Zongman: I Have An Equipment Bar

Chapter 139: It Still Happened (3)

Another peaceful night.

Liu Ming has completed his task, and the next few days can be enjoyed at leisure.

After he had breakfast, he began to wander around the various examination rooms.

On the way, he saw many people he knew, but he didn't go in to say hello to them.

while walking.

Suddenly, I met Dojima Gin in an aisle, and that guy was secretly observing the situation in the examination room.

Dojima Yin also didn't expect to meet Liu Ming here, so he quickly raised his finger and made a booing gesture.

Seeing his sneaky appearance, Liu Ming couldn't help becoming curious.

He stepped lightly and slowly leaned over.

Following his gaze, it turned out to be Kojiro Shinomiya's examination room, and then he saw two familiar people inside.

His apprentice Tian Suohui, and the medicine king Xingping Chuangzhen.

Could it be that the scene where Tian Suohui was expelled from school happened here?

If so, you'll have to stay and take a good look.

His apprentice is not allowed to be expelled from school for such a ridiculous reason.

"What are you looking at here?" Liu Ming looked at Dojima Yin.

"Did you listen to my speech last time? Of course I am now patrolling the various examination rooms to see if there are any special incidents." Dojima Yin said helplessly that he had clearly mentioned it during the last meeting.

"Don't you have monitoring equipment installed here? Just go to the monitoring room to see it, so you don't have to walk around, how tiring."

When Liu Ming said this, he took a contemptuous tone. This place belongs to the Yuanyue Group, and the Yuanyue Group is famous for its wealth and wealth, so how could it not have installed monitoring equipment.

Dojima Gin was immediately stopped by the question. After pondering for a while, he explained, "I did this to show my responsibility for the work. It's like you, who actually hired a student to replace you as the examiner."

"It's a big mistake for you to say that. I'm just arranging my work reasonably. It's like the reason why some tools are made is to make people's work more convenient."

Speaking of sophistry, Liu Ming was never afraid of anyone.

Seeing that Dojima Gin was speechless, Liu Ming raised his eyebrows proudly, and he asked, "Tell me, you must be here for something.

Dojima Yin was convinced. He looked at Kojiro Shinomiya sitting in the examination room, and said in a complicated tone, "If a person's talent is too strong, it may become his shackles. Now Kojiro Shinomiya is facing such a problem. .”

Liu Ming glanced at him in surprise, but he didn't expect that the other party already knew about Kojiro Shinomiya's question.

No wonder he showed up just in time.

Now the assessment is still in progress, and the matter hasn't happened yet, so Liu Ming is too embarrassed to go in and disturb them.

Liu Ming took out a pack of snacks from his pocket, and gently tore open a slit.

Then handed it to Dojima Gin and shook it.

Dojima Gin looked at the snacks in front of him, then at Liu Ming who had a laid-back look, and couldn't help but smiled wryly, "Your life is really carefree, which is really enviable.

"If you are willing to let go of your current status, you can too." After Liu Ming poured some snacks to Dojima Gin, he began to enjoy them slowly.

Dojima Gin could only face it with a wry smile, saying it was easy, and who could do it.

While the two of them were chatting, someone in the examination room had already prepared the food one after another.

Unfortunately, in the face of the harsh Shinomiya Kojiro, there are only a small number of people who can qualify.

Liu Ming has also seen it, and Xing Ping Chuangzhen has also passed the test.

Now it's up to Tian Suohui.

Just don't know if she uses fresh ingredients.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and Tian Suohui finally brought out her prepared dishes.

Liu Ming's eyes changed, and he put away the lazy aura on his body, staring straight into the examination room.

Dojima Gin noticed the change in Liu Ming and couldn't help becoming curious.

He looked at Tian Suohui who was cooking in the examination room, and suddenly realized that this person seemed to be Liu Ming's apprentice, and it was said that his strength had reached the level of the top ten.

"This girl is called Tian Suohui, right? I heard that she is your apprentice." Dojima Gin looked at Liu Ming with a smile.

"Yeah" Liu Ming nodded slightly.

"You're not worried about her, are you? I've heard that she has defeated Shijie before, so it's impossible for her to be difficult in such an assessment." Dojima Silver said comfortingly.

Liu Ming didn't smile, he said calmly, "If it's normal, of course I'm not worried, I'm just afraid that someone will deliberately make things difficult."

0…ask for flowers……

Dojima Gin's expression changed, and Liu Ming's words were a bit too much. Doesn't he mean that their Yuanyue Academy's supervision is not effective.

His tone also became serious, "Sigong is not that kind of person."

"I hope." Liu Ming was noncommittal.

In the examination room, Kojiro Shinomiya also began to taste it formally.

He lightly picked up a small piece with a fork and put it in his mouth.

His eyes suddenly froze, this dish is very delicious.

Several kinds of vegetables are added to the stuffing cake, and each layer of vegetables is processed and cooked separately, and then arranged in a specific order, thus stimulating a variety of different levels of taste, coupled with special ingredients for contamination, the taste is further improved .


There is no doubt that this dish is very successful.


Shinomiya Kojiro's face was a bit complicated, but he finally made up his mind, he stretched out his finger and pointed in the direction of the loser, "Tamo Kei, drop out of school.

Tian Suohui's calm expression changed suddenly, and he looked at Kojiro Shinomiya with big eyes in disbelief.

There were bursts of exclamations in the examination room.

They looked at the two in shock.

Tian Suohui is very famous in the first grade now. Although it is not an official food halberd, it is also a competition that has won the top ten.

Now such a powerful person was dropped out of the dormitory training.

It's amazing.

Xing Ping Chuangzhen has always regarded Tian Suohui as a competitor, and now that he can pass, he does not believe that Tian Suohui, who is better than him, will be expelled from school.

Just when he was about to ask the other party if he made a mistake.

Tian Suohui spoke out before him.

She walked up to Shinomiya Kojiro and asked, "Is there any problem with my cooking? Why is it not qualified?"

Shinomiya Kojiro looked at her, his face was a bit ugly, the cooking of this person in front of him was very good, but who made her touch his taboo.

"You changed the recipe, whoever gave you the right to change the recipe, I am the chef, and I am the biggest here." Kojiro Shinomiya's tone cannot be questioned.

PS: At the beginning of the month, ask for a wave of tickets!

PS: I would like to thank my husband here. .

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