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""Hey? Listen, what's going on? Why is there such a loud noise?"

At the same time, the goblin warriors guarding the entrance were already alert.

"Where? Why can't I hear anything?"

Another goblin warrior who looked like a leader asked casually, playing with a gold coin in his hand.

"Really? Am I hallucinating?"

"You, don't be too nervous. Even if that necromancer sharpens his head, he can't break through the magic defense of our steel force field!"

The goblin leader sneered:

"Do you know how strong our iron force field is? Its effect not only covers our entrance, but also the walls of the entire Goblin Kingdom."

"The steel force field can increase the hardness of the rock wall by a hundred times. Even if a master with level 13 energy attacks, it will take a lot of effort to destroy it."

"Moreover, as long as we control the magic cores and spirit crystals in the square array, the defense of the steel force field will be endless."

"This means that even if a master with level 13 energy cannot break through the defense of our steel force field in one go, our defense will be repaired."

""So that's how it is. Commander, you know more!"

The goblins next to him flattered him, making him feel a little proud.

But at this moment, the goblin commander's pointed ears suddenly moved, as if he really heard some strange sound.

"Hey, be quiet for a moment. Listen, it seems……"

Everyone stopped talking, and then listened carefully.

"Ding, dong! Ding, dong!"

"Hey? You know what, there really seems to be a sound!"

"Is it rainwater leakage? However, it sounds like iron hitting stone."

"It's the sound outside, who is knocking outside?"

Just as the goblin guards were puzzled, a huge cracking sound suddenly rang out.

Right in front of the closed entrance, a huge rock suddenly collapsed.

From the opened gap, a shiny black iron pickaxe was revealed!

"What…what’s going on?!"

The goblin leader was simply dumbfounded!

The next moment, another deafening roar was heard.

The rock wall at the entrance suddenly cracked into countless spider web cracks, and then collapsed with a loud bang!

"Boom~~~", rocks collapsed, smoke and dust billowed.

All the goblin guards present suddenly realized at this moment that the magic defense of the steel force field that they were proud of was actually directly broken!

Outside the entrance, a row of ferocious zombie generals suddenly appeared!

""Oh no! Enemy attack! It's an enemy attack!"

The goblin leader screamed and quickly pulled the trigger on his body. However

, before he could escape, he heard an extremely cold voice behind the zombies:

"Kill! Leave no one alive!"


With a huge muffled sound, the goblin leader only saw a skull hammer the size of a watermelon constantly enlarging in front of his eyes.

Then, his consciousness came to an abrupt end.

The iron barrel zombie general holding the skull hammer, Wanjun, casually threw away the body of the goblin leader.

Sharp sounds of breaking through the air rang out one after another.

Until now, the goblin guards who reacted finally realized that the zombie army outside had broken through their steel force field and directly hit in!

In the face of real danger, the goblins are always timid and cowardly.

Seeing a group of tall and strong zombie generals with green faces and fangs.

Before the fight started, the goblin guards began to run away with their heads in their hands!

Not long after.

The hundreds of goblin guards stationed at this entrance fled, and some died.


Fang Hao led the Iron Bucket Zombie Army led by Po Jun and Wan Jun as the vanguard and pushed directly towards the center of the Goblin Kingdom.

Fighting face to face is the style of Fang Hao's side!

With the destruction of one side's entrance, the news was also immediately transmitted back to His Majesty Green's palace.

""It's bad, Your Majesty! That necromancer, I don't know what tricks he used, actually destroyed our steel force field and came in from outside!"

At this time, a scout goblin ran to the palace out of breath and reported to His Majesty Green.

"Now our entrance number one has been lost, and the goblin guards inside have all been killed!"

"What?! A bunch of good-for-nothings!"

His Majesty Green stood up suddenly and shouted angrily.

"Quick, pass on my order! All the goblin warriors in the kingdom must quickly assemble and drive these evil zombies out!"


At the same time, wherever the army of plants and zombies led by Fang Hao passed, everything was razed to the ground.

Any goblins who dared to resist would be killed without mercy!

Just after Fang Hao's army marched for nearly half an hour, the goblin army led by His Majesty Green appeared in front of Fang Hao.


Sounds like rumbling thunder rang out one after another.

What appeared in front of Fang Hao was an elite magic mechanical army!

Different from human magic mechanical puppets, the goblins' magic machines are all controlled by goblin warriors themselves.

Each goblin magic machine is at least three meters tall, and its body is shining with a bronze-like metallic luster.

The lower limbs of the goblin magic machine are slender mechanical feet similar to those of a white crane, and the upper limbs are two huge and thick mechanical arms.

One of the arms holds the knight's javelin, and the other arm is in the shape of a rotating saw blade!

Every goblin magic machine has strange metal parts combined with each other, and mysterious magic runes flash in it, emitting powerful energy fluctuations!

Level 8 energy! Each magic machine actually exudes a magical aura of up to level 8 energy.

What's more terrifying is that there are a total of 10,000 goblin magic machines in front of me!

This is an extremely terrifying number, 10,000 strong men with level 8 energy.

This is very rare in the Penglai Empire.

Moreover, the horror revealed in the incoming goblin army is far more than just these goblin magic machines.

Behind the magic machine army,

Fang Hao also saw a series of magic cannons dragged by goblin servants!

Indeed, these magic machines of the goblins are very similar to the famous magic machines of the Penglai Empire.

But as far as Fang Hao knows, human alchemy and magic machine technology are all learned from the goblins!

Although times have changed.

The power of the goblins is shrinking, and the power of humans is growing, but this fact cannot be changed.

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