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"Among them, the number of human conventional troops is as high as 500,000!"

"The combined number of the Blood Blade Legion and the Steel Shield Legion is as high as 300,000!",

"The number of Tiger and Leopard Cavalry in the Tiger and Leopard Corps also reaches 100,000!",

"Moreover, this time, the Penglai Empire also mobilized 5,000 great magicians from the Xunting Magician Corps. The combat power that this magician corps can generate is even more terrifying than that of 500,000 regular troops!"

"Regarding the journey from the imperial capital Penglai City to our Tarot City, the human army will need at least ten days, plus the transportation of food and grass. The fastest time for the human army to arrive is one month."

Hearing this, Fang Hao just nodded calmly.

It can be seen that the Penglai Empire has almost exhausted all its troops this time, wanting to fight with him!

Such a mighty army of one million can really be said to be a god who kills gods and Buddhas who kill Buddhas!


Fang Hao, who now has countless elite soldiers and generals, and also has a million plants and zombies under his command , has no need to worry too much.

If the enemy comes, the general will stop him, and if the water comes, the earth will cover it!

If humans want to die, then come! It's not certain who will win!

"What was the result of the alliance letter sent by Penglai Empire?"

Fang Hao continued to ask

"The most powerful forces on the continent, the Holy See of Light and the Ocean Empire, have never participated in wars between continental empires."

"The Elf Empire said that it was locked in a battle with the Goblin army, so it could not send reinforcements. It only planned to provide war supplies to the Penglai Empire."

"The Orc Empire and the Northern Barbarians have always been at odds with the Penglai Empire, so they rejected the human alliance request."

"However, I heard that Misal, the Warcraft Lord of the Gasha Plateau, accepted the alliance request from the Penglai Empire!"

Zhao Yang quickly reported

"Misal, the guy who is known as the strongest magic beast in the continent?"

Fang Hao couldn't help but be surprised.

Magic beasts actually formed an alliance with humans? This is really the first time in the history of the continent!

In the history of the continent, this magic beast Misal once led a large army of magic beasts and attempted to attack Penglai City!

Although Misal failed to break the magic defense system of the city in the end, it also brought deep disasters and suffering to mankind!

"Yes, Misal's original body is an Earth-Shaking Lion with an energy level of up to 14. He commands three major tribes: Earth-Shaking Lions, Red Flame Magic Tigers, and Shadow Magic Leopards. He controls the entire vast Gasa Plateau, and the scale of his magic beast army is also as high as millions!"

"Therefore, if nothing unexpected happens, this time our army will face attacks from two fronts. On one side is the Tarot City attacked by the Penglai Empire army, and on the other side is the Agate Plateau attacked by the Warcraft army!"

After listening to Zhaoyang's report, Fang Hao also felt a sense of crisis.

The combined forces of more than two million humans and Warcraft are really like a mountain falling down on him.

If he is not careful, the power that he has worked so hard to build for so long will be destroyed.

"My Lord, I have an important matter to report to you!"

Just when Fang Hao was thinking about how to deal with the human-monster coalition,

He Kui, the dolphin knight zombie general stationed far away in the Agate Plateau, suddenly sent a call.

"Is there anything wrong?"

Fang Hao asked hurriedly.

"Sir, do you still remember the small crystal mine deep in Emerald Lake?"

He Kui asked

"Oh... I have some impression. I assigned a group of miner zombies to go mining."

"The ore of that small spiritual crystal mine has a very low spiritual content, and it has only been able to produce low-level spiritual crystals of level 5 or 6... What's wrong?"

Fang Hao thought about it and replied.

"Yes. Not long ago, after the miner zombies dug deeper, we discovered that this small spiritual crystal mine was actually just a branch of a spiritual crystal vein!"

"Through the exploration of the miner zombies, we have determined the exact location of the spiritual crystal vein, which is in the Falcon Stone Canyon near the Agate Plateau!"

He Kui's tone was also full of joy.

Obviously, the spiritual crystal vein in the Falcon Stone Canyon contains a considerable amount of spiritual energy!

"Falcon Rock Canyon? Are there any species of creatures living there?

Fang Hao immediately became interested.

"I don't know, we haven't had time to conduct in-depth exploration. However, we found traces of goblins there."

He Kui explained

"Goblins? Indeed, where those guys live, it is not uncommon to find mineral veins."

"Well, now that we have discovered this spiritual crystal vein, we must take it down as soon as possible!"

Fang Hao laughed happily. If he occupied this entire spiritual crystal vein, he would be able to continuously obtain high-level spiritual crystals!

At that time, these high-level spiritual crystals would be very useful, whether they were used to create new plants and zombie generals or to enhance the strength of the existing plants and zombie generals!

"He Kui, you must immediately contact Po Jun, Wan Jun, Cui Dai and others stationed on the Agate Plateau, gather the troops, and march into the Falcon Canyon! Take that spiritual crystal vein for me!"

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