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Tải ảnh: 0.136s Scan: 0.037sThe vanguard troops in the White Deer Forest also suffered a devastating blow from Fang Hao's side.

They were completely slaughtered by the army of plants and zombies.

"Attack! Target the Tarot City army behind! Go straight to Huanglong!"

Fang Hao's eyes condensed, and he immediately gave the order.

Then, the zombie armies in Shangluo Village and Bailu Forest, led by a group of zombie generals and plant girls, quickly attacked.

""Turn on the intermediate detector function!"

At the same time,

Fang Hao also turned on the newly upgraded detector function.

In front of his eyes, a 3D holographic image suddenly flashed!

The top reflected the scene of the zombie army marching.

Among them, each zombie had a virtual image.

Fang Hao could even see their expressions and movements clearly.

"This function is so cool!

" Fang Hao was also attracted by the beautiful blue light in front of him.

Its function is also extremely powerful!

For example, Fang Hao can switch the perspective and adjust the scale at will.

Without leaving home, he can see any corner of the battlefield.

What's more powerful is that Fang Hao can directly lay plant green carpets or zombie tombs within the range covered by the detector by swiping his fingers or thinking.

He can also choose the target and let the target plant or zombie use energy beans or energy walnuts!


At this time, the mighty army of Tarot City was stationed at a water source in the Sanghai Plain,

30 kilometers away from the tree line of the White Deer Forest.

It is located in an open area with excellent vision.

The Eagle Eye array arranged by many magicians is also scattered above the camp, monitoring the movements from the White Deer Forest at any time.

In the camp, there are 10 huge carriages wrapped in canvas, which are particularly eye-catching.

Among them, there are 10 magic heavy artillery.

Behind the magic heavy artillery, there are 5 Optimus Prime-like magic mechanical puppets.

When Fang Hao saw the true appearance of this war weapon, he couldn't help but exclaimed:

""Transformers from another world!"

In addition to these two types of terrifying magical war weapons,

Tarot City's army dispatched 80,000 city defense troops.

These 8 city defense troops are all official soldiers of the empire.

Each of them is a fourth-level warrior who has cultivated fighting spirit.

Secondly, there are 5,000 knights led by the Saint-level Xuan-level Earth Knight Bu.

Each knight is a sixth-level elite equipped with heavy armor, swords, lances, and war horses!

Finally, there are 500 flame-slaying magician corps led by the Saint-level Earth-level Grand Mage Parde.

Each magician among them has reached the seventh-level cultivation!

The combat effectiveness of this army is so great that even if the two great beast lords on the Agate Plateau attack together, it is estimated that they will only end up fleeing in disgrace!

In a tent

"The vanguard has been in for so long, why hasn't even a magic signal been sent out?"

Pard, wearing a red robe and with a solemn face, suddenly asked.

Next to him was a burly man.

This man was none other than Brady, the deputy leader of the Five Thousand Knights.

"Not sure! Maybe the necromancer is a little weird and blocked the magic signals from the scout mages.

Brady replied.

Just as Palder was pondering

, a scout mage rushed to the outside of Palder's tent.

"What happened? Did you receive the magic signal from the vanguard troops?"

Parde asked hurriedly.

"Report to the Lord, it's zombies! Many zombies are pouring out of the White Deer Forest! Lord! Please give instructions as soon as possible!"

Parde's eyes were stern, and he had obviously anticipated the fate of the vanguard.

He immediately stood up and said loudly:

"Pass on my order! All troops on alert! Everyone, get ready for battle!"


Brady responded and immediately walked out of the tent.

Soon, in less than ten minutes, the entire Tarot City army had assembled and lined up for battle.

"Activate the magic machine!"

""Swish, swish, swish!"

As soon as Palder's order was issued, a group of magicians quickly entered the control array and activated the magic heavy artillery and magic mechanical puppets.


The huge muzzle of the magic heavy artillery slowly raised and aimed forward; the eyes of the magic mechanical puppets suddenly lit up.

They moved their limbs and slowly walked out of the camp.


The weapons in the hands of the five mechanical puppets were the standard one sword and one shield.

At this time, they bent down and raised their huge shields.

With their huge bodies, they temporarily built a copper wall for the camp!

The elite knights were on both wings of the magic mechanical puppets.

They were divided into several square formations.

With spears in hand and reins tightly grasped, they could charge into the enemy formation at any time.

The rest of the soldiers were either arranged at the rear of the army as archers; or as infantry, guarding behind the magic mechanical puppets.

The remaining legion of flame-slaying magicians lined up behind Palder.

Magic spells were gently pinched, waiting for attack orders at any time.

""They are coming!"

With the enhanced vision of the Eagle Eye Technique,

Parde and the others could see from a distance that countless zombies were rushing towards them frantically, raising billowing clouds of dust and smoke!

"How many zombies are there?"

Palder asked immediately.

""My Lord, there are currently more than 100,000 zombies visible. However, there are still a large number of zombies pouring out of the forest!"

The scout mage in front replied.

"How many people did this evil beast kill... Prepare the magic artillery!"

Pard's face was solemn, and murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

""Roar, roar, roar!"

I saw 100 huge giant zombies lined up in a row.

They rushed over with heavy steps.

Their huge bodies were comparable to their magic mechanical puppets.

After the giant zombies,

50,000 armored zombies and 10 iron barrel zombies formed the main attacking army.

After that, countless zombies of various types formed legion battle formations.

Countless zombies lined up for several kilometers, with no end in sight.

Along with the zombies came the endless black ink death aura.

"These zombies……"

It was also the first time that Pard saw the true face of these zombies.

He never expected that these zombies had such terrible organization and discipline!

Under such a fast march, the formation of the zombies was not disordered at all!

The shaking of the earth became stronger and stronger.

Pard did not think about it anymore.

In his heart, he was counting slowly.

When the zombie army really entered the range of the magic heavy artillery!

Pard raised his hand high, and his voice was loud and powerful:

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