In the end, Jiang Li stopped teasing Xiaolan. Some things are better to be done in moderation.

"By the way, Xiaolan, why are you still alone in the park so late? Jiang Li changed the subject in time.

Xiaolan's expression froze when she heard this, and then she reluctantly explained.

"Um......It’s nothing, I just suddenly want to be alone and find a quiet place to stay for a while!"

Looking at Xiaolan's forced smile, Jiang Li couldn't help but sigh and said,"Xiaolan, did Kudo classmate abandon you and leave by himself?"

"That's not the case. Shinichi just suddenly had something important to do......."Xiaolan's eyes became a little dim, but she still explained to Kudo Shinichi

"You can't just abandon your companions!" Jiang Li said angrily.

"Kudo-san is so irresponsible! If I hadn't just happened to pass by, you would have been in danger, Xiaolan!"

Jiang Li said as he threw dirty water on Kudo Shinichi.

""Jiang Lijun, stop talking!" Xiaolan's voice suddenly became much higher.

Seeing Xiaolan's sad expression, Jiang Li said nothing more.

"Come on, Xiaolan, I'll take you home!"

"But, Shinichi hasn't come back yet......."

Xiaolan looked in the direction where Kudo Shinichi left and said with some concern

"Xiaolan, don't worry! Kudo is already a grown-up, he will definitely take good care of himself!"Jiang Li said

"No, I'm still a little worried about him."Xiao Lan shook her head and took out her cell phone.

"I want to call him and ask about the situation!"

Ding Dong!

At this time, Xiaolan's mobile phone rang with a message alert.

Xiaolan saw that it was from Kudo Shinichi and quickly checked it.

"Xiaolan, I suddenly encountered a case and I won't be back tonight!"

Jiang Li also saw the content of the message, and a hint of sarcasm flashed in his eyes.

Is it worthy of being a drum washing machine? Sure enough, the case is still the most important!

But, did he really encounter a case? Or was he caught by Gin?

Therefore, this message was not sent by Kudo Shinichi himself!

After thinking about it, Jiang Li had several guesses.

"Case! Another case! Shinichi hasn't changed at all!"Xiaolan said angrily

"Ahem, since Kudo has something to do, I'll take you home first, Xiaolan!"Jiang Li said

"Thank you, Jiang Lijun!" This time, Xiaolan did not refuse.

Then, the two walked side by side and slowly left the park...............

On the other side, a Porsche 365A was driving on the road.

"Haha, I didn't expect this kid to have a childhood sweetheart!"Gin took Kudo Shinichi's phone and flipped through his communication messages.

""Brother, you are really wise. This way, no one will look for this kid for the time being!" Vodka, the driver, said respectfully.

"Idiot, drive carefully!" Gin said coldly

"Yes, yes, yes!"

Vodka shrank his neck and quickly focused on driving.

It turned out that the message Xiaolan received was sent by Gin.

"I hope this little detective can be sold for a good price!"Gin glanced at the sack on the back seat, his face full of coldness.

This kid can become a so-called high school student detective, and his brain seems to be quite useful, so he should be worth a lot of money.


Kudo Shinichi's mobile phone was thrown onto the road and then crushed by a large truck.................

"Jiang Lijun, we are home!"

Downstairs of the Maori Detective Agency, Xiaolan turned to look at Jiang Li with a grateful smile on her face.

"Have we arrived yet?" Jiang Li glanced at the office and said,"So, Xiaolan, you are the daughter of the famous detective Mr. Maori!"

"My father is not a famous detective!"Hearing this, Xiaolan shook her head and smiled bitterly.

She knew how capable her father was.

""Jiang Lijun, thank you very much for sending me back!" Xiaolan recovered and said to Jiang Li,"Can I invite Jiang Lijun upstairs to sit for a while?"

Hearing this, Jiang Li glanced at his watch and said with a smile,"Since it's Xiaolan's invitation, how can I refuse? Excuse me!"

Xiaolan smiled and then took Jiang Li into the office.

"Dad, I'm back!"

After opening the door, Xiaolan shouted inside.

"Xiaolan, why did you come back so late? I'm almost starving!"

Maori Kogoro's voice came from the living room.

"Dad, you've been drinking again!"After Xiaolan went in, she found Maori Kogoro lying drunk on the sofa.

The table in the living room was full of empty beer cans.

""I'm sorry! Jiang Lijun! I made you laugh!" Xiaolan frowned and said to Jiang Li awkwardly.

"Xiaolan, who is this guy? Is he your boyfriend?"At this time, Maori Kogoro also found Jiang Li.

He stood up and staggered in front of Jiang Li. Suddenly, a strong smell of alcohol hit him.

"You are a good kid! You look much more reliable than that detective kid!"Mouri Kogoro suddenly put his arm around Jiang Li's shoulders and said

"Xiaolan is now in your hands! Please don't let her down!......Otherwise I won’t forgive you!"

""Dad, what are you talking about!" Xiaolan blushed and couldn't help but said.

Unfortunately, after Maori Kogoro said these words, he fell asleep completely.

"Mr. Maori!" Jiang Li hurriedly supported Maori Kogoro to prevent him from falling to the ground.

Xiaolan also came over to support Maori Kogoro, complaining a little:"Really, Dad always drinks secretly when I'm not at home!"

"Jiang Lijun, can you help me get my dad into the bedroom?"

At this point, Mao Lilan was filled with embarrassment.

"No problem!"Jiang Li said with a smile.

Then, with the help of Jiang Li, Maori Kogoro successfully came to the bedroom.

"call!——"After arriving in the living room, Xiaolan breathed a sigh of relief

""Jiang Lijun, please sit down for a while. I'll make you some tea!" Xiaolan seemed to remember something and said to Jiang Li.

""Hey, Xiaolan, you don't have to be so troublesome!" Jiang Li said.

Unfortunately, Xiaolan left quickly, as if she didn't hear Jiang Li's words.

Maybe she wanted to ease the embarrassment just now? Jiang Li guessed Xiaolan's thoughts.

After a while, Xiaolan came out holding a pot of tea.

"Jiang Lijun, I'm sorry to have kept you waiting for so long!"

"Xiaolan, you are still too polite!"Jiang Li shook his head, then took the teacup and took a sip.

"Xiaolan, the tea you brew is really good! It leaves a lingering fragrance on your lips and teeth, and makes people have an endless aftertaste!"

Jiang Li couldn't help but praise

"How can it be so exaggerated! This is obviously just ordinary tea!"Xiao Lan rolled her eyes at Jiang Li and said helplessly

"Haha, maybe it's because you, Xiaolan, brewed it yourself, so the fragrance of the tea is enhanced!"Jiang Li said in an inexplicable tone.

Hearing this, Xiaolan's face flushed and she said,"Jiang Lijun, do you talk to girls like this in school?"

"No, I think I only said this to Xiaolan!"Jiang Li showed a thoughtful expression, and then said to Xiaolan

"Jiang Lijun, if you continue like this, I will......"

Soon, under Jiang Li's deliberate guidance, Xiaolan's mood gradually recovered.

The two of them slowly communicated, and happy laughter came from time to time....................

On the other side, in a secret laboratory

"Dr. Kano, according to the test data, this experimental subject has very good adaptability! The predicted success rate is as high as 30%!"

"Really? Then let's get started! Haha, I didn't expect the test subjects those guys from the Black Organization found were of such high quality!"

"Then they asked for a price increase......"

"Promise them! As long as the experiment is successful, money is not a problem!"


Then, all kinds of experimental equipment were ready.

Kudo Shinichi, who was lying on the operating table, seemed to have a premonition of something, and his body twitched subconsciously.

Unfortunately, he was under general anesthesia at the moment and couldn't do anything at all!

His current identity is just an experimental subject with no ability to resist!

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