Amano Yuan sighed, although the gap between heaven and earth was a little big from what he expected, it was also a good ability.

"System, what about body strengthening?"

"Insufficient authority to harden."

The system's words gave Amanogen a whole stunned, "Insufficient permissions, what's going on."

"Because the host is a creature from another world, it needs to be bound to a certain extent with any creature in this world before the world recognizes the host and strengthens the host and the creature through the system."

After listening to the explanation of the system, Amano Yuan understood that he was a person who did not belong to this world after all, how could the world let himself get strengthened from it for no reason, in case he only thought of a body enhancement in vain, then wouldn't it be a loss.

Therefore, if you want to bind yourself to the creatures of this world, not only can you not easily give up this world, but you can also let a native creature get a bonus through the system.

"Something is wrong, didn't I get a [affinity of all things]?"

"That's not a bonus from this world, it's a bonus from the world where the host lives."

"The bonus given by the world I live in? That means that this bonus is sixteen years late, why didn't you say earlier about the system. "Amano Yuan suddenly had a feeling that he had lost hundreds of millions.

"You didn't ask the host, and it's not sixteen years, it's a day, this enhancement came after the system woke up."

"Oh, yes." Amano Yuan suddenly felt that he was not at a loss, "By the way, system, how long do I have to stay here?" "

Three years."

"Three years." Amano Yuan muttered, now strengthen what is not in a hurry, the priority is to gain a foothold here first.

According to the original system, there is no danger in a radius of ten kilometers, so your range of activities is temporarily set at this radius of ten kilometers, and then slowly explore outward.

Feeling the temperature around him, it was about a dozen degrees, and the clothes he was wearing were just right to stay here.

Checking that the things he had brought were all intact, he first put the things on the ground and checked where he was now.

After some walking around and tapping around with a guide stick, Amano found himself in the innermost part of a cave, where the space was about three or four meters wide and nearly three meters high, and the unknown rocks around him were very strong.

And he checked, there was no smell of other creatures here, apparently not some animal's lair. The walls are a little damp, there are no small puddles on the ground, and there is a high probability that there will be no standing water here when it rains.

This cave is obviously a relatively qualified stronghold, [This should not be the place that the system specially chose for me, right?] Amano

Yuan felt that it was very likely, it seemed that the system still cared about himself, saving him from looking for a place to rest.

Because he had not only rested and eaten before coming, he was in good condition now, so he planned to go out and explore first.

Taking out a small backpack from the large hiking bag, filling it with some food, and taking a bottle full of water, he slowly walked outside with a knife in his left hand and a guide stick in his right hand.

The road leading to the outside of the cave is much narrower than the location just now, about one meter wide, and only about two meters high, and the road surface is relatively smooth, obviously processed by someone. I think this cave was inhabited for a while, but now I have left.

After walking for about ten meters, Amano Yuan walked out of the cave, his feet were soft, he bent down and gently felt it with his hand, making sure it was sand.


After leaving the cave, the surrounding temperature was about 20 degrees, the air was not dry, and there was a slight salty smell in the air, and Amano was sure that he was on the beach.

Without hesitation, Amano Yuan continued to explore forward, walking two or three hundred meters, he stopped, listening to the sound of water in his ears, Amano Yuan knew that he had reached the beach, along the way, he did not encounter any obstacles, but this was not good news for him.

There were no plants around, and it was difficult for him to find materials for life, sighing slightly, Amano Gengen walked back first, intending to explore the surroundings centered on the cave.

After arriving at the entrance of the cave, Amano Yuan walked around the surroundings, and after a while, he returned here, this circle was less than four hundred meters, and the whole was oval like a four-hundred-meter playground track on campus.

Putting away the things in his hand, Amano Yuan walked forward, stretched out his hand and slowly climbed up the mountain, his grip strength was several tons, and the balance of his body was also excellent, so climbing was a very simple thing for him.

After climbing about thirty meters, Amano Yuan touched a very smooth place, as soon as he used his strength, the whole person went up, here was like a platform, he bent down and touched it with his hand, it was very flat, as if it had been carefully polished.

At first he didn't pay much attention to it, but as he gradually explored, his brows furrowed deeper and deeper, because this smooth place is not one place or two, all places here are like this, the mountain is like an inverted basin, and the top is a smooth and flat surface.

"It's strange, can nature form such terrain?" Amano Gengen was puzzled, this was more like a person cutting it with a knife, shook his head, threw this idea out of his mind, cut it with a knife, how scary people can do it, how can normal people do it.

But his brows furrowed deeper and deeper, yes, normal people can't do it, but this is a different world, maybe someone really can.

Thinking of this, Amano Yuan couldn't help but swallow, if that's really the case, then isn't this world a little scary.

Amano Yuan was a little worried in his heart, but he also felt a little excited, if there really is such a person who can flatten the mountain, can he become like that?

After exploring it for a while, he found that this was a clearing and nothing else, so he did not continue to explore and climbed down the mountain.

After exploring the hill, nothing was found on it, and for the next few days, Amano spent most of his time exploring his surroundings.

The island was not very large, about four or five kilometers in diameter, and there was a grove not far behind the hill where he was, and there were probably dozens of trees that he was familiar with coconut trees, and he tasted one, the coconut water was very sweet, and the coconut meat tasted very good, which made him very satisfied, and the other trees were also luxuriant, but he did not find any fruit.

Although he did not find the source of water, but these trees grew so luxuriantly, Amano Yuan thought that there might be water underground, or it rained more frequently here.

Tenno Yuan sat at the door of the cave, facing the sea, couldn't help sighing, I don't know why, after he came to this world, his food intake suddenly became larger, and he could have eaten compressed biscuits for a long time, but it was only a few days later.

He put the last cookie in his mouth, holding in his hand the two cans that Shiyu Kasumigaoka had given him, and now there was only this food left with him.

The water is fine, he picked a dozen coconuts around him, although the coconut meat is not enough to eat, but he can go to the sea to catch fish. Two days ago, he tried that the active effect of his [Affinity of All Things] could attract fish.

Just as Amano Yuan was about to leave for the beach to catch fish, there was a sudden loud noise ahead, and he also felt the ground shaking, and he was vigilant, and picked up the guide stick and knife, he wanted to go and check it out.

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