Zongman: I Have An Equipment Bar

Chapter 131 Overwhelming Two People (4)

Liu Ming now found a big problem.

Although it was fun when he was cheating people with the question just now, but when they brought the dishes in front of him, it was the beginning of his pain.

What kind of ghost dishes are these? Although my request is a bit weird, your cooking seems to be even more weird.

Those that can be seen through at a glance are better, and judgments can be made without tasting. But those who can't see through at a glance, can't do it.

As the examiner of this assessment, he must give the students a convincing reason.

I have no choice but to take a bite and see.

Then something went wrong.

Those dishes are really unpalatable.

Because not long ago I saw a scene where Liu Ming commented on other people. They even simplified the taste in order to keep the noodles in shape.

After tasting it a few times, Liu Ming really had no way to continue, so he had to pull Tian Suohui over.

He looked at Tian Suohui and said solemnly, "Next, I will leave it to you, I believe you can make the most fair evaluation.

02 Tian Suohui was dumbfounded immediately, she was just a student, she couldn't convince others at all, and, like Liu Ming, she also hated eating those undelicious foods.

"You just need to tell the reason for failing. If they refuse to accept it, let them come to me, but in this way, tell them that once I fail the judgment, there will be no chance to do it again."

Liu Ming doesn't care if they accept it or not, if they don't accept it, they will drop out of school.

In this way, Tian Suohui will be miserable, whoever makes her an apprentice can only be obedient.

Like Liu Ming, with the emperor's tongue, she also couldn't bear those unpalatable tastes.

Then she exploded, it was as if Erina possessed herself, and evaluated those people as worthless.

Of course, some of them were dissatisfied, but after Liu Ming dropped out of school one after another and dealt with them, they had to accept this reason.

Moreover, Tian Suohui's evaluation was indeed on the point, and they had no confidence to refute it at all.

When it was Takmi and Xingping's turn to create truth, Tian Suohui asked them to find Liu Ming.

After all, they still have a competition, and it would be fair if she decides.

When seeing Takmi and Xingping Chuangzhen, Liu Ming also became interested.

He is very interested in the cooking of the two of them.

First up was Takomi, whose dish was Italian sweet potato pasta.

It retains the characteristics of the Italian style, the taste is quite strong, and a small amount of tomato and olive oil are added for seasoning, which makes the noodles more delicious.

"Very interesting cuisine, Takmi, Isami, you are qualified," Liu Ming said gently.

"Excellent!" Takmi and Isami gave each other a high-five to celebrate passing the assessment.

"Then, what is my score?" Then Takmi also remembered the competition and looked at Liu Ming expectantly.

"82 points!" Liu Ming reported a score very calmly.

"Is it only 82 points? How many points did Tian Suohui get just now?" Takmi frowned. Although he thought the score was a bit low, he didn't raise any objections.

"You said Xiaohui, I gave her 90 points." Liu Ming didn't hide anything, and said it directly.

Takmi's complexion changed again and again, and there was a difference of 8 points. Although it was not a lot, no matter how small it was, he still lost.

It’s just that Liu Ming seemed to feel that his blows were not enough, and continued to explain, “Above 90 points and below 90 points are two completely different realms. Therefore, if your goal is to be top ten, then you have to work hard.”

Takmi clenched his hands involuntarily, thinking to himself, "Is a score above 90 the level of the top ten?"

"Big brother" Isami looked at Takmi worriedly.

Takumi took a deep breath and suppressed the unwillingness in his heart.

Then he smiled at Isami, and said, "Isami, what kind of expression is that on your face? I am Takmi Aldini, the heir of 'Trattoria Aldini', and this little thing won't bother me."

"Yeah." Isami nodded seriously.

Takmi suddenly turned to Tian Suohui and said loudly, "Tian Suohui, listen to me, one day, I will defeat you."

On the other side, Tian Suohui, who is also serving as a judge, looked over blankly, "What happened? Did I do something? Why did you say that all of a sudden?"

"It's my turn." Xing Ping Chuangzhen also brought over his dishes, and he gently handed them to Liu Ming.

"Mr. Liu, this is the 'Xingpingliu Fragrant Taro Painted Noodles' I made, please taste it."

"Painting?" Liu Ming stretched out his hands and took it.

Take a deep breath.

The scents of onion, ginger, garlic, star anise, cinnamon, pepper and other ingredients immediately come to mind.

It is served with a thick soup made from stewed pheasant bones.

Compared with Tian Suohui's green noodle soup, this bowl of Kohei Ryu's Taro-emen is much more luxurious.

Liu Ming started to taste, and slowly took a mouthful of the painted noodles.

The strong taste immediately exploded on the tongue.

Elegant taro blended with the freshness of chicken soup and a combination of various spices, people can't help but increase their appetite.

It is also a rare dish.

Liu Ming couldn't help sighing, "Why can't the other students fight a bit, so that he doesn't have to ask his apprentice to represent himself, it's really hard work."

"How is it. 103" Xing Ping Chuangzhen asked excitedly when Liu Ming finally finished tasting.

Takmi also looked over, feeling a little nervous as well.

Liu Ming glanced at the two of them, stretched out his hand and gestured a number "85 points, Xing Ping Chuangzhen, you are also qualified.

"What about the two of them?" Xingping Chuangzhen asked.

"Tian Suohui scored 80 points, Tacomi scored 82 points, and you scored 85 points." Liu Ming reported the scores of the three again.

"Did you lose again?" Xing Ping Chuang really took off the cloth strip on his head unwillingly.

Compared to him, Takmi was even more unwilling, because he was at the bottom of the list.

Tian Suohui is fine, after all, he also knows that the possibility of winning is not high. But what made him unwilling was that even Xingping Chuangzhen couldn't win.

In the past, the difference in cooking skills between the two may not be that big.

But these days, Xingping Chuangzhen and Tiansuo Kebi have tried many times, although they all lost.

But the pressure exerted by Kei Arita, his peer, directly raised his fighting spirit.

In order to catch up with Tian Suohui, Xing Ping Chuangzhen made progress at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It's really not surprising that Takumi will lose to Xingping Chuangzhen now.

An hour later, the assessment was finally over, and more than half of them were eliminated.

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