After handling the whole Hankrila bird skillfully, he looked at the wounds and bruises on his body.

It can be seen that the strength of the horned bear is indeed not small, but the scales of the Hankrila bird are also hard enough.

Even the impact of being slapped can cause some damage to the Hankrila bird, but the damage is not great. For a gourmet creature, this damage is like a tickle, and it can be recovered quickly by eating something.

After handling it, Su Yu looked at the scales and claws that were shining coldly. This is really good. It can be used to polish new scale knives and new weapons.

Thinking about how to deal with these materials, Su Yu directly cut off a part and threw it into the pot to cook. Although the meat of the Hankrila bird is not hard, the claws are still quite hard.

So the leg meat needs to be cooked for a longer time.

Take off the four legs, wings, and the bird head with the bird's neck and cook them. Su Yu temporarily put away the rest of the body.

Clean the remaining internal organs with these.

Boil it in water and you can eat it first. The bird liver and bird heart are a great delicacy, and the intestines are also crispy.

The liver tastes better than goose liver, and the intestines are crisper than duck intestines, and they are thick and refreshing to eat.

The kidneys are also delicious. It can be said that the whole body of the Hankrila bird is a treasure and a delicious ingredient.

Compared with the koala, this can be said to be a super delicious ingredient.

After cleaning, cook the meat and wait until the water boils.

Su Yu threw in some of the tricolor lantern peppers collected today, added some orange salt, and stewed it in a different way.

It's not bad to stew these ingredients.

After processing, pour all the cleaned internal organs in. After that, Su Yu turned and left.

Leave for the plantation first and find a place to plant the tricolor lantern peppers. Take the collected pepper seeds together and sow them around.

With the fruit monkey digging and loosening the soil, sowing becomes much easier. After planting, Su Yu returned to the kitchen to wash his hands and take out the cooked internal organs to enjoy

"It tastes better with a little spiciness and fragrance. It would be better if the seasoning was more complete. This kind of offal feast feels a bit like eating braised snacks. It's really interesting."Su Yu squinted his eyes and ate the small pieces of bird liver with satisfaction.

After adding some chili, it has a little more flavor than before. Although the spiciness of this chili is not high, it is enough to have a little spiciness and fragrance. It is not pleasant to eat too spicy and it is easy to get angry.

A little spiciness is enough to increase appetite.

"By the way, we have almost finished touring the island today, let’s prepare to leave here, how to leave."Su Yu was enjoying the big meal while thinking about how to leave the island.

After a burp after the big meal, Su Yu also thought of several ways to leave here. One is to leave on the Hankrila bird, which requires taming an adult Hankrila bird, but the scales of the Hankrila bird are very sharp and it is easy to get injured while riding.

The second way is to build a boat to leave here. Building a boat is very simple for him, because the effect of the life force requires enough energy to build a boat, and in theory it can be made. It’s just that no one has made such a big thing yet, so it’s not sure how much energy it will take.

But riding a boat is better than sitting on the back of a Hankrila bird, because there is a place to eat. If you want to eat on the back of a Hankrila bird, you need to find a place to eat, which is quite troublesome.

"Just build a ship and treat it as a way to practice your skills."Su Yu raised the corners of his mouth, stretched and went back to take a shower to rinse off the blood on his body.

As for the clothes that could not be washed clean and had turned from white to red, he was too lazy to care.

After washing, he hung the clothes directly and went back to the room to rest.

Convert some energy into life force and store it. The energy storage of gourmet cells has an upper limit. Only in this way can more energy be stored to prepare for emergencies. It is regarded as a spare blue bar.

After the adjustment, the feeling of fullness disappeared, and Su Yu exhaled a breath of turbid air and lay down to rest.

Although it was a little early today, there was nothing to do at night, so he might as well sleep in first.

After a good night's sleep and enough rest.

Get up the next day, go to the kitchen to make a big meal, and start knocking some hundred-year-old salt oranges to enjoy.

Eating salt oranges and coming outside, Su Yu waved his hand to put away the super manor.

Slowly walked towards the long-lost beach outside.

Along the way, he used the ethereal ring to collect some fallen trees.

Coming to the coast, looking at the sea in front of him again, Su Yu exhaled a breath and used Eagle Eye Vision to see the fish jumping in the distance.

"The food here is indeed rich. There are such ingredients on the sea."Su Yu looked at the sea in front of him and it was quite lively.

"Let's get to work." Su Yu waved his hand to release a pile of wood, and the Super Manor was also released.

After letting a group of fruit monkeys out, he asked the fruit monkeys to help carry the wood and put the wood in place.

Looking at the shelves that the fruit monkeys had set up, Su Yu waved his hand to let the fruit monkeys back off.

"Let's get started, life force." Su Yu raised his hands, and a prototype of a ship appeared in front of him with a flash of green light.

After making the prototype of a large ship, Su Yu stopped making it and fell into deep thought.

Thinking about the structure of the ship, Su Yu was thinking with one hand on his face. This large ship was a bit big.

Because the super manor was going to be put on the ship, it had to be big enough, but the load had to be enough.

After all, the ship had to have buoyancy. If it sank in the sea, it would be a disaster.

Su Yu thought about setting it up again. The sails could be made of animal skins to increase buoyancy.

"Forget it, let's try it first."Su Yu thought, and continued to use his life force to continue manufacturing. Soon after the big ship was built, he didn't make any cabins, but just made the deck and made some sails. Su Yu put the super manor on the deck of the big ship.

"That's it, let's see if it can float in the water."Su Yu looked at the big boat that had been arranged and looked at the fruit monkey next to it.

"Go up and push the boat into the sea."Su Yu looked at the fruit monkey and waved

""Woo!" The fruit monkey quickly pushed the boat into the sea.

The boat sank in the sea, but soon floated up.

"Success. I didn't expect the boat I made to be so powerful. The ability of this food demon is really useful."Su Yu's mouth curled up. After finishing the boat, the light flashed in his hand.

The boat immediately flew back to the shelf on the beach.

"Phew, the consumption is quite high. If you want to go out to sea, you need to prepare some food first."Su Yu looked around and waved to the fruit monkeys, asking them to go back to the Super Manor first. Although these fruit monkeys looked high in capture level, their combat power was probably not strong.

If you let them find food, they probably won't find anything delicious. It's better to find something delicious by yourself.

"Let's go find some Hankri birds and roasted whole pigs."Su Yu supported his face with one hand and turned back to think, and went directly to the nearby roasted whole pig territory.

When he arrived at the roasted whole pig territory, he found that there were a lot of territories here, and a group of roasted whole pigs were lying in the shadow of the jungle to rest.

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