In the distant celestial realm, there is a group of creatures, they are star spirits, also called giant gods.

The creatures on the earth, when they look up at the sky, they will see countless stars, and together they form many different constellations, and these constellations are the embodiment of the power of the star spirit.

When mortals are recognized by the star spirits, the constellations represented by the star spirits will descend their power and give mortals blessings, giving them great power far beyond humans.

The power of the star spirits will appear in the world, gain the faith of other mortals, pray that they can also receive the blessing of the star spirits, and have great power.

However, these powerful star spirits will not come to the mortal world with their true bodies, but will only temporarily appear in the mortal world through these selected carriers to deal with mortal affairs.

It's not that they can't go down, it's that they don't want to.

Because when the star spirits of the celestial realm personally come to earth, their divine personality will be stripped away, they will no longer be able to return to the celestial realm, they will lose their immortal lives, and they will no longer be high gods.

But thousands of years ago, the changes in the Rune Land caught their attention, and the mortal spirit gained the power of ascension and became a group of powerful ascensions.

Looking at the growing army of Ascensions, the Star Spirits felt that their position was threatened.

In their opinion, these creatures are crazy, unpredictable, and dangerous, deviating from the great design that the Celestial Realm has built for them.

Therefore, the "accident" happened, most of these guys died, the rest were sealed, and the mortal world returned to the right track they weave.

With this lesson, in order to be able to supervise and guide these mortals at all times, the star spirits decided to send a star spirit to the mortals.

After a fierce "discussion", a newly born and immature star spirit came to the mortal world.

She is the god called the Son of the Stars, named Soraka.

Soraka came to the mortal world, lost his immortal godhead, and gained a flesh and blood body, but this flesh and blood body was too fragile to withstand her powerful divine power.

Powerful magic would burn her body from the inside out, starting from her veins, making her miserable, but she did not forget her mission and began to walk the mortal world.

Soon, Soraka saw the cruel side of the people of Runeterra. Whether it's on the battlefield of inevitable killing, or the dirty bottom of a vast city, or on the edge of an untamed wilderness...

The war, betrayal and suffering that Soraka witnessed seemed to have no end...

Kind by nature and with healing powers, she wants to do something.

She begins to live with mortals in an attempt to repair the damage she can save, and during this time, she discovers something incredible and completely unpredictable.

In the chaos of quarrels, wars, and turmoil in the Runeterra, Soraka realizes that a new, unconscious rule and order that is different from the direction and great design of the celestial realm is emerging, and has a surprising complexity.

These new, unknown futures created by mortals themselves, Soraka saw near-immaculate perfection.

Just as mortals have cruel souls, they also possess unlimited potential for goodness and inspiration, comparable to any being in the starry sky.

Soraka has found a spiritual home and a new mission of his own.

Instead of supervising mortals and forcing them to walk in the direction prescribed by the celestial realm, she strives to help the mortals she encounters and help them unlock their unknown potential.

Soraka now takes on the responsibility of motivating and guiding rather than being a mortal shepherd, and she seeks to help humanity find their untapped path in their short and shining lives.

When healing broken and incomplete beings, she would be genuinely satisfied, feeling that the pain that burned her body was worth it.

For thousands of years, legends about the children of the stars have existed in all parts of the Runeterra.

Some tribes of Freyrdrand still tell the story of a wanderer from afar, a physician with horns, who soothed the coldest wounds of winter.

And in the depths of Zuan, it is rumored that a physician with purple skin is able to purify the lungs ravaged by the ashes of alchemy.

In the midst of the chaos of Ionia, the ancient legend of the Vastayans tells the legend of a prophet from the starry sky who was able to use starlight to heal the wounded and repel enemies who had harmed the land.

And this great, kind deity, who selflessly helps humanity and is revered, is suffering unimaginably.

In the clear water of the river, Soraka is holding his body, trying to endure the pain in his body.

Although she has endured it for thousands of years, she has become somewhat accustomed to this pain, and she can usually live normally.

But every night of the full moon, the power in her body would become surging and turbulent, accompanied by a strong burning sensation and severe pain that tore her body.

Stimulated by the strength of his body, Soraka's skin turned deep purple, and cracks appeared on his surface, as if it was about to shatter at any time.

The thin clothes on his body, soaked by the river, clinging to the plump body, some magic lines on the surface of the body loomed.

A pair of pointed elf ears shrugged weakly at this time, and the unicorn on his forehead also flashed with light, as if warning of something.

The beautiful face also became a little distorted under the stimulation of pain.

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