Zongman: I Have An Equipment Bar

Chapter 141 I Still Have To Eat The Halberd In The End (5)

Tian Suohui has known Liu Ming for almost two months, and she never thought that Liu Ming, who is usually gentle, would be so angry like he is now.

In her eyes, Liu Ming has always been a gentle person, no matter to her, or to Thor, Xiao Chi and the others.

Even in the face of the mischievous Mei Yu, she has never seen Liu Ming lose his temper.

Looking at Liu Ming with an indifferent expression now, Tian Suohui was a little strange, but even more moved.

Because she knew that the reason why Liu Ming was turned into this way was entirely because of her.

Master did this to seek justice for her.

As for her, she was humiliated by her master, and was said to be a top-notch chef. She really couldn't forgive herself.

Seeing that he couldn't speak against Liu Ming, Shinomiya Kojiro had no choice but to turn his mind on Dojima Gin.

He looked at Dojima Yin and asked, "Mr. Dojima, I will be in charge of this assessment, right?

"That's what I said, but..." Dojima Yin hesitated a little. Although he said so during the meeting, it is obviously not suitable for this situation now.

"Then there's no problem. Since she violated the theme, it's reasonable for me to let her drop out." Shinomiya Kojiro continued to ask.

"You still have the nerve to mention 02 your nonsensical topic?" Liu Ming looked at him mockingly, and then said, "Can't change the recipe? Even if I, a top-notch chef, know that there is no unique recipe, some just keep bringing forth new ones idea."

Liu Ming suddenly showed an expression of enlightenment, "I remember that you seem to be the first seat in Yuanyue Academy. You won't get that position by relying on these disgraceful means."

Shinomiya Kojiro laughed angrily, and said angrily, "I rely on strength."

Liu Ming suddenly took two steps forward and snatched the recipe from Kojiro Shinomiya.

Looking at the content marked above, with a wisdom bonus of up to 37 (human beings have a maximum wisdom of 10), it didn't take long to think of several changes.

He looked at Kojiro Shinomiya coldly, and said them one by one.

Listening to those feasible and effective adjustment plans, Kojiro Shinomiya's expression changed again and again.

After only talking about three solutions, Liu Ming stopped talking. After putting down the recipe, he said, "Don't take your own incompetence seriously. If you can't do it yourself, don't hinder the growth of the flowers of the motherland."

. "long

"What a monster, as expected of a man even the commander in chief would admire." Dojima Ginto thought to himself, while looking at Kojiro Shinomiya with some sympathy. It's not good to provoke anyone, but to provoke such a pervert.

"Master~" Tian Suohui tugged at the corner of Liu Ming's clothes suddenly.

Hearing his lover's call, Liu Ming didn't bother to say any more, he immediately put on a gentle smile and looked at Tian Suohui.

Such an obvious difference in treatment made the few people present secretly dumbfounded.

"Master, can you leave this matter to me to handle." Tian Suohui raised his head and looked at Liu Ming with an extremely serious expression.

"Actually, Master can handle it well, and I promise to convince him to be submissive." Liu Ming frowned, Tian Suohui's character is not suitable for dealing with such matters.

"This incident started with me, and I hope it will end with me." Tian Suohui said resolutely.

Liu Ming looked at Tian Suohui for a while, and after seeing her persistent gaze, he nodded in agreement.

He gently rubbed Tian Suohui's head, and said, "Go ahead and do it, but you have to remember that there is me behind you.

Tian Suohui stood up from behind Liu Ming, her movements were firm and powerful, and she came in front of Kojiro Shinomiya.

Kojiro Shinomiya was so choked by Liu Ming that he was in need of a punching bucket, but he didn't expect someone to deliver it to his door.

He just felt Liu Ming's indifferent gaze behind Tian Suohui, and he swallowed back the words he was about to say.

He was really afraid of Liu Ming's mouth.

"Senior Sigong, since we can't convince each other, let's follow Yuanyue's rules and have a halberd feast." Tian Suohui said surprisingly.

Liu Ming couldn't help raising his brows, he didn't expect this to happen.

"Humph" Kojiro Shinomiya pushed his glasses, and said in a disdainful tone, "What qualifications do you have to eat a halberd with me?" If you want to compare, let your master come out and compare with me.

"This incident happened because of me, and I should be the one to do it. And I absolutely can't forgive you for daring to insult Master." Tian Suohui stared at Kojiro Shinomiya with burning eyes.

"Why should I compare with you." Kojiro Shinomiya still refused.

"Isn't it interesting, Shinomiya, you should agree." Dojima Gin rarely allowed Shinomiya Kojiro to escape when the situation improved.

"Mr. Dojima, there is no need for this." Shinomiya Kojiro said dissatisfied.

"It is necessary, otherwise this matter will be endless."

"Then what's the price? Since it's a food halberd, there must be a corresponding bet. If you lose, then you will leave Yuanyue.

Faced with the tough Dojima Gin, Shinomiya Kojiro really couldn't refuse.

"Do you still dare to ask for conditions?" Liu Ming couldn't help but speak out, and then he looked at Tian Suohui, "Xiaohui, why don't you go to Yuanyue Academy."

"It's a big deal. When the time comes, I will set up a ring at the gate of Yuanyue Academy. I want to see who among the students in Yuanyue Academy can beat you."

"At that point, I'm going to have a bunch of reporters come over. Wow, it's funny just thinking about that scene. Right now

"At that time, the title should become like this. The dropout students actually wiped out the current students. Is this a distortion of human nature, a moral decline, or the darkness of the school?"

Dojima Gin couldn't help raising a black line. After all, he was also the former chief chef of Yuanyue Academy, and he is also the current chief chef of Yuanyue Resort.

Knowing that he is here, can't you give him some face 470?

"Master" Tian Suohui was also taken aback by Liu Ming's thoughts. Although Yuanyue Academy is very cruel, she has met many good friends in the academy. She does not want the academy to be damaged because of herself.

Seeing Tian Suohui's pleading gaze, Liu Ming could only helplessly let go of this interesting thought.

"Really, you are so kind." Liu Ming vigorously combed Tian Suohui's hair into a chicken coop.

Then he turned to Shinomiya Kojiro, "Don't mention the matter of dropping out of school, it's your fault in the first place. If you win this halberd, I'll pretend nothing happened. If you lose, obediently give it to me." Xiaohui apologizes."

"No, I did this because he insulted the master. I just need him to take back the words of the nine-rate chef." Tian Suohui waved his hands again and again, expressing his inner request.

Seeing that Kojiro Shinomiya was silent, Liu Ming decided for him, "You can also disagree with this food halberd, then I will treat you as a provocation, and I will attack your restaurant with all my strength, don't blame me then. "

Dojima Gin's face changed suddenly, he looked at Shinomiya Kojiro, and said in a deep voice, "Sinomiya, agree to this halberd meal."

"Mr. Dojima?" Shinomiya Kojiro didn't understand why Dojima Gin would say that.

"I asked you to promise to come down."

Shinomiya Kojiro clenched his fist unwillingly, and finally nodded helplessly in agreement with this unfair bet. .

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