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Fang Hao wanted to use the Pitcher Corps to smash the three totem stone pillars.

However, the Goron giants surrounding the stone pillars blocked the attack of the Pitcher Corps with their bodies.

He sent out the Zombie Air Force, but unexpectedly, the three Goron wizards used a special attack magic.

Under the control of the Goron wizards, countless rock fragments began to turn into spikes and shot densely into the air.

At the same time, the Goron wizards still cast gravity magic, and for a moment it seemed as if a huge rock was pressing on them.

This made it very difficult for the Zombie Air Force to even fly.

The Zombie Air Force could not reach the vicinity of the stone pillars and could only continue to carry out long-range attacks at high altitudes.

However, the gust of wind blades, cherry bombs, and hot peppers.

The lethality to these monster-like Goron giants is really limited.

""Roar, roar, roar!"

Although Gargantur looked rough and clumsy, as a zombie general, he also knew that destroying the three stone pillars was the key to winning the war.

""Roar, roar, roar!"

Garganter roared and ran quickly on the stone wall.

The giant totem pole in his hand, under his brute force, drew blood-red light one after another.

The Goron giants blocking his way were either split open in the stomach or had their entire thighs cut off by his axe.

A large amount of blood splashed like a rainstorm, dyeing his whole body red.

Just when Garganter finally rushed to the front of the stone pillar and was ready to destroy it with one blow, the Goron chieftain, Alman, who had been repelled by Garganter before, suddenly burst into a deafening roar.

Fang Hao opened his eyes slightly.

It can be seen that Alman's body has undergone an amazing change in an instant!

Its whole body suddenly turned reddish brown, as if it came from the volcanic lava in the center of the magma.

Especially the pair of big hands covered with rock thorns, The clenched fist is twice as big as Gargantel's body.

The most terrifying thing is that Alman's energy level, which was only level 12, suddenly expanded to level 13.

This is a terrifying combat power that is even more brutal than Gargantel!

At this time, Gargantel was about to split the totem stone pillar in the middle with a hammer.

Only his attack can effectively break the rock armor of the Goron giant and cause damage to the hard totem stone pillar.

But when Gargantel just raised the giant totem pole,

Alman, who seemed to have transformed into a fire giant, swung a fist.

With the momentum of a falling meteorite, it hit in front.

Gargantel quickly put away the totem pole and held it across his chest.

At the same time, the energy in his body instantly covered the totem.

The wide and heavy totem pole, the solid shield full of fighting spirit in the knight's hand.

He suddenly faced the giant fist rushing towards him.


There was a loud explosion!

Although Gargantuar had prepared for defense, he was still lifted up by the terrifying power of the Fire Giant.

The point where the totem pole and the giant fist came into contact also exploded violently at this moment.

The two energies collided, like ignited fireworks.

In an instant, a dazzling light and energy burst out.

In the end, the Fire Giant, with its powerful explosive power and unexpected attack, blasted Gargantuar out of the stone wall of the valley. Gargantuar fell under the stone wall like a cannonball. He let out an angry roar when he landed.

The ground under his feet"cracked" and large cracks appeared instantly.

"What a terrifying fire giant! Just in terms of strength, it is even stronger than Gargantuar."

Fang Hao looked at the fire giant standing on the stone wall of the valley in surprise.

With the awakening of the fire giant, more than 300 Goron giants came to the stone wall one after another.

The giant zombies that rushed up the stone wall were repelled by the Goron giants almost instantly without the leadership of Gargantuar, and many were killed and injured!

So far, only a dozen Goron giants have been killed and more than forty have been injured.

And more than forty giant zombies have been killed, and more than a dozen zombie air forces hovering in the sky have been shot down.

""Interesting, the Goron giants, who are the legendary God of War, are indeed strong!"

Fang Hao sighed in surprise.

He originally thought that these Goron giants, who lived in the valley in the form of tribes, would easily collapse quickly in front of the plant and zombie army that was ten times their size.

But now it seems that he was undoubtedly careless and underestimated the enemy.

These Goron giants hardly have a decent wall or defense facilities, and they don't even have a real weapon in their hands.

But they are a powerful enemy that is more difficult to deal with than the human army.

"Gargantuar, bring the giant zombies back first!

Fang Hao was not in a hurry.

""Get out! Ugly undead zombies! You zombie giants are not worthy to be members of the God of War Legion!"

500 Goron giants stood on the broken stone wall.

They kept throwing boulders at the retreating giant zombie vanguard, and there were rough laughs coming out of their huge mouths.

In their cognition, the giants were all members of the God of War Legion.

But these zombie giants who had turned into zombies in front of them were the objects of their contempt!

The remaining giant zombies and zombie air force.

Soon, under the leadership of Gargantel, they retreated to Fang Hao's side.

At this time.

Gargantel's angry expression, like a man-eating beast.

It seemed that he was only waiting for Fang Hao's order, and he would charge at the Goron giants again.

"After all, the entrance is too narrow, and can only allow up to 500 giant zombie vanguards to attack."

"The rest of the zombies may not be able to withstand the attack of the Goron giants."

"Now, should we let Dr. Zombie come? I am afraid that after this battle, the magic mecha will also be severely damaged!"

"Or maybe the magic of those Goron wizards is too strange and is highly targeted at our army!"

"Unfortunately, the Sun God Zombie was too far away from them, so the magic absorption could not work."

Just when Fang Hao stopped attacking and thought about the strategy to deal with the enemy, the lich Saruman, who had been hiding his breath and silent, spoke:

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