He woke up early the next morning and had a delicious boiled Hankri bird meal.

After eating and drinking, he looked at the piles of meat hanging on the trees around him. It was too rich.

He was afraid of being spotted by other creatures. However, if the meal was delivered to his door, he didn't mind catching more.

"After eating and drinking, let's improve the bear skin clothes and then go to do the mission."Su Yu scratched his head and looked at the current task.

After checking, he walked aside and began to cut the dried bear skin of the horned bear to make a set of protective clothing to wrap himself tightly. He wrapped a layer of bear skin of the horned bear everywhere on his body, and made a bear skin mask on his face. It can be said that it is a protective suit armed to the teeth.

Except for the eyes, all other parts are blocked.

As for the eyes, just process them and make some transparent film as protection. It will be a little blurry to see things, but it will not affect too much, as long as you can see things.

After preparation, Su Yu walked towards the garden where the toffee bees live.

"No one-horned bear came today, which is good."Listening to the buzzing sound, Su Yu walked over slowly and found a beehive and started working.

The act of dismantling the beehive immediately angered a group of toffee bees, and a group of toffee bees immediately flew over to sting the mysterious bear man.

"As expected, the skin is thick and the flesh is thick. I don't feel stung at all, but it's really hot to wear this and feel like wearing a puppet costume. I'd better finish the task quickly."Squinting his eyes, he quickly took out the honey and put it in the prepared basket.

This kind of beeswax-like honeycomb will not melt quickly, so it's best.

He was quickly dismantling the honeycomb to fill his basket. Seeing a huge toffee bee in front of him, Su Yu immediately grabbed it.

【Toffee Queen Bee】

【Capture Level: 2】

【Ingredients: The queen bee of the toffee bee can reproduce the toffee bee quickly by laying eggs, and can brew the queen bee honey which is more nutritious and tastier than ordinary toffee honey.】

"It's you." After stuffing the captured queen bee into the prepared wooden barrel, Su Yu turned and left.

Seeing the queen bee being captured and a group of toffee bees chasing Su Yu relentlessly, Su Yu simply waved his hand to drive the group of toffee bees away. He left with the spoils and waited until the toffee bees stopped chasing him.

Su Yu turned back to the base and began to take off his bear fur coat that was pierced by a bunch of bee stings.

""Huh, it's so hot, I feel much better now."

After cleaning up, he sat down by the fire.

He checked the honey in the basket and found some toffee bees hidden inside. Su Yu dealt with them without hesitation.

Then he collected the toffee bees and put them aside.

After dealing with the threat, Su Yu began to check the rewards for the mission.

【Complete the task to obtain Toffee Honey and get the reward: Beekeeper Protective Suit】

【Complete the task and capture a toffee queen bee, reward: super beehive. 】

Looking at the backpack, there is a set of white protective clothing and a huge beehive.

【Beekeeper Protective Suit: A perfect set of protective suits with extremely high defense, which can resist the attacks of most low-level bees.】

【Super Beehive: A super beehive with a space of 1,000 square meters. The bees placed inside will be automatically tamed and use the super beehive as a nest. At the same time, all bees will not attack the host.】

"This super beehive is a good thing."Su Yu squinted his eyes and looked at the super beehive in his backpack.

"Just when I was worrying about how to deal with this toffee queen bee and make it recognize its master, this solved my problem directly. Sure enough, the system's products must be top-notch."Su Yu smiled and stood up, bringing the collected honeycombs to the wooden house.

Find an open space to put out the super beehive, and then stuff the captured queen bee into the beehive.

Buzz, buzz.

As soon as the wooden barrel was opened, the queen bee immediately flew into the beehive and started to wander around. Su Yu took out some honeycombs and checked them, and put some honeycombs with larvae in.

Others without larvae can be eaten by yourself to expand your own beehive first.

After processing, seeing that there were only five clean honeycombs left, Su Yu shook his head and closed the door of the beehive.

He took the remaining honeycombs to the side and started eating.

"It's so sweet and delicious, too sweet. It should be better to drink it with water. I'll try making honey barbecue later."

Su Yu squinted his eyes and looked at the pickled Hankrila bird meat hanging on the tree beside him.

These bird meats are good for making honey barbecue. Honey is also good for this. Only a small amount of honey is needed to apply it, which saves a lot of trouble.

After tasting a small sip of honey, Su Yu put the remaining honey in a container, and after collecting it all, he began to use honey to make some honey barbecue for lunch.

After preparing to apply honey to the barbecue, Su Yu immediately started to grill the meat. After preparing the barbecue, he took the wooden jar that stored the honey back to the storage room and put it away.

Su Yu went outside and began to practice shooting leisurely to pass the time.

While practicing, he waited until the aroma of barbecue wafted over, walked over to turn the barbecue over, continued to grill, and then continued to wait.

"This aroma is really irresistible. It is indeed more fragrant than simply roasting with salt. It can be eaten immediately. I am really looking forward to what it will taste like after adding honey."Enjoying the aroma, practicing leisurely.

When the time is almost up, smelling the rich aroma, Su Yu put away the bone spear and walked back to enjoy the roasted meat.

"I just added some honey, and it tastes so good, salty with a little sweetness, which is my favorite taste, delicious, and the meat is well-seasoned when it is grilled after being marinated, which is pretty good."After taking a bite, Su Yu's mouth curled up.

Adequate food and clothing, but a little lonely���Fortunately, it was used to this kind of life and didn't think anything of it.

After eating and drinking, it went to the other side and used the scales of the Hankri bird that it had collected to grind a new knife for cutting things.

After making two new knives, it tried the sharpness of the new knives and saw that it could easily cut through the fur of a horned bear.

Su Yu curled his lips. This new knife was much more useful than the tusk knife used to roast a whole pig before.

"I can cut the meat into smaller pieces for stewing later, very good, very good." Holding two new kitchen knives, Su Yu stood up and left with satisfaction.

After eating and drinking, he had to exercise to help digestion.

After practicing his marksmanship for a while, Su Yu looked at the crown of a big tree and turned on his eagle eye vision to look at the mountains in the distance.

"It's much clearer now. Hiss, are there so many Hankrila birds? One, two... I've seen more than ten of them. The black shadows in the sky are probably there too. They seem to be hunting on the other side of the island. Are they hunting marine life?"Observing the situation of these Hankrila birds, Su Yu was a little surprised.

Although these Hankrila birds did not approach the sweet fruit trees in the center of the island, this flock of birds has a wider hunting ground.

Go directly to the sea to hunt. There is always more food in the ocean than on land.

Su Yu squinted at the situation in the distance and could roughly understand the lifestyle of this flock of birds.

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