In the video, Jiang Li took out the Kabuto Kunai, switched to gun mode, and shot directly at the Zerg.

"Boom boom boom!"

The alien insect larvae exploded one after another after being hit by the bullets.

"What the hell is this weapon? Why is it so powerful?"

"Awesome! According to my observation, the skin of these monsters is very hard, and ordinary guns can't break their defense at all. I didn't expect this gun to be so powerful!"Someone commented

"Upstairs? Why can't I see it?"Someone retorted

"That's because you're too stupid!"

The crowd:"......"


Soon, Jiang Li in the video entered ClockUp mode.

One second later, all the alien insects present were blown up!

"What happened? Why did the battle end so suddenly?

The audience who were watching with great interest were confused.

"Could it be that the battle process was edited out?"Someone gave his guess.

Netizens were discussing it, and the popularity of this matter was getting higher and higher, and it directly became the number one hot search on the Internet!

It made a certain star who had just bought the hot search want to cry without tears, it's not allowed to be played like this!

Soon, a big shot on the Internet finally gave an explanation.

"Friends! You may not believe this, but this video is the original video, without any editing! In other words, this battle really ended in one second!"

"In addition, I slowed down this video hundreds of times and finally restored the real battle process!"

"Now I will upload the processed video, you can take a good look at it!"

Then, this big guy really uploaded the video to the Internet!

In the video, Jiadou had the upper hand from the beginning, and directly beat the alien insect.

Bang - soon, the ferocious alien insect was kicked away by the red knight and smashed hard on an abandoned car.


The car exploded, and the alien insect struggled out of the sea of fire, and it seemed that it was not seriously injured.

"This alien insect monster has such strong vitality that it actually withstood the impact of the violent explosion!"

"Yes! If it were an ordinary human, it would have been turned into a pile of minced meat long ago!"

"I wonder how this Kamen Rider will deal with this monster?"

"The fighting moves of this Kamen Rider are so cool, without any drag at all!"

"That’s right! A real punch is the real man’s way of being!"

Netizens watched the slowed-down video and started a heated discussion again.


In the video, the alien insect roared and pounced on the Kamen Rider again.

"One, two, three!"

Netizens saw this mysterious knight quickly press three buttons on his belt, then pull the tentacle-shaped switch, and a strong current of air surged out and gathered on the tentacles on his head.

"What's going on? Why is this Kamen Rider facing away from the insect monsters?"Someone asked in confusion, but unfortunately no one could answer him.

""RiderKick!" A mechanical sound rang out.

The Kamen Rider did a roundhouse kick and then kicked the alien insects that were rushing towards him to pieces!



When the Zerg was kicked and exploded, the knight slowly raised his right hand and pointed to the sky!

Netizens stared at this scene in a daze, and did not say a word for a long time.

"Holy shit! This mysterious hero called Kamen Rider is so cool! I've decided that from today on I will be his loyal fan!"

"666, this one-pointing-to-the-sky gesture is so cool! But what does he want to express?"

"Although this scene looks really cool, why do I feel like he is showing off?"

"Ah——Is there a figure of this Kamen Rider? I really want to buy one for my collection......"

"The above people really think alike! I want it too!"

"The battle ends in one second? It turns out that instant kills really exist!"

Countless netizens were discussing this online, and it was very lively.

Soon someone established a fan support group for Kamen Rider, and Kamen Rider became more and more popular in this world.

Therefore, after serious discussion by the top leaders of the Hero Association, they decided to invite Kamen Rider to join the association to protect the safety of mankind.

Of course, this premise is that they can find the trace of Kamen Rider.

As a result, the entire Sakura District became undercurrents.......................

Jiang Li arrived at the school on time as usual.

"Jiang Lijun, you are finally here!"

After seeing Jiang Li's figure, Yuuki Asuna suddenly became excited.

""Asuna, are you okay? Why are you so excited?" Jiang Li sat down and asked with concern.

Hearing this, Yuuki Asuna adjusted her mood and said,"Jiang Lijun, I read the Sword Art Online you wrote last night! You wrote it so well!"

At the end, Yuuki Asuna couldn't help but praise

"Really? I thought I wrote it badly!"Jiang Li said softly

"How could that be!" Yuuki Asuna quickly said,"Jiang Lijun, the characters you write are so good! Especially the heroine, I like her so much!"

"As long as you like it!" Jiang Li said.

As long as I like it?

Hearing this, Yuuki Asuna felt a little ashamed.

What does Jiang Lijun mean?

Also, why is the heroine in this novel so similar to her?

Did Jiang Li use her as a template to portray her? Asuna guessed in her heart.

If it is true, why does Jiang Lijun know her so well?

Could it be that......Jiang Lijun likes her?

At this moment, Yuuki Asuna had a bold idea.

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