energy is stored, the more precious the corona sunflower becomes.】

"Can the power of the sun be absorbed through this corona sunflower? It's really interesting, but the capture level is 288, which is indeed a food ingredient from the gourmet world."Su Yu looked at the information of the seed in his hand.

He swallowed his saliva and looked at the information. He really wanted to eat the melon seeds. He could feel that eating the melon seeds could bring him a great improvement.

However, thinking of the preciousness of the corona sunflower, Su Yu still endured it. Planting it is always more valuable than eating it. From a long-term perspective, it is better to plant the corona sunflower. If you endure it for a while, if you eat it later, you can improve your strength more, just as a long-term investment.

Find a place where there is more sunlight and plant the seeds of this corona sunflower.

Catalyze the life force, and the corona sunflower in front of you will soon sprout a tender seedling from the ground.

"It's not difficult to catalyze these plants."Su Yu looked at the young seedlings of the Corona Sunflower that appeared in front of him.

【Corona sunflower (young seedling)】

【Capture level: 1] (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Ingredients: Sunflowers absorb solar energy and convert it into delicious flower dew and seeds. As more solar energy is stored, the more precious the corona sunflower becomes.】

"The capture level is only 1? It seems that we have to wait for it to grow up."After Su Yu took a look, he immediately stood up and left.

He found the farming white rabbit and prepared to let the farming white rabbit take the remaining ordinary flower seeds to plant.

After planting, there is no need to make wine in the future. There are various white wine flowers, red wine flowers, hops, champagne flowers, whiskey flowers, and a large number of hops. If you need wine in the future, just come here to get it. The capture level of this type of hops is all at level 20.

It is more advanced than the wine brewed with sweet rice now. After it is cultivated, you can come here to collect these wines.

However, planting so many seeds is a big project, so let the farming white rabbit handle it.

After sorting all the seeds, give them to the farming white rabbits and let them take the seeds to plant.

Su Yu continued to check the seeds of several flowers in his hand. These flowers are strictly speaking medicinal flowers. 753 [Good morning rose seeds】

【Capture Level: 49】

【Ingredients: Roses bloom in the morning and wither in the evening. Grinding the fallen rose petals can make a scented tea that helps you sleep, speeds up your recovery, and heals injuries.】

【Nurse tulip seeds】

【Capture Level: 45】

【Ingredients: A giant tulip that blooms like a recliner. Its scent can help you sleep and relieve pain, and it can also heal the target's injuries.】

【Medicinal lily seeds】[]

【Capture Level: 41】

【Ingredients: Special lily with a medicinal effect hundreds of times stronger than ordinary lily, can moisten the lungs and relieve cough, clear away heat, calm the nerves and other effects】

【Chrysanthemum seeds】

【Capture Level: 43】

【Ingredients: Chrysanthemum has the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying. It can be used to make tea to relieve dryness and heat. It can be used in hot areas to eliminate overheating in the body.】

"They are all medicinal flowers, so they can be planted in the medicine garden.

Wait, the jade bees can make honey from various flowers, so they can be placed here.

Maybe they can make more delicious honey, and eating pollen is also good for the growth of these bees.

"Su Yu thought about it and walked to the spacious open space on the side.

Plant all the flower seeds in your hand, just plant them here.

As advanced flowers, the planting intervals are also divided a little farther.

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