“”Fujiwara-kun, what are you doing?”

Kayako sat on the steps, her heart beating faster, and she looked at Fujiwara Toru with joy as he came back from the night, holding a bag from the convenience store.

But this time, in addition to the food he bought for Kayako, Fujiwara Toru also handed her a 10,000 yen bill.

“I have some things to do in the next few days, so I may not come to run for a while, maybe three days at the shortest, or a week at the longest, so I may not see you.”

“Take this money, buy yourself some food, and buy some good cat food for Xiao Hei, ok? What’s that expression on your face, isn’t it enough? If not, I’ll give you some more.”

Fujiwara Toru said, and took out his wallet and found a 10,000 yuan bill.

“No, no, it’s just… it’s just that I can’t take your money, Fujiwara-kun.”

Kayako shook her hands quickly.

Compared to the 10,000 yen, she cared more about the fact that she might not be able to see Fujiwara Toru in the next few days.

She couldn’t help but ask,”Is Fujiwara-kun busy with something?”

“Well, it was a bit troublesome, and I didn’t have enough time, but I almost finished it in a few days.”

“Don’t refuse this money. You are so thin and malnourished. You should eat properly and pay attention to it. Even if you don’t care about yourself, you should care about Xiao Hei, right?”

“But don’t let your family know about this money.”

Fujiwara Toru forcefully stuffed the money into Kayako’s arms.

This little ancestor must be taken care of, and don’t let anything happen.

In the next few days, Fujiwara Toru needs to prepare the plan first, and then execute the plan.

After the research institute is captured, it will be troublesome to deal with the subsequent matters.

So in the following days, it is impossible for him to come to see Kayako every day.

Thinking carefully, it seems that he has been late for Yukinoshita Haruno for almost a week. He said that he would participate in club activities, but he never went once.

In Fujiwara Toru’s heart, completing the tasks assigned by the superiors is more important than Kayako’s affairs and more important than Yukinoshita Haruno.

Things must be done in order of priority.

The 10,000 yen given by Toru Fujiwara is not a lot, but for Kayako, it is not a small amount.

She has never even held a 10,000 yen bill in her life.

Kayako stared blankly at the 10,000 yen in her hand, wondering if this is what the girls in the school secretly discussed about finding a”sugar daddy”? Is this the so-called”daddy job”?

Some of them make money this way.

No, no, Fujiwara-kun is not that kind of person, and I am not good-looking. Fujiwara-kun must not mean that, he just… just cares about me.

Thinking that Fujiwara-kun is caring about her, Kayako felt as sweet as honey in her mouth.

Hehe, Fujiwara-kun is caring about me, he is caring about me…

Fujiwara-kun glanced at Kayako, who looked dazed. He didn’t know what she was thinking, but he always felt that she was not thinking about good things.

This little ancestor is really a headache, she must not get into trouble.

Then think of a way to solve all the trouble factors around her that may cause problems.


Two days later, in the study of Fujiwara Toru’s mansion in Tokyo, the machine in the box was running. In less than a minute, a lifelike human skin mask was made in the transparent glass tank.

He turned on the machine, put the human skin mask inside, then put the instrument away and picked out a special piece of clothing in the closet.

After doing this, Fujiwara Toru left home, walked to the street and took a taxi.

The taxi did not take him to his destination, but to a subway station with few people. After paying and getting off the car, Fujiwara Toru went directly into the public toilet next to it.

In the single toilet of the toilet, he put on the human skin mask, then took off his coat and put it on inside out.

When Fujiwara Toru came out of the public toilet, he had changed his clothes and looked like a European and American with short blond hair.

Fortunately, this is the Conan world, and there are very few cameras on the streets and shops, which makes Fujiwara Toru’s many disguises extremely convenient, and no one has discovered the clues.

If there were too many cameras, then many of Conan’s methods of solving cases would be useless. The police would just need to adjust the surveillance and solve many cases. There would be no need for detectives…

After he had completely completed his disguise, he took a taxi again and, speaking broken Japanese, took himself to an independent one-family house not far from the medical research institute.

“Ding Dong——”

Fujiwara Toru rang the doorbell, and a vigilant voice came from the room:”Who?”

“Pizza delivery”

“What flavor?”



The door was opened, and inside was a fully armed European and American strong man with a silenced pistol in his hand.

“”Come in!”

When Toru Fujiwara came into the room, he carefully observed the surroundings before closing the door.

In a Japanese-style house, there was a team of six people, including the person who opened the door just now. At this time, they were all checking their weapons and equipment.

HKMP5 submachine guns, HK416 assault rifles, and another person checking the M24 sniper rifle in his hand.

These people are retired special forces from NATO countries. Because they cannot adapt to normal life, they are still active on battlefields around the world.

They are a group of vultures, doing all kinds of things for money, all of them are a group of desperate criminals.

“Where’s my equipment?”

“In that box”

“Are you all ready?”

“Are you ready? This time the mission is to kill everyone you see, right?”

The strong European and American man who opened the door for Fujiwara Toru just now asked indifferently.

Fujiwara Toru put on a Kevlar tactical bulletproof vest, and also checked the weapons and equipment in the box, and said:”Kill everyone you see, but pay attention, this person must be alive.”

Fujiwara Toru took out a photo and handed it to several people. It was a full-body photo of Miyano Shiho wearing a white coat. Miyano Shiho was legally employed in that company, so it was not difficult to find the other party’s employment photo. What if Miyano Shiho is still in the research institute, and he was shot directly when he went in, that would not be fun.

The six-man team passed the photos and memorized the target’s appearance in their minds.

They were all members of elite special forces from various countries in the world. Rescuing hostages and taking target persons away were also former training programs.

“Got it!”

They won’t ask for more specifics. Anyway, the other party has paid them, so they just do the work for the money.

“Now that we understand, let’s go. The security personnel of this research institute are not strong, so we don’t need to sneak in secretly. We can just rush in and kill all the living people we see.”

Fujiwara Toru waved his hand, and the seven people came to the parking garage on the side, where two off-road Hummers were parked.

This kind of armed Hummer and these firearms and weapons, with the ability of their group of people, it is impossible to bring them to Neon.

But as an employer, Fujiwara Toru prepared so many advanced weapons for them, which shows that this matter must be supported by the resources of a country.

They don’t know the true identity of Fujiwara Toru, but they can roughly guess that he is an intelligence officer of a certain country.

But whether it is the KGB or the CIA, their job is just to collect money and complete the task.

Two Hummers ran on the streets of the suburbs of Neon, and twenty minutes later, they arrived at the target location.

As a research institute of a famous pharmaceutical company in Neon, there are security measures here, and it is also a base of the Black Organization behind the scenes. The security personnel inside also illegally possess some firearms.

The main entrance of the institute is blocked by an iron fence, and there is a security booth at the door.

The Hummer stopped at the door, and the two security guards were a little curious.

I heard that someone would be sent over in the next two days. Could it be them?

The security guards had just come to the car and hadn’t spoken yet, the window of the Hummer fell down, and two pistols with silencers stretched out from it.


Two subtle gunshots were heard, and two bloody holes immediately appeared on the security guard’s head, and he fell directly to the ground.

The Hummer suddenly stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, and with a loud bang, it directly knocked open the iron door and rushed into the courtyard in front of the institute.

Since the employer required that no one be left alive, they were going to make a big scene in Neon!

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