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"What kind of magic is this?!"

After feeling the terrible pressure, Pard's face changed.

"All the Flame Meteors, bombard those missiles!"

Without any help,

Palder had to forcibly change the magic trajectory of the Flame Meteoric Formation.

Otherwise, if the terrible corn cob missiles fell into his own battle formation, it would definitely cause incalculable losses!


In the sky, a huge mushroom cloud exploded, and the rolling shock wave swept in all directions!

However, it can be seen that after the fierce energy collision,

300 flame meteorites were destroyed.

And in the cloud, there were already more than 50 corn cob missiles, falling down with the remaining force!


Palder looked incredulous. He had never expected the enemy's shells to be so powerful!

In a hurry,

Palder had to open a holy-level defense scroll.

""Holy Barrier!"

Instantly, the remaining corncob missiles fell.

All of them bombarded the defensive shield that Palder had supported alone.

Bang, bang, bang...

Palder remained motionless, his expression solemn and dignified.

"Magic crossbow, shoot!"

"Knights, follow me and kill all these zombies!"

"Brothers, let's go together!"

Inspired by Palder's powerful strength, the morale of the human soldiers was high and they began to launch a full-scale attack!

""Hua Hua Hua!"

A large number of magic crossbow arrows rushed down like huge waves hitting the shore!

After a round of shooting, large groups of zombies were nailed to the ground and could not move.

Even the barrel zombies could not resist the terrible penetrating power of the magic crossbow arrows.

The 500 knights on both wings of the formation, led by Brady, raised their spears and galloped their horses.

They were like two sharp knives, piercing into the tide of zombies.

For a moment, the momentum of the rolling tide of zombies was stagnant!

"They are indeed human beings! Fighting is exciting!"

Seeing this, Fang Hao was also aroused to fight.

The enemies in the past were too weak to fight.

Now finally there is a group of powerful enemies who can really wrestle with him!

"All troops attack! Let these humans see our true strength!"

Fang Hao's powerful command was like a dose of stimulant.

It was injected into all the zombies, making them more excited and violent!

First of all, the indomitable knights

""What's going on? My armor!"

As they were running, a strange suction force suddenly swept over.

Without saying a word, it actually removed their armor one by one.

In the blink of an eye, they were stripped down to only a thin lining.

The knights were all dumbfounded, and the momentum of the horses was slowed down.

The culprit of all this, a group of magnetic mushrooms, was shaking their heads in the distance.

Pieces of armor, lingering on their U-shaped bags, were gradually melted away.

""Ugh! Ugh!!"

On the other side, just when Palder was about to prepare the next wave of magic attacks, a series of sharp screams suddenly came from the sky.

When he looked up, he saw a large group of flying zombies, pressing down at a very fast speed.

What's more terrifying is that among this group of flying zombies, the largest one is a zombie monster with an extremely large and strong physique!

They have a pair of bat-like wings.

On their backs, there are two crescent-shaped sickles.

The muscular limbs, palms and soles are all equipped with three hooked claws!

What's more terrifying is that the fish-shaped giant mouth of this zombie monster seems to be unable to close.

The interlaced sharp teeth inside seem to be scrambling to squeeze out!

"Monster... Monster!"

Many people below were already shouting in fear.

"Scythe Bone Zombie... The existence of this fusion zombie is really an unpredictable heresy!"

Thinking back, Fang Hao was also shocked when he saw this fusion zombie!

Fang Hao also found out later that the Queen Zombie had once served as Dr. Zombie's assistant. Dr.

Zombie likes to tinker with strange combat weapons and mecha equipment; while the Queen Zombie likes to study biochemical genes!

So, this sickle bone zombie is the research result of the Queen Zombie.

It combines the genes of blood-winged jackals, sickle bone magic insects, fang fish and other monsters.

Finally, it has the characteristics of flying wings, sickle bones, hooked claws and fangs and other monster organs!

It is so powerful!

Moreover, the Queen Zombie can create a sickle bone zombie in one day.

After so much development, the number of sickle bone zombies has exceeded ten thousand!

"Destroy the magic artillery first!"

A group of flying zombies quickly released the wind blades in their hands.

""Swish, swish, swish!"

A large piece of wind blade swept down

""Protect the magic heavy artillery!"

Palder immediately ordered the Flame Mage Corps to attack the flying zombies.

The soldiers guarding the magic heavy artillery also used their own bodies to desperately protect the precious magic heavy artillery.


At this moment, tens of thousands of sickle-bone zombies suddenly folded their wings and fell freely.

Their landing point was the location of the magic heavy artillery.


As soon as it landed, the sickle-bone zombies wildly danced with the double-edged sickles on their backs.

They killed the human soldiers like cutting melons and vegetables.

Each sickle-bone zombie was a fusion of the strength of 100 zombies.

The energy level was as high as level 7.

In addition, they were covered with killing weapons all over their bodies.

For a moment, they were like wolves among sheep, killing crazily!

""This bunch of beasts!!"

Palde's eyes were about to burst.

However, many sickle-bone zombies were mixed in the crowd.

There were also large groups of flying zombies in the sky that kept releasing attacks.

Palde was also afraid of the consequences and could do nothing.

Soon, his camp became chaotic because of the sickle-bone zombies.

What made Palde even more chilling was that the control phalanx of the magic heavy artillery and the magic mechanical puppets was completely destroyed.

The guards and magicians who protected and controlled the magic array were also slaughtered!

In this way, the magic heavy artillery and the magic mechanical puppets lost their magic support and turned into a pile of scrap metal.

Palde looked around the battlefield and was horrified to find that the Knights had been wiped out.

Including the Earth Knight Brady, he had also died for his country.

On the entire battlefield, there were only less than 50,000 ordinary soldiers and his own Flame Mage Corps, who were still fighting hard.

"Now, it's our turn to fire! Imp Zombie Cannons, attack!"

Seeing that all the magic heavy artillery had failed to fire, Fang Hao's mind moved.

Immediately, 500 Imp Zombie Cannons slowly approached the battlefield.

Imp Zombie Cannons can not only fire Imp Zombies, but also cherry bombs, hot peppers, ice mushrooms and other destructive shells.

Or flash bombs of the flash flower version; and garlic version of poison gas bombs.


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