At the Nichimi TV headquarters, the TV station director rushed into the office and shouted,”Mizuno!”

“Director, what’s the hurry?”

The ace reporter and host of Nichimi TV, who has received many praises on the Japanese Internet and is called the most beautiful woman of Nichimi TV by many Japanese people, Mizunashi Reina, or Hondou Eikai, asked hurriedly.

“I received an urgent report from an informant that a large-scale shooting occurred in the suburbs of Tokyo, and dozens of police officers are rushing to the scene.”

“”You should take your team over quickly and try to get the first-hand information. Don’t let other TV stations get there first!”

The director of Nichimei TV shouted hurriedly.

With the development of self-media, many news will be reported on self-media first.

However, large media like them still have a very important voice, and their news is more accurate than those of self-media, which makes the public more convinced.

And news is also time-sensitive. Their traditional media may not be able to compete with self-media in terms of speed, but they must compete with their peers.

So���For a major case that requires dozens or even hundreds of police officers, the TV station’s ace reporters must go.

Mizunashi Rena’s heart sank, thinking to herself, is this a CIA raid on the organization’s research institute?

I hope this incident won’t affect my undercover career.

Thinking this in her mind, she shouted”yes” and immediately took the entire reporter team out.


“Boss, the intelligence we received is correct, someone is invading our research institute!”

In an SUV on the streets of Tokyo, Gin was sitting in the passenger seat, smoking.

Vodka, who was driving the car, received a call and heard the report from the other end. He hung up the phone and said anxiously to Gin beside him.

Gin nodded and said coldly:”Let’s go!”


Vodka picked up the walkie-talkie and began to direct. A convoy of more than ten cars quickly rushed to the suburban research institute.

Gin put out the cigarette in his hand, his expression grim.

Ah, Shirley, don’t get into trouble, I’m going to kill you with my own hands!


In the suburban research institute, the hired team led by Toru Fujiwara was cleaning up.

At the same time, they also placed C4 explosives inside the institute. When they left, they would completely destroy the building and eliminate as much trace of their presence as possible.

The security of the institute was just a group of trained personnel, and their weapons were too poor. Facing an elite special forces team, they had little resistance and were wiped out by Toru Fujiwara and others.

As for the other researchers, they were like sitting ducks.


Fujiwara Toru kicked open a house, and walked in with a submachine gun in hand, slightly cautious. When he saw the layout here and a pair of metal handcuffs on the railing, he said softly,”Huh.”

He walked into the railing and checked the handcuffs. One end was connected to the railing, but the other end was empty.

Soon, Fujiwara Toru found a garbage pipe that could only allow children to pass through.

“It seems that he just ran away not long ago. Ha, Shirley, you can’t run away.”

Fujiwara Toru chuckled and left the gas chamber.

His task is not only to clean up the researchers here, but also to get important documents.

Soon, Fujiwara Toru came to the largest research room in the institute, which was filled with various bottles and jars. The computer was still turned on and running, and the researchers had already run away.

He began to search among the pile of finished drugs, pushed the useless drugs to the ground, and finally found what he was looking for.

The red and white capsules, APTX4869 was written on the box.

Since the Black Organization did not know that this drug also had the effect of shrinking the body, it was just treated as a poison, so it was not a particularly confidential matter and was completely exposed.

As a double doctor, Shiho Miyano’s job was not just to develop this drug , and she is also responsible for many serious drug research and development work.

Poisons are used for assassinations, while those serious drugs can be patented to make money. Such a large organization has a huge demand for money, and Miyano Shiho is a serious drug developer.

After putting away APTX4869, Fujiwara Toru began to transfer files on the computer.

However, these computer files are professionally protected. A password is required to copy the files, and it is impossible to crack them in a short time.

If the wrong password is entered three times, the files inside will be automatically destroyed.

But it doesn’t matter. Fujiwara Toru immediately disassembled the computer and took away the hard drive inside.

At this moment, the phone in Fujiwara Toru’s arms vibrated.

He had blocked everyone before taking action. At this time, there was only one person who could call him.

“Boss, what happened? You called me during the operation.”

“”Wick, take out your tablet.”

Fujiwara Toru followed his instructions and took out the small tablet he carried with him. Soon the data was connected, and the street scene of Tokyo appeared on the tablet.

Dozens of police cars were speeding on the road towards the research institute with sirens on.

Fujiwara Toru had expected this. When they started the cleanup, someone would call the police. Besides, this was just a suburb of Tokyo, not an uninhabited area. The Tokyo police would definitely arrive at the first time.

Fujiwara Toru knew that this was not what Spencer wanted to see for him.

Sure enough, the scene changed, and the picture taken by the military satellite from the United States turned to the other side. More than ten black SUVs were also lined up and coming here.

Fujiwara Toru’s heart moved, and he said,”Is this a member of that organization? Our plan is exposed.”

Spencer’s tone was flat, but the anger in his words was obvious:”There is an undercover in the CIA!”

“How many people worked on this project?”

“I asked an action team to plan”

“That’s more troublesome. Anyone in this group could be an undercover traitor.”

“You don’t have to worry about this for now. I will find the undercover. They knew it was our CIA that was taking action, but they dared to stop it. They are really bold.”

CIA Director Spencer’s voice was cold:”……It seems that the heavy firepower assigned to you is correct, Wick, teach these people a lesson and let them know how much it costs to stop the CIA’s actions.”


“Have you got the quest items?”

“Got it”

“Very good, Wick, you are the most trustworthy one.

Spencer praised.

Fujiwara Toru hung up the phone without comment.

“From Spencer’s tone, it can be seen that he does not take the Black Organization seriously.”

“But it’s normal. As the director of the CIA, how could he care about an international criminal organization? In his eyes, this organization is just a dog at most.”

“Haha, this organization is definitely not simple. Looking at what they are researching, we know that it may be related to some deeper forces, so you just have to fight it out.”

Fujiwara Toru laughed.

While the snipe and the clam quarrel, the fisherman benefits. With the big fish of the CIA director in the front, not many people will pay attention to him, a small agent.

Try to make them reveal more things in the process of fighting each other.

After placing the last C4 bomb in the laboratory, Fujiwara Toru notified the mercenaries in the channel:”A new mission has been issued from above, and someone is coming to support us. We need to ambush them.”

“Got it!”

Mercenaries don’t ask too many questions, they will do anything as long as they are paid.

After cleaning up the research institute, the seven-man team reunited.

Fujiwara Toru roughly informed them of the enemy’s size and said,”Kill as many of their personnel as possible, and then retreat immediately.”

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