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Tải ảnh: 0.187s Scan: 0.038sAgate


At the end of the Emerald River Basin, there is a basin valley surrounded by mountains.

This basin valley is very large.

It is estimated to be about 10,000 square kilometers, much larger than a large city.

There are towering mountains on three sides, and the terrain is dangerous.

In the valley, there are many huge and simple cottages.

This is the tribe where the Goron giants live!

Goron giants are just a general term. In fact, there are many people in the Goron giant clan.

There are ordinary giants that are similar to human forms, but their bodies are more than eight meters tall and extremely powerful; there are also mountain giants that are made of stone, invulnerable to swords and guns, more than ten meters tall, and like to hold a giant tree; there are also fire giants whose bodies are surrounded by raging magic flames and live in magma; there are also frost giants that exude an icy aura and are shrouded in a layer of ice armor; there are also Titan giants that can control lightning and are said to be able to rival dragons.

However, no matter what kind of giant, according to the analysis of the wisdom tree spirit.

After they grow up, they all have terrifying power of no less than level 8.

The Titan giants that are said to be able to rival dragons are the main force of the God of War's army.

At this time.

Outside this almost isolated giant valley, a large group of uninvited guests suddenly arrived.

On the ground.

Countless strange zombies are lined up in various squares, waiting for the commander's order at any time.

In the sky.

There are also zombie air forces that cover the sky and the sun lingering, with a look of war clouds.

The sound of the zombie army charging had already been heard from far away.

The Goron giants in the Giant Valley were immediately as if they were facing a great enemy.

They came out of the valley one after another and climbed onto the rock walls they built with rocks.

Fang Hao rode on Saroo and looked at the position guarded by the Goron giants from afar.

The gathering place of these Goron giants is surrounded by mountains on all sides, and on three sides are continuous mountains that are difficult for birds to cross.

The terrain is dangerous and ordinary land troops cannot climb over it at all.

The only entrance is probably the one-kilometer-long valley entrance.

In front of him, there are already 300 Goron giants standing on the sloping stone wall built by the Goron giants themselves.

Through the detector, Fang Hao saw.

The main force of this Goron giant tribe.

It is precisely the mountain giants whose bodies are made of rocks.

The gray-brown skin and extremely strong muscles are embedded in their height of more than ten meters.

At the same time, their bodies are tightly covered with hard rocks, as if they are symbiotic with rocks.

Under the strategic advice of the wise tree spirit, Fang Hao developed a route.

Still focusing on the original resources of Warcraft in the west!

The first stop is this group of Goron giants!

At this point, Fang Hao also remembered the issuance of the illustrated task!

【Mission content: Conquer the Goron giant tribe!】

【Mission completion reward: Randomly unlock 5 types of plant seeds and 3 types of zombie eggs. 】

At this time, each giant has a terrifying strength of more than level 10.

Seeing the densely packed zombies below, my scalp tingled.

These are not little sheep without weapons that can be slaughtered at will.

"I am the chief of the Goron Giant Tribe, Alman! Necromancer Fang Hao, this is the territory of our tribe. We, the Goron Giants, do not welcome any foreigners! Please leave immediately!"

Although he lives in seclusion, the name of the Necromancer Fang Hao has spread among the intelligent creatures in the Emerald River Basin.

As the chief of the Goron Giant Tribe, Alman has long known that the Agate Plateau area has been occupied by them.

The Warcraft Lord forces of the Silver Moon Wolf and the Black Bear Beast have been wiped out by the other side!


Fang Hao was too lazy to talk nonsense, and gave the order to start.

""Roar, roar, roar! Those who stand in my way will die!"

Gargantuar, holding a giant totem pole and leading 500 giant zombies as vanguards, immediately charged towards the rock wall that the Goron giants had built like a dam.

""Roar, roar, roar!"

Gargantuar, running at high speed, raised the totem pole and roared to the sky.

·······Request flowers0······

The war armor on Gargantuar has a unique war skill"War Roar". Under the blessing of War Roar, the 500 giant zombies were all bathed in a faint blood-red light.

These giant zombies began to become faster and more brutal.

Even their eyes were glowing with bloodthirsty red light.


" Ang!"

The Goron Giant also gave a battle cry.

The 300 Wall Giants on the stone wall blocked the entrance to the 1,000-meter-long valley.

At the same time, huge rocks began to rain down on the giant zombie vanguard led by Gargantel...........0

"Boom! Boom!"

The boulders thrown by the Goron giants were all made by magic. Each one was powerful and heavy. When it landed, it would cause a series of rolls, generating a series of range and splash damage.

It can be seen that the magic boulders hit the giant zombies, causing them to fly bloody.

"Pitcher Corps, attack the rocks in their hands!"

Fang Hao's mind moved, and he immediately gave the order.

Although the rocks in the hands of these Goron giants were extremely powerful, their huge size also made them very easy targets to aim at.

""There are no rocks, let's see what you can throw!"

Under the organization of the three pitcher sisters, the pitcher army responded very quickly.

With a green carpet of plants, they immediately formed groups and changed their formations.

And under the accurate guidance of Fang Hao through the detector, as soon as the rocks in the hands of the Goron giants were raised, they would be accurately hit by a group of plant shells from the pitcher army.���Destroyed.

The rubble fell like raindrops.

The giant zombie vanguard continued to rush forward facing the rubble.

Without the obstruction of the boulder shells, the 500 giant zombie vanguards, led by Garganter, finally rushed up the sloping stone wall built on the mountain like a herd of wild horses.

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