Zongman: I Have An Equipment Bar

Chapter 147 Chicken Soup For Life (1)

Looking at Kojiro Shinomiya who was still bowing in front of him, Liu Ming was also thinking about it.

Is it too cheap to let him go so easily?

"Ahem~" Dojima Gin said.

"Mr. Liu, you promised that you will not pursue it after this halberd eating. Besides, Sigong already knew his mistake, so don't be as knowledgeable as him and forgive him for a while.

Liu Ming rolled his eyes at him angrily, but he said it lightly. Could it be that his apprentice's tears flowed in vain?

"Master, I'm fine." Tian Suohui took Liu Ming's hand and looked at him with shining eyes, "Although at the beginning, I was shocked.

But, afterwards, I was even a little happy inside. Because if I do get expelled, I will be able to stay and help in the master's restaurant again.

"And senior Sigong has already apologized to you, so let's forget about it."

Liu Ming looked at Tian Suohui, who was begging, then at Shinomiya Kojiro, who was still bowing, and finally shrugged helplessly.

"You are just too kind, and it is easy to suffer in this way." Liu Ming gave Tian Suohui a dissatisfied look.

"Hee hee, isn't the master here?" Tian Suohui was not angry and said happily

Liu Ming gave her a helpless look, and then said to Shinomiya Kojiro, "Okay, you get up, this matter will end here. Really, it seems like it was my fault in the end, and everyone still Persuade me."

Kojiro Shinomiya bowed again and said, "Thank you very much for your understanding."

Dojima Gin also showed a happy smile. He clapped his hands and said, "Okay, this is the end of this matter, and no one of you is allowed to be angry with anyone in the future. Si Gong, you should not be confused anymore right?"

"It seems that you can't hide anything from you, Mr. Dojima." Kojiro Shinomiya smiled wryly.

"Is it because of your outstanding talent, you have achieved such a high achievement at a young age, so that you only look up and forget the essence of cooking.

Kojiro Shinomiya showed a wry smile again, he looked at Tian Suohui, "Are you mocking me by what you said, the current me is still qualified to be called a genius."

"You don't need to deny your talent, the reason why you lost today is because you met a monster, and after this blow, it seems that you have more fighting spirit

When Dojima Gin said this, his eyes were on Liu Ming.

The people present also heard the meaning of his words clearly, just like Tian Suohui said, Shinomiya Kojiro just lost to Liu Ming's recipe.

But this is not to deny Tian Suohui's cooking skills, but compared to her, Liu Ming is the real monster.

"Really, there is nothing to say about this. Every chef has his own philosophy. If you feel confused, think about the origin of your cooking. No matter what you do, remember the original intention." Liu Ming said.

Shinomiya Kojiro's expression froze, and then he recalled what happened when he was a child.

Her expectant smiling face, his mother's happy smile, and all kinds of emotions came to his mind from time to time.

When did it start? He actually forgot such an important thing.

He secretly wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, bowed to Liu Ming again, and said sincerely, "Thank you very much for your guidance.

Liu Ming glanced at him, and then said flatly, "Don't get me wrong. Although I don't care about your affairs, I won't be so boring as to give you advice. I just said these words to Tian Suohui, so that she won't make mistakes in the future." Same mistake, so you don't have to thank me."

"Haha, Mr. Liu is really amazing. Is the origin of cooking? It's such an interesting and direct statement." Dojima Silver took over the topic with a smile.

"Sigong, I look forward to your growth.

Shinomiya Kojiro nodded, but did not speak.

That's it, this food halberd is coming to an end, everyone has a busy day and come back to the hotel to have a good rest. "Dojima Yin finally ended this topic.

Xing Ping Chuangzhen suddenly raised his hand.

Dojima Gin looked at him, and asked suspiciously, "I remember your name seems to be Xinghei Soma, do you have anything else to do?"

Xing Ping Chuangzhen looked at Liu Ming, he pulled the clothes on his body, and asked, "Mr. Liu, it seems that you haven't explained the reason why the clothes broke just now, but I have been thinking about it for a long time and I can't figure out why."

After he mentioned it, Dojima Yin and the others also remembered it.

Because of Kojiro Shinomiya's incident just now, everyone forgot such an important matter.

Looking at the fiery gazes of several people, Liu Ming scratched his head helplessly. To be honest, he himself didn't know what was going on.

But judging by their expressions, if he doesn't explain, I'm afraid they won't let him go easily.

There is no way, and I can only talk nonsense.

Afterwards, Liu Ming talked about spiritual theory, biological instinct, the body's endurance limit and so on.

It stunned everyone present.

Then he took Tian Suohui and secretly left the basement cooking room while everyone was stunned.

Tian Suohui quietly followed beside him.

"," Xiaohui, I have to say, you impress me. "Liu Ming said happily.

"Hey" Tian Suohui scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.

"However, after going through today's incident, your road to excellence may be even more difficult," Liu Ming said with a bit of regret.

"Huh?" Tian Suohui didn't understand Liu Ming's words.

"Although Dojima Yin suppressed the halberd food tonight, there is no impenetrable wall in (King Qian's) world, and those who are capable can always find out something about the situation."

"In the beginning, you were already feared by the current ten heroes, but now that you have defeated Kojiro Shinomiya, they will probably be even more reluctant to fight with you."

"In this way, it will be difficult for you to obtain the position of the top ten by this method."

Liu Ming didn't tell lies, after all, Tiansuohui can even beat Shinomiya Kojiro, the chief student who has graduated [Now who among the top ten is so stupid as Wadasuohui Shiji.

"Uh~" Tian Suohui also understood, it seemed that the situation would really become like this.

Liu Ming stretched out his hand and rubbed her head comfortingly, "This can only show that they are not as good as you. Although the position of Shijie is interesting, it doesn't mean everything.

"I still say the same thing, anyway, you are only in the first grade now, enjoy the life in the academy."

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