""Kill all the resistance!"

With Fang Hao's order, all the zombies that rushed out of the pits below roared excitedly.

The Iron Bucket Zombie General Wanjun, wielding a pair of skull hammers, rushed into the square formation of the Warcraft army like a fierce beast.

Under the sweep of his skull hammer, a large number of Warcraft warriors were knocked to the ground.

Behind him, there were ten elite Iron Bucket Zombies bred with wisdom fruits.

They all have an energy level of 9, their bodies are as hard as steel, their claws are as sharp as swords, and they also hold a pair of skull hammers.

Compared with the Warcraft warriors known for melee combat, their lethality is even better.

After all, the Warcraft Flesh and blood bodies will feel pain, fear, and be affected by many factors.

But Fang Hao's zombies will not have such disadvantages.

Each of his zombies is a war machine that belongs to him and is a natural killer.

There is no confusion or hesitation in their eyes. They only have the orders of their masters and endless killing.

Kill! Kill! Kill!

Countless zombies are like tigers and leopards hunting, and Warcraft warriors who are also predators.

They pounced on each other, biting each other, and blood, flesh and broken limbs kept flying.

On the other side.

Some new zombie arms have also begun to emerge, showing strong combat effectiveness.

"Ding ding...Ding ding...Ding ding...……"

A series of piano music that was not pleasant to the ear sounded a little abruptly.

500 piano zombies appeared with their beloved pianos.

As the piano music played, the zombies on the battlefield were like chicken blood, and they fell into a more crazy fighting state!

After Fang Hao added energy walnuts to them.

A group of piano zombies immediately became red-eyed and transformed into six-fingered piano demons.

Countless notes became substantial, like swords and spears thrown out, madly killing and slaughtering in the army of monsters!

In the air.

There are also many flying rope zombies, using nearby trees to launch sneak attacks.

They hold long and sharp hooks in their hands, and they can kill people with one blow, leaving no trace.

The barrel zombies that pushed the huge barrel slowly.

They used the barrel to hinder the escape of a large number of monsters.

Hammer zombies and various monk zombies also mixed in the zombie army, killing the enemies in front of them with their own power.

Facing these ferocious zombies that were ready to bite them before dying, the Warcraft army felt fear for the first time.

Especially behind them, there was the horrible forbidden spell"Death and Decay", which was constantly eroding the threat and oppression.

Fear was like an endless fishing net, trembling tightly in their hearts.

This was not an equal battle at all. The opponent was the real predator, and they were just prey with nowhere to escape and waiting to be slaughtered!

They wanted to escape, and they began to flee to both sides of the battlefield, but they did not expect that on both sides of the battlefield, two legions of plants mixed with Goron giants had been lying in ambush for a long time.

Countless plants were like a wall, constantly squeezing in from both sides, making these Warcraft warriors on the verge of collapse, unable to live or die.


"Lord! Save me! Save me!~"

"No, don’t kill me… Ugh!"

Screams and desperate wails came one after another, and the entire battlefield was covered in blood.

The Warcraft army, which was split in half, wanted to turn around and rescue.

However, countless zombie armies, like a divine punishment, blocked the Warcraft army’s return.

"Boom boom boom!"

As many corn/coconut cannons and catapult zombies crossed the Agate Plateau position and stepped onto the battlefield, countless long-range firepower poured out, the earth trembled, and blood and flesh flew everywhere. Those Warcraft warriors who wanted to return to help had no courage at all, and were forced to retreat little by little.

"No, this is not true! How could my army be defeated so quickly!"

Missal's eyes widened. He felt that all the strength in his body was lost bit by bit as the Warcraft warriors kept falling.

The inhumane roars and screams before death were like heavy hammers hitting his heart.

"Hehehe...Missar, do you still care about other people?"

Dr. Zombie's laughter was as piercing as a night owl. The

Dreadnought mecha raised its fists, half-knelt on the ground, and slammed its fists hard towards the ground!!

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

The earth collapsed, and a giant fireball suddenly emerged from the cracks.


As soon as the giant fireball appeared, it immediately rolled towards Misal's position.

Wherever it passed, the ground was melted into a deep gully, and there was a terrifying sound of evaporation by high temperature!

This was the fireball of the Dreadnought mecha in the game that was burning!

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Fang Hao laughed at the sky in the distance. With the Dreadnought mecha and the invincible zombie army, why should he worry about not being able to conquer the world?

Everything in front of him was completely within the expectations of the wise tree spirit.

It is impossible to defeat this army of 1 million monsters with just a forbidden spell of the undead.

However, the horror of"Death and Decay" has penetrated into the hearts of every race in this world, and the panic and fear caused by it are inevitable.

Before the battle started, the opponent's formation was disrupted, the opponent's king was trapped, and the Dreadnought mecha was sent to kill him as soon as possible.

Even if the quality of the opponent's army is good, it will be in a panic, and naturally it will be unable to organize defense and effective combat.

At this time, the real killer, his own zombie army, can take advantage of the chaos to exert great combat effectiveness.

Long before.

Countless zombie tombs have been excavated by miner zombies and ambushed at the feet of the gathering place of this monster army.

Therefore, the zombie tombs can suddenly appear at this time.

Then, a total of nearly 1.5 million people who have been prepared for a long time.���The monster army and the zombie army.

At the most panicked moment of the opponent, they suddenly rushed out and split the entire monster army into two.

At the same time, there were many plant armies on both sides who had already taken a detour and lurked there to support the ambush. Half of the monster army was surrounded and would surely die in no time!

If the other half of the monster army did not retreat in time, then the zombie army that ate this half of the monster army could turn around and surround it and eat the remaining half of the opponent in one bite.

If this half of the army retreated wisely, it would not matter.

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