After a long flight of fourteen hours, the plane finally arrived at Haneda Airport.

For such a long-distance flight across half the world, if you don’t take the first class, you will be exhausted.

The seats in the economy class are too small, and sitting in such a place for fourteen hours is simply a torture.

But the first-class ticket is extremely expensive, and most people will not be willing to pay it.

Fujiwara Toru has an excellent physique, and as a professional, he has practiced how to sleep quickly. After enjoying a hearty dinner on the plane and a period of sleep, Fujiwara Toru arrived at the destination still energetic.

He boarded the plane at 1 pm England time and finally arrived at 11 am Neon time.

Because he had a meal and some snacks on the plane, Fujiwara Toru was not hungry, so he could skip lunch for the time being and have dinner directly in the evening to reverse the jet lag.

Wearing sunglasses and holding a file bag, Fujiwara Toru entered the airport after inspection at the immigration checkpoint.

Because he was sitting in the first class, Fujiwara Toru got off the plane first, so he did not meet the girl named Chihaya Aine again.

The memories on the plane also reminded Fujiwara Toru who Chihaya Aine was.

《Fujiwara Toru is one of the main characters in the anime Mygo. He has lived in this world for 20 years, but he has almost forgotten this anime character that he has only seen once.

That is why he did not recognize him at the first sight.

It is only in the national-level comics such as Detective Conan that Fujiwara Toru remembers him relatively clearly.

“Since it is also one of the anime characters, if you conquer it, can you also get high-level skill points?”

Fujiwara Toru muttered. As for whether it will succeed, you just need to try it to know.

Of course, Fujiwara Toru didn’t want to be too proactive and be a dog. He had many goals and was not in a hurry. He just took it step by step.

He took out his mobile phone and quickly flipped through the messages. One of them caught his attention.

“Mr. Fujiwara, please reply after you get off the plane. I have brought the contract – From Eri Kisaki.”

Toru Fujiwara thought for a moment and replied,”Ms. Eri Kisaki, I just got off the plane and am going through customs. If there is no traffic in Tokyo, I will probably arrive at my destination before 1 pm. Would you like to have lunch together at noon?”

Not long after the message was sent, Eri Kisaki quickly replied,”Thank you Mr. Fujiwara for your kindness, but I have already made do with a bowl of ramen for lunch. I will treat Mr. Fujiwara next time.” It was a formal and polite reply, which implicitly meant a refusal.

Toru Fujiwara immediately gave up the invitation. For such a mature lady, sometimes being too persistent will only make the other party irritated and avoid you.

“Then I won’t be polite. I’ll make you, Ms. Kisaki Eri, spend some money.”

“For a big client like Mr. Fujiwara, I certainly can’t be stingy. Just tell me where you want to eat.”

Although the other party was not in front of him, Fujiwara Toru seemed to have seen the domineering look of Kisaki Eri.

Fujiwara Toru laughed, and he opened another message, memorized a number, and put away his phone.

Holding the file bag, he came to the locker at the airport. Fujiwara Toru found a locker and entered the password according to the number he just memorized.

The locker opened, and inside was a Porsche car key and a heavy suitcase.

He took the car key and suitcase directly, and walked to the underground parking lot of the airport like an ordinary tourist.

Soon, Fujiwara Toru found a car in the corner of the parking lot.

It was not a Porsche sports car, nor was it the black technology rewarded by the system that Fujiwara Toru drove in North America. That car has not been shipped yet.

This is a modified fully equipped Panamera. Relatively speaking, it will be”low-key” to drive out.

After checking the car as usual and making sure there were no bombs or eavesdropping devices, Fujiwara Toru sat in the driver’s seat. In the driving seat.

He opened the suitcase in his hand, and inside was a brand new M9 pistol that he was used to using, as well as multiple magazines and silencers.

It was impossible for him to bring weapons from the United States on the plane to Neon, but Neon also had a CIA branch, and everything had been prepared for him in advance.

Just like this car, it was specially equipped for him by the CIA. As for how to account, that was the accountants’ business.

After checking the pistol and making sure there was no problem, he put it on himself, and his sense of security increased immediately.

As a human being, at least a human being in this world, he still couldn’t withstand bullets. Close combat is very useful, but the gun is fast at seven steps away, and the gun is accurate and fast within seven steps!

Traffic jams are the norm in any international metropolis, and the same is true for Tokyo.

After experiencing a traffic jam, Fujiwara Toru arrived at his destination, the Old Furukawa Garden near Nishien Station in Kita-ku, Tokyo, at about 1 pm as he estimated.

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