Zongman: I Have An Equipment Bar

Chapter 101 Kyoko’S Problem (4)

"Wahhahaha, I'm Onizuka Hideyoshi, the world's number one teacher in the future, how could I be fired.

Another night, Onitsuka came to the restaurant again.

But this time, he was obviously in a very good mood, even a little complacent.

As soon as he entered the restaurant, he let out a burst of laughter, which made the guests in the restaurant almost think that something bad was coming to destroy it.

Liu Ming looked at him speechlessly, and didn't know who was downcast last night, looking like he was dying.

He asked angrily, "What's the matter with you this time?"

"Hahaha, Liu Ming, you never expected that. Not only was I not fired, I was even praised," said Onizuka proudly.

"And then?" Liu Ming asked blankly.

"What then, aren't you happy for me?" Onizuka was dumbfounded, this plot is wrong.

"Do you know, your behavior just now almost drove my guests away, and you have the nerve to say this?" Liu Ming glared at him and said dissatisfied.

"Uh~~" Onizuka touched his head in embarrassment, but with his personality, he wouldn't mind too much.

He stepped forward and patted Liu Ming on the shoulder, and said, "We are good brothers, don't worry about it so much. It's so hard that 02 can give me a new life, should you treat me?"

After speaking, Onizuka couldn't help swallowing. Last night, he just drank beer and didn't eat anything, it was really a waste.

Liu Ming rolled his eyes at him angrily, it's really thick-skinned for Cengfan to speak so confidently.

"Find a seat by yourself, if you dare to disturb other people's dining, don't come here in the future"

After Liu Ming returned to the kitchen, he found that Xiao Chi had followed him in, so he couldn't help asking strangely, "Xiao Chi, what's the matter.

"Xiao Xing and the others want me to remind my cousin that they will come over to play tomorrow, and my cousin will prepare more delicious food." The little chick said in a childish voice.

Liu Ming was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered that he seemed to have invited Xiao Xing and the others before, that they could come to visit on the day of the school holiday, and he even flirted with them shamelessly.

If Xiao Chi hadn't reminded him, he might have forgotten it.

"Xiao Chi, it's really thanks to you this time." Liu Ming picked up Xiao Chi and rubbed her cheek happily.

"Giggle~~" Xiao Chi laughed happily.

"Is there anything Xiao Chi wants to eat tomorrow? My cousin will make it for you." My cousin hugged Xiao Chi and found a seat to sit down.

On the contrary, now Elma has also learned how to make the dishes on the menu. With her and Thor in the kitchen, he is not bad.

Xiao Chi tilted her head and began to think seriously. Just thinking about it, her little face was about to twist up.

Finally, with her unique immature voice, she said seriously, "As long as it is made by my cousin, Xiao Chi likes to eat it."

Liu Ming's heart suddenly warmed up, and he rubbed his little face against Xiao Li's again.

"Xiao Chi is really good, cousin likes Xiao Chi the most."

"Xiao Chi also likes cousin the most." Xiao Chi also replied happily.

After a while, Liu Ming put Xiao Chi down and let her play by herself.

But then Xiao Kong also came to him.

"Xiaokong, are you okay?" Liu Ming was suddenly curious, what happened tonight, one after another.

"It's not me, it's about Kyoko." Xiaokong thought for a while and finally decided to ask out the doubts in his heart.

"Xingzi? Is there something wrong with Xingzi?" Liu Ming was surprised.

Xingzi has been doing pretty well these days, working hard and being careful. He even admires himself for finding such a waiter.

"Xingzi is so young, doesn't my cousin plan to let her continue to go to school?" Xiao Kong asked his own doubts.

After getting along with each other these days, she also learned a lot about Kyoko. When knowing that she is living alone now, Xiaozhong also shows her sister-like concern from time to time.

At first, Xiaokong thought that Liu Ming was already helping Kyoko to go to school, but after such a long time, there was still no sign, so she couldn't help asking.

Hearing Xiaokong's question, Liu Ming was stunned, he had never thought about this matter before.

In the animation, the reason why Kyoko didn't go to school was because the conditions didn't allow it. Did she go to school even if she didn't see Hina?

Now, he obviously has the ability to let Kyoko enjoy the happy life in the academy, but he has never thought about it in this direction, and it is natural for Kyoko to work as a waiter in the restaurant.

Moreover, all people of her age can go to school, and she must be feeling uncomfortable when she is left alone in the restaurant.

Liu Ming took a deep breath, patted Xiaokong's head lightly, and said solemnly, "Xiaokong, you are right, this is my cousin's negligence. Now go out and call Xingzi in, I will have a good time with her Talk. If she really wants to, I will arrange for her to go to school"

"Thank you cousin." Xiaokong smiled happily, she really likes Kyoko, a simple but very sensible girl.

"Silly girl, we are a family, what are you thankful for, you go out and call Xingzi in." Liu Ming lightly gave Xiao Kong a hand knife.

"Hey" Xiao Kong was not angry, and ran out excitedly.

Not long after, Kyoko with a dazed face came in front of Liu Ming.

"Boss, are you looking for me?" Xingzi asked strangely.

"Well, Xingzi, I have a question to ask you, and you have to answer me honestly." Liu Ming nodded and said seriously.

Xingzi scratched her head, feeling a little uneasy, she didn't understand why Liu Ming suddenly became so serious.

Could it be to drive her away, but it's impossible, she didn't do anything wrong, and she didn't eat much, 360 and more importantly, she still owed Liu Ming a lot of money.

"Do you want to go to school?" Liu Ming noticed that his expression seemed to scare the other party, and quickly became gentle.

"Ah~" Xingzi trembled in her heart, and looked at Liu Ming in disbelief.

She now very much doubts whether she has heard it wrong.

That's school!

Of course she wants to go.

Seeing Xiaokong and the others carry their schoolbags one by one and go to school happily every day, she is very envious in her heart.

But she can't show it, after all, she is just an outsider, a waiter who lives here.

She can eat delicious food every day and sleep in her own room every night. She is already very content, what else can she ask for.

Seeing Xingzi's expression, Liu Ming already knew what she was thinking, she was really a sensible and well-behaved child.

He stretched out his head and gently stroked Kyoko's hair, and said softly, "This is my negligence, I will arrange for you to go to school as soon as possible."

"But~" Xingzi wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Liu Ming.

"No, but, I'm the store manager, I have the final say, you just need to be obedient as a part-time worker."

"Hmm~" Kyoko bit her lip, trying to control her emotions, but she couldn't help but shed tears of emotion.

Liu Ming secretly sighed in his heart, and gently held her in his arms.

'I don't seem to be doing well enough'.

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