Zongman: I Have An Equipment Bar

Chapter 123 Adding Two New Members (1)

"Except for me, I haven't seen her talking to anyone else for a long time, and you are the first one in such a long time." Chiba Mako looked at Liu Ming strangely, not understanding why Sagiri looked at him differently.

Liu Ming was a little scared by her. He seemed to have said that he was going to find a new father for Sagiri, so she couldn't be more interested in him.

"There should be no mistake in the recruitment notice above. If you work here, you can include food and housing? Do you mind if I bring an extra daughter? If not, I can also pay the rent." Makoto looked at it seriously Liu Ming.

reject her?

It's just that, if she really does this, then she will definitely find someone else to marry for Sagiri's happy life in the future, and finally hang up on the way of the wedding tour.

After all, the two of them are considered acquaintances, and it is impossible to ignore death, anyway, there is a real shortage of people in the restaurant.

And now that there are so many children in the family, it will be much more convenient for a mother with children to stay here, and it will also allow them to feel maternal love again.

Since there are so many benefits, Liu Ming has no reason to refuse.

Seeing Liu Ming nodding in agreement, a happy smile appeared on Mako's face.

After returning to the lobby, Mako told Sagiri the good news.

Hearing that he was going to move here, Shawu showed a trace of apprehension on his face, but he didn't resist too much.

Ying Lili looked at the two of them enviously. After they lived here, not only could they see Teacher Liu every day and get his advice, but 623 could even eat delicious food every day.

I'm so envious!

She really wanted to stay here, but unfortunately she was still a student, and she didn't know if her family would agree.

It shouldn't be possible, after all, Zhili is a boy's home, so how decent is it for a female high school student to live in it.

When she was about to get home, she remembered something, she seemed to have forgotten to ask Liu Ming about the special menu.

Liu Ming thought that Sha Wu and the others would leave as well, but who knew that they actually stayed. Judging from their intentions, they seemed to plan to spend the night here.

"I'm considered a full-time employee in the store now, right? Then where is my room? I'm quite looking forward to it." Makoto looked at Liu Ming and stared at him.

"Although I'm short of people here, you don't have to be in such a hurry, and don't you need to go home and bring something to live in?" Liu Ming said helplessly, she seemed to be too eager, and she felt that there was a conspiracy.

"Ma~, nerds like us can survive as long as we have the internet." Makoto said indifferently.

It's just her behavior and tone, which have nothing to do with otaku. Basically a little familiar, or is it that people who draw the Eighteen Bans are not shy?

"What about Sagiri? She always needs painting tools." Liu Ming continued to ask.

But as soon as he finished speaking, Sagiri himself took out a petite tablet computer from his backpack

Liu Ming was speechless, did he need to be so fully prepared.

You have won.

Fortunately, the house was adequate, and Liu Ming wouldn't let their mother and daughter sleep in the same room. I chose two rooms next to each other for them, so that even if something happened to Sagiri, Mako would be able to react quickly.

But here is after all transformed from the courtyard, there is a lot of distance from the hall.

If Sagiri really comprehends Floor language in the future, unless she has the power of Thor, the people in the hall will definitely not be able to hear it.

After arranging the two, Liu Ming also told the other people in the restaurant about it.

Elma and Yike didn't react at all, and they were even a little happy that there was one more person to help.

Elma doesn't have to be both a cook and a waiter.

But Thor is much more troublesome, even the young one, Thor now understands that in this world, there is an age limit for marriage. But what is the big one, it always feels very dangerous.

Liu Ming directly rewarded her with a hand knife, and said angrily, "What are you thinking, she already has a daughter and was married long ago.

Thor blinked her eyes, and the jealousy on her face disappeared immediately. She said heartily, "Oh, since this is the case, you should have said it earlier. I thought they were sisters because she was so young, hahahaha"

Liu Ming is already speechless towards Thor, the super big jealousy. The two obviously have nothing to do with each other, but they always eat some jealousy. But fortunately, her temper comes and goes quickly, and she is very easy to coax, as long as she compliments her, she will be fine.

For Liu Ming, a former writer, this is not difficult at all.

"You shouldn't have forgotten what I told you last time," Liu Ming asked.

"Don't worry, with me here, nothing will happen," Thor patted his chest and promised.

Liu Ming was still a little worried about Tian Suohui, and planned to go over to have a look.

Xiaokong and the others still have to go to school, and Liu Ming will not allow them to ask for leave. Moreover, they are still so young, Liu Ming is not at ease if they are left alone at home.

After much deliberation, he had no choice but to go alone, leaving Thor and Alma to take care of them.

Thor was very opposed to this decision at first, but when Liu Ming said something to her in a serious manner, she immediately changed her mind and even readily accepted the task

"Thor, you are the first person I brought back, just like their parent. If even you are unwilling to guard this home, who else can be?"

"Are you going to give up this task to Elma? Are you willing to let Elma shake your position here?"

Liu Ming said a lot of things, but in Thor's ears, he got a meaning, that is, she can only be the mistress of this family, and no one will be allowed.

Now that there is one more adult woman in the restaurant, Liu Ming can leave for a while with peace of mind.

Time flies.

When it opened at night, three special guests actually came to the restaurant.

Liu Ming watched Nanako's family of three walk in and was a little speechless.

Although he left a business card last time, you guys came too fast.

Looking at their happy expressions, it doesn't look like they are here to seek revenge.

"Brother Liu~" Nanako immediately showed a bright smile when he saw Liu Ming, and ran back and forth quickly.

"Are you okay?" Liu Ming looked at her, and then at her parents.

"It's all thanks to Brother Liu. The relationship between my parents is much better now, and I will try my best to keep them going. This time, we made a special trip to thank you and have dinner together." Nanako is happy said.

At this time, Nanako's parents also came over, holding a gift box in their hands.

Although their faces were a bit embarrassed, they did not thank Liu Ming seriously.

"Actually, Onizuka does more." Liu Ming didn't want to take advantage of Onizuka, and if it wasn't for Onizuka, he probably wouldn't care about this matter.

They seem to recall the appearance of Onizuka at that time, and the expressions of the two of them suddenly changed, and they remained silent for a long time.

Liu Ming shook his head, and didn't say any more. He told them to find a seat to sit down.

“Really delicious”

"Yes, after eating, my body feels warm and comfortable."

Seeing her parents praise Liu Ming like this, Nanako felt very happy for some reason. .

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