It has been a long time since I came to check on the changes in these Hankrila eggs.

I want to see if these eggs are still alive.

I went over to check them out. When I got to the front of the eggs, I could feel the life force of these eggs.

"After learning the power of life, I can check the life status of these eggs at will. This ability is quite interesting. It is indeed more powerful than those simple abilities to manipulate wood."Su Yu checked all the bird eggs.

He saw that the calcium on the surface of the eggs had begun to fall off.

He could hear the heartbeats in these Hank Riala eggs clearly even without opening the eggs.

"It's almost born. It will probably hatch in a few days. It's pretty fast."Su Yu got up and left after checking. He was very satisfied that the hatching was successful.

It was also good to add ten Hankila birds as pets soon.

After checking and stretching, Su Yu turned around and walked back to the wooden house to rest.

After a good sleep, he went outside the next afternoon and started to walk around other places.

He came to the fruit forest he had found before and released the fruit monkey.

"Pull up these fruit trees and move them back to the garden to plant them."Su Yu waved at the fruit monkeys that had gathered.

""Woohoo!" A group of fruit monkeys that were nearly three meters tall and full of muscle roared and ran over to start digging and pulling out trees.

After Su Yu took a look, he walked over and began to learn the ability to control plants.

He walked over and put his hand on the tree. With a thought, the situation of the big tree in front of him immediately appeared in his mind.

Su Yu checked and asked the big tree to retract its roots. Sure enough, the big tree immediately retracted its roots.

But a moment later, the big tree in front of him fell down. The surrounding fruit monkeys saw the big tree fall down, and immediately ran over to catch it, and then held the fruit tree high and left.

"This is quite convenient. I didn't expect that the life force can be used in this way. It will be easier to collect some plants in the future."After trying it once, Su Yu immediately started to practice with other trees. He spent an entire afternoon on the process and successfully brought all the hundreds of fruit trees in the fruit forest back to the orchard to plant them with the fruit monkey.

After finishing the work, Su Yu didn't care about anything else and ran back to cook something to eat when he felt hungry.

After stewing the remaining Doziku flea koala meat and Coco koala meat together, Su Yu went to the bedroom to lie down and rest.

"It's really tiring to use my abilities like this. I didn't expect superpowers to consume so much energy. It's better for me to use brute force."Su Yu sighed and closed his eyes to rest for a while.

The meat of the Doziku flea koala needs to be cooked for a longer time, so it

's okay to take a nap before eating. The excessive energy consumed by using his abilities caused him to be exhausted. Now he didn't even want to practice martial arts. He just wanted to eat and sleep.

After taking a nap for an hour, Su Yu stretched and stood up.

After going to the kitchen to get a bowl of meat and soup, he put some pasta in it.

Then he took the broth to the restaurant and sat down to enjoy it.

"Delicious, it seems that eating when hungry does make the food more delicious."Su Yu squinted his eyes and thought about the big meal.

After a full meal, the whole person suddenly regained his energy.

"Phew, it seems that I still need to focus on body cultivation and improve my gourmet cells as soon as possible. It is better to use my abilities less. Using them now consumes too much energy for me. If I use them for fighting, I will probably exhaust myself in a few minutes."Su Yu shook his head helplessly.

These abilities are instantaneous. A few minutes are enough for him to squander all the energy in his body. If it weren't for the practice that can recover some of the energy, there is no way to practice for too long.

Fighting with weapons is very labor-saving. You can't rely too much on these abilities. Good health is the real good.

"By the way, there is also a method of nourishing the body with life force in the method given by Julu. Let's try it later."Su Yu narrowed his eyes and thought, and he couldn't wait to go back to take a shower after packing up.

He sat down in the room and began to transform energy into life force. This time he didn't use it to perform special moves.

Instead, he used it to nourish the body, gather the transformed life force into the heart, and then transport it from the heart to the whole body through blood vessels to nourish the body.

As the energy in the body was consumed, Su Yu could feel that his strength began to grow stronger again, and the gourmet cells were greedily absorbing these life forces.

"Using life force in this way consumes a lot, but it is worth it to increase the consumption of the body. However, can't this life force be absorbed from the outside world like cultivating immortals?"Su Yu squinted his eyes and thought, closed his eyes and felt the surroundings, but he could not feel the life force around him.

Thinking and opening his eyes to look around, Su Yu raised his eyebrows. It seems that the life force can be felt from the living plants and creatures in the outside world.

But there are no living things with life force here.

"This special energy must be extracted from other living things or plants?" Su Yu scratched his head in confusion, thinking in his heart, and couldn't help wanting to give it a try. He quickly turned over and went outside. He closed his eyes and could feel the life force emanating from the surrounding plants.

Su Yu's eyes lit up when he sensed this, and he walked to the grass and found a place to sit down.

He closed his eyes and sensed the life force around him.

Sensing the life force floating around, Su Yu began to try to attract it into his body, but found that the life force around him was very difficult to control and he couldn't attract it at all. It was not until he used the life force to attract it that the life force around him rushed over as if it had found a target.

Seeing this, Su Yu's eyes lit up, and he tried to absorb the life force.

As strands of life force poured into his body from the outside, Su Yu He could feel the gourmet cells in his body jumping for joy.

However, he suppressed the gourmet cells so that they could not absorb the life force.

He pulled the influx of life force into a special position, which he had just discovered when he was nourishing his body with life force.

It might be what practitioners call the Purple Palace Dantian, a space that is a bit like the stomach space.

He tried to attract the absorbed life force into that space.

As this ray of life force was pulled and injected into this dim and dark space, the entire strange space suddenly lit up.

Su Yu discovered that his consciousness also appeared in this space, watching the life force flowing into it.

Although there was only one ray, this ray of energy successfully activated the Purple Palace Dantian.

"Great! I didn't expect this to work. Continue to absorb and strengthen this life force first, and then use it to nourish the body later."Su Yu excitedly began to absorb the life force around him.

"What a strange human being, he seems to have discovered a different way to become stronger."The giant deer was a little surprised when he felt the changes in Su Yu's body. This human being could indeed bring it a lot of surprises.

However, after being surprised, it yawned and lay down to rest.

【Congratulations to the host for learning and obtaining the skill: Life Absorption】

"Hey, hey, hey! You really gave me a new skill? Damn, no way."Su Yu was a little surprised when he heard this prompt, but this skill was a bit strange. Thinking of it, he opened his eyes instantly.

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