Zongman: I Have An Equipment Bar

Chapter 153 Another Dragon (3)

With Thor leading them, Liu Ming and the others quickly returned to the restaurant.

When he stepped into the gate of the restaurant, he found that there were already people waiting there early.

It was Elma, Chiba Mako and the others, and Liu Ming even saw Xiao Sagiri.

"I'm back," Liu Ming opened his hands and looked at everyone with a smile.

"Welcome home, boss" Chiba Mako said with a smile.

It has been a week now, and she and Xiao Sagiri have already moved in and moved in early.

"Welcome back." Elma also nodded.

"Welcome!" Sagiri also said softly, her voice was so low that it was almost inaudible.

"Hehe, why didn't anyone give me a hug." Liu Ming glanced at everyone and said teasingly.

Compared with Elma and Sagiri, Mako is obviously more open. She put her eyes on Thor, and asked with interest, "I don't mind giving you a hug, but are you sure?"

"Uh~" It seemed that he felt Thor's fiery gaze behind him, so Liu Ming didn't say much on this topic.

He looked at the only strange woman in the restaurant. That woman's figure was really good, even more exaggerated than Thor and Elma.

And looking at her height, she was actually half a head taller than Liu Ming.

You must know that Liu Ming is more than 1.8 meters, close to 1.9 meters.

Liu Ming walked over directly and said with a smile, "You are Thor's friend Lukya, welcome to visit us."

Lukya looked at Liu Ming with a smile, and after a while, he smiled and said, "It's a sinful man to make Thor so obsessed with you.

"Cough cough" Liu Ming was choked up immediately, especially when he noticed the weird gazes of Mako and the others, he became even more uncomfortable.

"Hey~" Thor's reaction was completely opposite to Liu Ming's, holding Liu Ming's arm shyly.

"Hehe" Lukya smiled kindly, and slowly opened her unique pair of different pupils.

She smiled and said, "Actually, I would like to say thank you for allowing Thor to have such a warm and ordinary family.

"I found that she really likes her current life, you must know that she has never shown such a happy smile before.

"Besides, even Elma is willing to let go of her hostility towards Thor and live in peace with Thor, you are really amazing.

The real son, mother and daughter didn't understand the real situation, so they were confused, but Liu Ming heard it.

Liu Ming looked at Thor and Elma, who were staring at each other, but couldn't tell how peaceful their relationship was.

"You don't mind if I stay here, I want to take a closer look. See what charm you have, which can attract Thor and the others so much. Of course, I will work here like Thor and the others." Luke Ya said.

"Of course it's no problem, it doesn't matter how long you stay." Liu Ming nodded in agreement without thinking about it.

At the same time, he thought to himself, "It seems that the guests who come to dine in the future will be blessed. You must know that Lukya's clothes are quite sexy, and more importantly, she doesn't seem to care."

After a few people chatted for a while, Liu Ming was going to visit Xiao Chi.

I haven't seen him for so many days, he really misses those cute things at home.

After explaining to a few people, he set off.

Hanamaru Kindergarten is not far from the restaurant, and Liu Ming passed by in no time.

After arriving at Xiao Chi's Sakura class, he found a very familiar person in it.

"Really, second brother, you are too lazy. After you got up, you must have not taken care of your hair, and what happened to your clothes, it is so wrinkled, and even the buttons are about to fall off."

"You are a teacher, you should set a good example for children."

"And you even play games in the classroom, if that's all you need, you even ask elementary school students to teach you how to play, don't you (accc) feel ashamed?"

"You will lose all your dignity as a teacher."

Hearing these reproachful words, Doma Naosumi was also a little embarrassed.

He scratched his head and asked strangely, "Xiao Bu, why did you come here to see me? It's a bit sudden."

"This is what the elder brother meant. He knew that after you became a teacher here, he was a little worried about your situation, so he asked me to come and have a look."

After Buried Doma finished speaking, he immediately snatched the game console from Naosumi Doma.

With just one glance, she knew what game was in front of her.

With both hands operating quickly, in just a short while, he got a very high score.

"Wow, this beautiful big sister is too powerful." The kid watching from the side cheered.

"As expected of Xiao Bu, I have learned a lot from Brother Liu Ming." Naozu Doma was not too surprised, and even took it for granted.

After all, Xiaobu has been attached to Liu Ming since she was a child, and she has basically played all the games Liu Ming collected.

"What's the matter with Brother Xiaoming, why did you mention him all of a sudden?" Xiao Bu's face suddenly changed, and his expression suddenly became unnatural.

"Hehe, I don't know who was the one who kept saying that when he grew up, he would be Liu Ming's wife when he grew up," Naozu Doma said jokingly.

"You still said it, and it was something that happened when I was a child, so it can't be taken seriously at all." Xiao Bu's face suddenly flushed, and he explained in a panic.

"Grandma told me, it seems that your idea has not changed." Tuma Naozu narrowed his eyes and stared at Xiao Bu.

"Really, why does grandma keep talking outside?" Xiao Bu couldn't help complaining.

"Wait, Ah Ming is mine." Xiao Xiang, who was playing on the sidelines just now, suddenly ran over.

She looked at Xiao Bu seriously with a small face, and said, "Xiao Xing is Ah Ming's future wife, even if you are Teacher Tujian's younger sister, Xiao Xing will never admit defeat.

Xiao Bu looked at Xiao Xing blankly, then turned his gaze to Tuma Naochun, as if asking, "What's wrong with this child?"

"Hey~" Naozu Doma secretly smiled, and then explained, "Don't think that Xiaoxing is a child, just take her words as a joke, her mother is Sakura-senpai, with a criminal record.

"Also, there are quite a few women around Brother Liu Ming now, if you don't work hard, be careful not to be taken over by others.

Zhichun didn't say that those women were children, all he wanted was to give his sister some experience.

"Brother Xiao Ming is a housekeeper, how could there be women around him." Xiao Bu did not believe Zhi Chun's words.

After all, in her perception, Liu Ming has been staying at home, either writing novels or playing games, and has little contact with real women at all. .

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