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They were 5 kilometers away from Taro City.

When Fang Hao attacked Taro City, he stationed troops in the hilly area, set up camps, and built fortifications.

Fighting against the human raid,

Fang Hao's side also suffered a lot of losses, and the number of casualties was even more than that of humans.

However, this is nothing for plants that can restore energy on their own and zombies that have immortal bodies.

At this time, Fang Hao was still standing on the wall of Taro City, looking at the devastated land, his nerves tense.

In the area of the Agate Plateau position, Pojun and Wanjun did not disappoint Fang Hao's expectations.

After a whole night of fierce fighting, they also stopped the impact of the Warcraft army and temporarily defended the Agate Plateau for Fang Hao.

In the area of the White Deer Forest.

Fortunately, the elves did not take too many actions for the time being, and were still in a stalemate with several plant and zombie generals sent by Fang Hao.

At this time, with the arrival of the morning, the fierce battle of the night finally calmed down.

But Fang Hao knew that all this was just the beginning.

The attacks of the Warcraft will not stop, and humans are even less likely to give up.

The elves have not fully understood the situation.

The current calm is just the opponent's accumulation of strength and slight adjustments for a more violent offensive.

And his own army of plants and zombies, under attack from three sides, is undoubtedly on the verge of danger.

If he cannot make the right countermeasures in time.

It is likely to endanger himself and the survival of the army of plants and zombies that he has worked so hard to manage for so long.

But if he can hold on, his power will surely expand again, and even truly establish his dominant position!

The newly opened hegemony mission in the illustration book proves this fact!

【Mission content: Guard the bases of the three parties and repel the coalition forces of humans, monsters, and natural elves!】

【Mission completion reward: Level 3 illustration upgrade! 】

How should I make the decision?

This question weighed on Fang Hao's mind like a big stone.

Fang Hao frowned, staring at the still burning earth.

The early morning sun had just jumped out of the horizon.

At this time, zombies cooperated with plants to carry corpses and flesh on the battlefield outside Tarot City. These were all precious resources.

Zhaoyang was full of war, but he still stood on the front line, commanding the plant army to deploy defenses.

Last night's battle was all about heavy long-range firepower.

One after another, corn cannons and coconut cannons were being arranged by Zhaoyang. They were shifting positions and accelerating the recovery of plant ammunition.

The enemy was laying down its arms and resting.

Naturally, our side could not fall behind, and we had to race against time. Try to take advantage of the enemy's pause in attack to make all the defenses ready. Only in this way can we be absolutely safe when the enemy attacks in the next round.

"Zhaoyang, what's the situation?"

Fang Hao walked over and asked

"It's just a loss of a few thousand soldiers, the impact is not that big, half a day is enough to recover everything."

Zhao Yang turned around, clasped his fists and saluted, saying:

"Fortunately, we were prepared in advance, otherwise if the imperial army successfully raided, the consequences would be disastrous."

"Well, be sure to prepare for defense, humans will not give up."

Fang Hao nodded and called the illustration system.

He began to check the current strength of his plant and zombie armies.

So far, the total number of Fang Hao's zombie army has exceeded 2 million.

After Fang Hao spared no effort to cultivate them with zombie nutrients.

The general energy level of the main zombie army has reached level 7~8 energy.

Among them, the largest number and the largest scale are the iron barrel zombie army and the armored zombie army that Fang Hao has painstakingly created.

600,000 iron barrel zombies! 40,000 armored zombies!

The number of the two combined has already accounted for half of all the zombie armies!


"The number of roadblock zombies, rampaging zombies, and iron gate zombies has reached 100,000."

"The number of flag-waving zombies, catapult zombies, and ramming car zombies has reached 50,000 each."

"The number of giant zombies has exceeded 10,000. In addition, the number of doll box zombies has also increased to 10,000."

"There are nearly 100,000 zombies here, which are the main combat force of the current zombie army."

"The rest of the zombies, including the pole-vaulting zombies, jumping zombies, miner zombies, queen zombies, and many second-generation zombies that have not yet been hatched and cultivated on a large scale, have a total of about 200,000 zombies."

"Then, there are the current zombie air forces, with a total of about 500,000."

"Among them, the total number of balloon zombies and flying sickle zombies reached 200,000 respectively, and the total number of seagull zombies reached 100,000."

"There are also zombie naval forces. Since they have been idle since the Battle of Emerald Lake, the total number has not increased much, about 210,000"

"Among them, the total number of diving zombies and dolphin knight zombies reached 100,000 respectively, and the number of the newly cultivated walrus cavalry zombies was only 10,000.

"Finally, there are the zombie special forces, with a total of about 220,000"

"The number of zombie hunters has exceeded 200,000, plus the newly cultivated cavalry zombies, which number 10,000, as well as 5,000 chicken zombies and 5,000 pirate captain zombies."

On the other hand, the number of plant troops has also exceeded 2 million.

Among them, the main force of the plant army is the shooter army and the pitcher army.

The total number of the two accounts for 80% of the plant army.

After that, energy plants account for 10%.

Disposable plants account for another 10%.

After reviewing all the current plant and zombie forces,

"These damn humans actually came so suddenly."

Fang Hao cursed angrily, then used his spiritual power to contact Pojun and Wanjun and asked:

"Hey guys, what's the situation at the Agate Plateau base?"

"Ahem, report to the master, ahem... everything is normal. It's just that the whole Black Xuan City was set on fire before, and the smoke from the fire is a bit choking."

Po Jun coughed in the Agate Plateau position and answered Fang Hao's question:

"In addition, our casualties among plants and zombies were about 10,000. Wanjun had an arm broken, but he is now fine after taking the life nutrient solution."

"The Warcraft army failed in their attack last night, and the Earthshaker Lion King Misal was already angry. Now the Warcraft army has completely retreated from the Agate Plateau and set up camp at the edge of the tree line."

"You have worked hard. I will now allocate 500,000 spiritual resources for your recovery and treatment."

Fang Hao praised with admiration.

You should know that Tarot City was fighting with humans at that time, and it needed to divide its troops to confront the elves in the White Deer Forest.

Fang Hao could not allocate more troops to assist Po Jun and Wan Jun.

Therefore, the Warcraft army, which had a great advantage in numbers, once attacked the Agate Plateau position.

In order to stop the attack of the Warcraft army.

Po Jun set the entire Black Xuan City on fire.

In the end, he even fought hand-to-hand with the Warcraft army that attacked the position with Po Jun.

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