After waking up, Su Yu immediately washed up and went outside to eat and drink.

"The meat is so soft that it melts in your mouth. Not bad, not bad. Just swallow it with the soup. It saves time."After eating a large bowl, Su Yu began to eat the rich boiled meat without hesitation. After eating and drinking, he watched the sun rise.

He put down the props, packed up, and picked up the equipment to ambush the place where he encountered the Hankri bird yesterday.

When he arrived at the territory of the roasted whole pigs, he slowed down and observed, and found that the roasted whole pigs were gathered around the barbecue tree to rest.

Su Yu shook his head and went around. This was a good way to save trouble for the roasted whole pigs. As for coming back from hunting, he had to go around from the other side.

In order to avoid being beaten by the roasted whole pigs and robbing the food, although he was not afraid, it would be a waste to kill too many and not be able to eat them all.

After walking over, Su Yu immediately found a good place, hid on the branches of a big tree, and waited for the Hankri bird to appear.

"The sunrise was nice, but I didn't see any Hankri birds. I guess I'll have to wait for a while.��I waited in the sky until the sun rose high in the sky, and finally the long-awaited Hankila bird appeared in the sky.

"It's finally here. It seems to be looking for a target in the air?" Looking at the huge black shadow in the sky looking for a target in the sky.

Su Yu took a deep breath and took out his bow and arrows, ready to attack at any time.

As long as the Hankrila bird enters the range, it can be killed in seconds.

Observing the situation of the Hankrila bird, he found that the Hankrila bird soon flew to the high sky nearby and hovered in search of prey.

After turning around, it flew towards Su Yu. Su Yu narrowed his eyes.

Watching the Hankrila bird quickly fly over the sky and fly to the territory of the roasted whole pig.

Immediately put away the bow and arrow, and chased after it quickly.

Chasing to the territory of the roasted whole pig, feeling the strong wind blowing from the sky.

Su Yu braved the strong wind He walked over and looked at the situation in the sky from the bushes. Under the strong wind, many of the roasted whole pigs were blown away by the Hankrila Bird.

Only a few were struggling to hold on, and when the Hankrila Bird saw that the time was right, it roared and prepared to fly down to hunt.

Su Yu looked at the strong wind and stopped pulling the bow quickly, waiting, and at the moment when the Hankrila Bird fell to catch a roasted whole pig.

Whoosh, a horrible sound of breaking wind whistled past, blowing his hair, and a huge arrow flew over and pierced the head of the Hankrila Bird in an instant.

The Hankrila Bird didn't even have time to make a sound, and let go of the roasted whole pig and its body fell over, instantly crushing the roasted whole pig underneath.

"Perfect!!"Su Yu looked ahead excitedly, not caring about the other roasted whole pigs, and immediately put away his bow and arrow, picked up the bone spear and ran over. The roasted whole pigs that heard the noise looked at Su Yu and roared and retreated. The beastly aura emanating from this man made them retreat in fear.

"Eh, retreated? Strange."Su Yu scratched his head in confusion as he watched the roasted whole pigs retreat and turn around to run away. He had already taken his bone spear and was ready to fight these roasted whole pigs.

He didn't expect these guys to retreat. They were quite smart.

Seeing the roasted whole pigs retreating, he was too lazy to catch them. He couldn't eat them all if he caught too many.

He checked the situation of the Hankrila bird and found that the Hankrila bird had no breath.

Su Yu took out the arrow and looked at the intact arrowhead.

"Such arrows are really good. How come people in this world only pay attention to the delicacies and don’t pay attention to the materials on these delicacies? If they were placed in the world of Monster Hunter, not to mention the meat, the whole body can be used as materials."Su Yu smiled and turned the Hankri bird over.

After turning the Hankri bird over.

Su Yu looked at the roasted whole pig pressed underneath,"What a pitiful roasted whole pig, it was used as a scapegoat."

Looking at the dense wounds on the roasted whole pig's body, it is obvious that the feathers of the Hankri bird are not only hard but also very sharp.

It directly pierced the back of the roasted whole pig.

"It's still edible, let's take it back together." After taking a look, Su Yu dragged the two ingredients away.

It was obvious that this place was not only the territory of roasted whole pigs, but also one of the hunting grounds of Hankri'la birds.

It was definitely not safe to eat here. Maybe it would be troublesome if Hankri'la birds came to hunt again.

After dragging the two prey away from here, Su Yu began to check the prompts.

【Complete the mission to hunt the Hankrila bird and get the reward: Eagle Vision】

【Eagle Vision lv1: This skill can improve vision by 100%, and also enable night vision, reducing the effect of night vision on vision by 10%.%】

【Proficiency: 0/1000】

【Skill introduction: You can get proficiency improvement by using it】

"Interesting ability, it actually improves eyesight. I need to check the effect of the ability when I get back."After checking the effect, I thought about it and continued to work hard.

"When will I get a space prop? Do I have to drag things like this every time to exercise my strength?"With a helpless smile, he dragged the two giant beasts back to the camp with great effort. If he found any wood that was in the way along the way, he had to stop and chop it down. It was really troublesome to transport these ingredients.

Especially giant birds like the Hankri bird, which were too heavy. Even if he dragged it, he felt very tired.

It was not that he was not strong enough now, but that the tonnage of the Hankri bird was too high.

After dragging the two giant beasts back to the camp with great effort and setting up the equipment, Su Yu sat down on the spot to rest

"This kind of work is so tiring, it feels like towing an airplane."Su Yu rubbed his head with a headache. Dragging it back is one thing, and looking at the ingredients in front of him is another.

Looking at the huge Hankrila bird with sharp feathers of steel, he shook his head and walked to the side to boil hot water to help pluck the feathers later. In order to reduce the damage caused by the feathers to the opponent, Su Yu used the bear skin to make a pair of bear skin gloves.

After preparing the bear skin gloves, he walked back to the wooden house and took out some fruits to eat and replenish his physical strength.

It was too tiring to drag the Hankrila bird and the roasted whole pig back. It was almost like practicing asceticism. The roasted whole pig did not make him feel too heavy.

It was just that the Hankrila bird was incredibly heavy. It was estimated that the steel feathers added a lot of weight to it. Of course, its body was big enough that one claw could grab a roasted whole pig.

This Hankrila bird could probably be eaten for about two days.

Su Yu looked at the roasted whole pig on the side again, storing There is enough food, enough to last for a long time.

After eating some fruits to replenish his energy, he put on gloves and started to deal with the Hankrila bird.

He plucked the feathers of the Hankrila bird one by one, and the feathers that looked like scales were taken off.

He took these feathers off and put them aside. The corners were very sharp and the material was very hard.

It was enough to help the Hankrila bird resist most attacks.

The body was covered with scaly feathers like heavy armor, while the feathers on the wings were feathers with a metallic luster.

They looked like bird feathers but were very sharp.

It took nearly two hours to deal with the feathers. After he was done, he looked at a pile of scaly feathers and a pile of feathers shining with a metallic luster.

These materials can still be used. Scales are like metals, but you have no use for them now.

If there is a furnace, these scales can be melted to make better weapons, or even armor.

Of course, the best use is the bird's beak and claws as materials for weapons.

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