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"Saruman, isn't it time for you to express your opinion?"

Fang Hao sat comfortably on the chair in the Lord's Mansion of Tarot City.

He raised his chin towards the lich Saruman in front of him.

Of course, to ensure safety.

Fang Hao's body at this moment was copied by the Transformation Eggplant!

The Transformation Eggplant is the plant soldier that Fang Hao exchanged from the intermediate item store.

By copying itself, it can change into its own appearance.

The Transformation Eggplant can not only copy the appearance of the object.

It can also synchronize the object's thoughts, movements, emotions, etc., and it is completely a clone!

The previously invincible lich in front of him... , when the clone of the Lord of the Underworld was destroyed.

He was completely defeated.

You know, a man who dares to kill even gods, what else can he not do?

This old lich who has lived for hundreds of years naturally knows how to protect himself.

But in the end, it took a lot of effort to make it completely surrender.

Among them, the cruel and sinister Dr. Zombie and his various incredible torture methods played a huge role.

Of course, even if the other party is afraid of torture and surrenders.

But the charm mushroom that Fang Hao currently possesses.

It is almost useless for a lich like him who is at the peak stage of level 13.

Just this point alone is enough. Letting a sinister and cunning lich stay by your side?

That's simply a brain kick from a donkey.

There is still a way, through the guidance of the Tree of Wisdom.

Fang Hao knew that becoming a lich would separate his soul and deposit it in a soul box.

The soul is immortal and the body is eternal.

So Dr. Zombie searched almost everything about the lich, and finally forced Saruman to hand over his soul box.

It turned out to be his short-handled magic wand that looked like a dead branch and was inconspicuous.

After forcing Saruman to hand over his soul box.

Fang Hao naturally refused to let him go so easily. He also made him sign a new master-servant contract with him.

After a not-so-complicated ceremony, Saruman completely became his servant.

The contract had several simple provisions, one of which was that as long as his master died, Saruman, as a slave, would also die.

After signing the contract, Saruman almost cried.

A dignified 13th-level peak lich was forced to this point, and he was drunk.

Moreover, after hearing Fang Hao's summons, Saruman immediately took out a handful of magic scrolls and high-quality monster crystal cores.

He knelt down respectfully under Fang Hao's seat and presented them to him:

"Sir, this is a small gift from me.

Fang Hao took it and looked at it, then he opened his eyes angrily:

"What is this? Storm Blade, Extreme Terror, Meteor Shower? How dare a lich take out such a scroll?"

Saruman almost spat out blood when he heard it. What he offered was really not bad.

These magic scrolls are all good things.

These are very powerful and practical high-level attack magic, each of which has the power of a full-strength attack by a holy creature.

If used properly.

Instantly, a holy magician who did not chant the spell in time would not be able to resist it at all.

If you count the value, each of these scrolls is worth tens of thousands of gold coins!

Together with the holy beast crystal core, it is a precious magic material, and the value is definitely not low!

"Sir, I have been hiding in human society for hundreds of years. I am really poor.……"

Saruman wanted to cry again. In order to hide his identity, he was frugal and low-key.

Besides, even if he was a lich, he needed money to study magic.

"Forget it, I won't force you. I think your storage ring is pretty good, give it to me.

Fang Hao didn't believe that a lich only had this much stuff.

"Sir, Sir, please don't, please don't, I will give you what you want.……"

Before Saruman could finish his words, the storage ring on his finger was snatched away by the Sun next to him.

That was his last bit of property. Saruman's strength was gone, and he wanted to cry but had no tears.

This time, he had nothing.

Fang Hao glanced around.

A huge battle axe with spikes and dried blood immediately attracted his attention. He is indeed a lich who is hundreds of years old. Good stuff!

"Good fellow!"

Fang Hao took it out of the storage ring, and a strong bloody murderous aura rushed towards him:

"This battle axe must have killed many people!"

After holding the battle axe, a surge of power emerged spontaneously, and the whole body seemed to have endless strength.

In addition, there was a set of ancient and vicissitudes of life black armor in the storage ring, which was also taken out by Fang Hao at this moment.

"My Thunder Armor and Savage Axe……"

Saruman's eyes, twinkling with ghostly fire, were almost popping out of his head with heartache.

"What did you say?

Fang Hao glanced at him coldly.

"I mean, they're yours.……"

Saruman knelt on the ground, wanting to cry but without tears.


Fang Hao also found another good thing. This guy actually had a high-quality energy crystal!

This is simply amazing.

In addition, there are many precious high-level magic scrolls, various magic materials, and even several corpses that were dissected into several pieces.

All the good things were taken away, and all the unusable magic materials were put back into the storage ring and thrown to Saruman again.

After completing all this.

Fang Hao summoned all the plant and zombie generals, including Dr. Zombie and the Tree of Wisdom, to hold a meeting on future development.

Judging from the current situation, the feud with the Lord of the Underworld is considered a big deal.

According to Saruman's introduction.

The Lord of the Underworld belongs to the ancient supreme true god, and he and the God of Light believed in by the human church once fought a long war in ancient times.

In the end, he was defeated and sealed in the underworld of death, and could never return to this world.

A small projection of the Lord of the Underworld before had such great power.

If the main body really comes, all the plants and zombies will probably not be able to defeat it.

This is a huge threat, and we have to guard against it now.

How can we rest assured?

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