Zongman: I Have An Equipment Bar

Chapter 106: Erina Comes To Throw Things Down (4)

After a delicious lunch, Xiaoyu and the others left the restaurant with happy expressions on their faces. After all, they have something to do when they get together today, so it is impossible to stay here forever.

Liu Ming looked at the reluctant eyes of Xiaolu and Xiaonai when they left, and thought to himself, I am afraid that Xiaoyu will definitely call them when she comes over for dinner in the future, after all, they have such a good relationship.

When he returned to the restaurant, he saw Granny Doma holding Naosum Doma while talking. At this time, Granny Doma's smile was brighter than before. It was quite correct to call Naozu Doma over this time.

At the same time, he wondered in his heart whether he should call him over from time to time to accompany Granny Tujian in the future. The big deal is to promise him that you can eat here.

On the other side, Xiao Chi introduced her pet Yike to her three best friends.

Seeing Yike's furry and cute appearance, the three little girls also became interested, and ran to Yike's side curiously.

Kang Na may be addicted to being an older sister, so she also came over to play with them.

Liu Ming looked around at 02, and after feeling that there was nothing wrong with him, he lay down on the recliner, ready to rest for a while.

However, before he could sleep for a long time, he was shaken awake.

"Xiaokong? What's the matter?" Liu Ming rubbed his sleepy eyes.

"Someone is looking for you," Xiao Kong said softly.

"Ah?" Liu Ming replied suspiciously. He raised his head and glanced at the wall clock on the wall, which showed that the time was past 3 pm.

How could someone come to him at this time.

"Sister Thor said they were here to mess things up." Xiaokong's expression was a bit weird, but she didn't know if it was true, the words originally came from Thor.

"What! Who is so bold, dare to come here to make trouble. How about Thor, she is not angry." Liu Ming was a little angry at first, but soon turned into worry.

Of course he wasn't worried about Thor, but someone who came. If Thor goes too far, I don't know if this restaurant can survive.

If he was on the scene, Thor might still have one or two scruples and would not mess around. However, if he is not there, it will be troublesome.

Thinking of this, Liu Ming couldn't help but mourn for the visitor for a while.

"Sister Thor is not so violent, but she is confronting the other party. Cousin, you'd better go down quickly." Xiaokong also realized that now is not the time to talk

Liu Ming also reacted, stood up quickly, and ran towards the first floor.

When he went down to the first floor and saw the people standing in the hall, he realized why Jie Erhui said that the people who came were here to make trouble.

There were three visitors, all of whom were acquaintances.

One of them is Natsume Chigaru whom I haven't seen for a long time, and the other two are Nakiri Senzaemon and his granddaughter Nakiri Erina.

It turned out to be these three people, and it's no wonder Thor has such great hostility.

Thor always thinks that Qianhua Xiaya is seducing Liu Ming, so Thor has always disliked Liu Ming.

Not to mention Erina, it wasn't long after the last incident, Thor is quite vengeful.

As for Senzaemon, it may be that he hates the house and black, because of Erina's existence, Thor doesn't even like her grandfather.

"Boss Liu, we haven't seen each other for a long time." Qian Wuxia Ya wanted to go over to shake hands with Liu Ming, but Thor stood in front of her and blocked her way.

Qian Wu Xia Ya was stunned for a moment, but she didn't mind, after all, such things happened often in the past.

"Hmph, with such a poor service attitude, I don't know how this store survived." Erina snorted dissatisfied.

"Erina," Senzaemon shouted.

Seeing this, Erina stopped talking, but the dissatisfaction on her face became more and more obvious.

Liu Ming pulled the upset Thor behind him, his eyes slowly swept over the three of them, and finally landed on Erina.

He said slowly, "You have to be clear, now is not business hours, so strictly speaking, you are not customers, and we don't have to serve you.".

"You~" Erina was immediately annoyed and had nothing to say.

However, Liu Ming didn't intend to let her go just like that.

He continued, "And when you come to me at this time, it should be as a friend. When you come to a friend's house, you are picky and picky. You, the eldest lady of the Nakiri family, don't have a good temper."

"I~" Eri 590 Nai was so wronged that she was about to cry. Didn't she just say an angry word, you don't need to run on me all the time, I'm a beautiful and lovely girl anyway, can't I have a little grace.

"Ahem..." Senzaemon couldn't stand it any longer, and quickly coughed twice to interrupt the quarrel between the two.

Erina is also his precious granddaughter after all, and it doesn't feel good for him to be told that in person.

"Mr. Liu, we meet again." Senzaemon's self-cultivation skills are still very deep, and there is no estrangement between him and Liu Ming.

"Hello, who are you?" Liu Ming didn't run on Senzaemon, after all, it was Erina who made him angry, and he wasn't stingy to that extent.

Senzaemon chuckled, and then said, "Didn't I say it last time, of course I'm here to try Mr. Liu's craft, and I've been looking forward to it for a long time."

"But it's not business hours now." Liu Ming didn't mean to target anyone, after all, it's only after three o'clock, and the restaurant's business hours don't start until five o'clock

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