Zongman: I Have An Equipment Bar

Chapter 151 The Ultimate Red Snapper Continental Map (1)

Liu Ming glanced around and met the gaze of Dojima Gin who was beckoning to him.

He walked over directly, and after a glance, he found that there was an empty seat on the dining table where Dojima Gin was sitting, presumably it was reserved for him.

Mizuhara Fuyumi, Roland Chapelle, and even Kojiro Shinomiya were also there, and they were all familiar faces.

"After waiting for so long, I finally have the opportunity to taste the dishes made by Mr. Liu. I'm looking forward to it." Dojima Yin couldn't stop the smile on his face, and his expression was quite looking forward to it.

"You're putting pressure on me. Don't blame me if you're not satisfied. Liu Ming gave him an annoyed look.

"Haha, how is that possible, I have quite confidence in you, Dojima Gin smiled heartily.

"Mr. Liu's cooking? I'm also looking forward to it." Qian Ri Xiangzi looked at Liu Ming with a strange expression.

Mizuhara Fuyumi had the same expression as hers, with a rare blush on her expressionless face.

Liu Ming rubbed his chin and looked at the two strangely. Why did he feel that the two looked at him strangely.

Could it be an illusion? 02 "The commander-in-chief is full of praise for Mr. Liu's cooking." Schaper also spoke out.

Liu Ming was speechless. How many people did the old man tell about him? How could it feel like everyone in Yuanyue knew about him.

At this time, the waiter came over with a large plate.

come yet!

Everyone stopped talking immediately, and stared straight at the food on the dinner plate with pairs of eyes.

It's just that this dish seems a bit big, and it takes two people to lift it up.

After seeing clearly the things placed above, the expressions of many people changed.

"It turned out to be a whole sea bream, which is a bit big." Dojima Gin sighed.

"Xiaohui, is this the dish made by Mr. Liu?" Yoshino Yuki said excitedly.

"This sea bream should have been cooked, but what's the secret inside, I'm looking forward to it." Xing Ping Chuang really looked at the sea bream in front of him curiously.

"Mr. Liu, what's the name of your dish?" Dojima Gin turned to look at Liu Ming.

"The Red Snapper Continental Map." Liu Ming said calmly.

Dojima Gin couldn't help raising his eyebrows, the name is very grand.

"You can start now" Liu Ming looked at the two waiters and said.

Because when he was in the kitchen before, he had already taught these waiters what to do.

Even if Liu Ming didn't need to do anything, every waiter knew what to do next.

"How should this dish be eaten?"

This is probably the doubt in everyone's mind.

But soon the next actions of the two waiters told them the mystery of this dish.

Each waiter holds a pair of small scissors in his hand.

The scissors are gently placed on the head and the tail.

Following the waiter's actions, everyone at the table also saw that the sea bream was still wrapped with a few thin threads.

If the waiter hadn't reminded them, they wouldn't have noticed it at all.

Next, the scissors cut lightly.

The thin wires at both ends of the head and tail were cut off at the same time.

The whole sea bream seemed to be affected by some mysterious power, and it spread towards the surroundings like a peacock spreading its tail.

Immediately afterwards, golden lights shot up into the sky, illuminating the entire hall into a sea of ​​golden yellow.

Dazzling, bright and dazzling!

What shocked everyone the most was that a mysterious continent gradually emerged above their heads.

From the initial blur to the final clarity, and then through layer upon layer, it is more real.

Majestic plateaus, rolling mountains, vast plains, low hills, and the two rivers that run through the east and west.

All kinds of signs all indicate the name of the mysterious continent in front of me.

The ancient and mysterious ancient oriental civilization, the land of China and China!

Looking at the earth descending above everyone's heads like a fairyland, I can feel the majestic momentum and the extreme simplicity of it.

Everyone's hearts trembled fiercely, and they couldn't help but want to worship it.

It was so shocking and so real.

No one can withstand the coercion of a continent.

But fortunately, the scene above the head did not last long. In less than ten seconds, it will gradually dissipate, otherwise they really can't guarantee their next actions.


Many people let out a long sigh of relief.

The coercion like a mountain just now is really not very comfortable.

When they recovered, the sea bream on the table had also changed drastically.

The layout of the entire cuisine looks like a complete map of the mainland of China.

"Mr. Liu's culinary skills are really unimaginable to be able to make snapper like this."

Dojima Gin was Dojima Gin after all, and he soon discovered the difference.

Looking at Liu Ming in shock, he asked in disbelief, "Is this not one dish, but four dishes?"

You have a good eye! You can see it right away. "Liu Ming raised his eyebrows and gave a compliment.

Everyone also reacted, and each of them was even more shocked.

"Then let's try it." Everyone suppressed the shock in their hearts and began to taste Liu Ming's dish.

"Then I'll try the north side." Schapper chose a location.

"This is Beijing. Sea bream slices are baked directly with charcoal after drying with salt. It imitates the flavor of Peking duck, and wraps it with green onions in dough. The taste is really wonderful."

A happy smile appeared on Schapper's face involuntarily.

"In that case, I'll try the one from the west," Dojima Gin said excitedly.

"This must be Sichuan. The fattest fish in the middle is wrapped in skin and deep-fried, and then poured with hot thick red oil and sauce. The spicy and delicious flavors are superimposed on each other. It's the best."

"Then I'll eat the east side." Xiangzi Qianhyu also stood up excitedly.

"Well, this taste, is it Shanghai? The fish fillet cut from the very elastic tail of sea bream contains Shanghai's famous crab roe. The combination of the two is fresh and fresh. It is really gorgeous and delicious. Delicious masterpiece, can't stop at all.M

"Leave the one in the south to me." Fuyumi Suwon also looked forward to it.

"This is Guangdong. The belly of sea bream is paired with fresh vegetables, combined with the unique cooking method of Guangdong. Sea bream and vegetables, meat and vegetarian food, the ingenious and delicate combination

Hua seems to make people return to spring again. "

It is really an unprecedented idea that different flavors can be mixed together as a matter of course, and it can also show such a vigorous and atmospheric scene.

It is unimaginable that someone in this world can make such a dish.

There was no one talking in the hall, and everyone was indulging in the illusory world constructed by delicious food, appreciating the charm of the ancient and mysterious ancient oriental country. .

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