Zongman: I Have An Equipment Bar

Chapter 158: Juzhihua Vs Liu Ming (4)

Meiyu's eyes lit up, she immediately grabbed Liu Ming's hand, and asked expectantly, "Brother Xiaoming, do you know how to play basketball.

"Probably yes," Liu Ming said after a moment of hesitation.

What he said was the truth, his basketball skills were not very good, but overall, he was very good.

And with his current intelligence and physical fitness, it is really not difficult at all to learn basketball skills well.

It seems that when he first started, he was only good at Chinese food. However, after reading some foreign cooking books, he can easily learn it, and even improve it in a better way.

Besides, he doesn't know anything about basketball. Actions that were imagined before can now be easily driven.

Hey, counting it this way, his skills don't seem to be bad.

The reason why Liu Ming felt that his skills were not good enough was because he could not perform those difficult movements with his previous body.

But it's different now, with super strong physical fitness, you can easily do high-intensity movements that you couldn't do before.

"Really, Brother Xiao Ming is not honest at all." Mei Yu was not satisfied with that answer, she rolled her eyes, and suddenly thought of a crooked note.

She suddenly pulled Qiao Zhihua to 573 in front of Liu Ming, and said, "Is it possible? Let's find out by comparing, Xiao Zhihua is the most powerful person here, you can compete with her.

"Hey? Hey? Hey?" Zhihua stood there in a daze, her expression a little at a loss, she didn't understand why the situation suddenly became like this.

"Competition, yes, yes, it's really interesting." Maho also became excited, and immediately echoed.

"Oh~ Zhihua, come on, big brother, come on." Hinata happily raised her hands high.

Liu Ming lightly gave Mei Yu a hand knife angrily, and said reproachfully, "Stop teasing me."

Mei Yu rubbed her aching head, but she didn't intend to admit defeat, instead she said provocatively, "Brother Xiao Ming is afraid? Afraid that I will lose to a primary school student.

After saying this, Meiyu was afraid that Liu Ming would make another move, so she quickly hid behind Ai Li, using Ai Li's tall body to block her.

Seeing this, Liu Ming could only stare at her helplessly.

"You don't need to be nervous, Miyu was just joking just now, there is such a huge difference in height between the two of us, there is no way to compete at all, it's too unfair." Liu Ming gently persuaded Zhihua. (accb)

It's just that he didn't know that what he said just now seriously hurt the weak heart of a girl who loves basketball.

Zhihua suddenly became serious. She looked at Liu Ming and said, "Let's compare. I want to tell you that basketball is not determined by height."

Liu Ming scratched his head speechlessly, of course he knows that playing basketball is not entirely determined by height.

But height is quite important, and he is not only tall. Compared with her, it is completely bullying children.

He turned his head to look at Xiao Bu, beckoning her to speak for her.

But Xiao Bu ignored him, took the three of Xiao Chi and hid far away, preparing to watch a good show.

Liu Ming was dumbfounded.

He turned his head, just in time to meet five scorching gazes.

A few girls in Meiyu were standing behind Zhihua, staring straight at him.

Liu Ming sighed secretly, and said helplessly, "Since you are so interested, let's compete, but don't cry if you lose."

"Hey, the big brother is so arrogant. Zhihua, show him some color. Tell him, our women's basketball team is very good."

Masamo didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement, so he kept booing beside him.

Liu Ming gave her a blank look, are all blond girls with double ponytails so naughty, how can they be as virtuous as Mei Yu.

"Saki, aren't you going to persuade them?" Airi said worriedly on the side.

Saki raised the goggles above her hair, and looked at the two of them calmly.

She said, "It's going to be fine, the other party says he's Miyu's cousin, so he won't hurt Zhihua, it should be."

"Should?" Ellie was dumbfounded, this answer was not what she wanted.

"That's right, there won't be any physical damage, but it's another story to talk about mental trauma." Saji was also a little helpless.

After all, she is a top student. Since she chose basketball as an activity, she will definitely learn the corresponding knowledge in advance. Of course I know the importance of height in basketball.

Moreover, Zhihua and Liu Ming's physical fitness is so different that there is no way to compare them.

Just looking at Zhihua's serious expression, she couldn't make a sound to stop the two of them.

After standing on the basketball court, Liu Ming regretted seeing Zhihua who was only as tall as his chest.

He's such a big man, yet he still got angry with a little girl, it's really unreasonable.

However, when the situation reached this point, he could only deal with it at will.

"Big brother, let's start." Zhihua said seriously.

"Sure, you can attack as you like." Liu Ming stood there and said in a flat tone.

Hearing this kind of indifference, Zhihua became even more dissatisfied. Her eyes suddenly became sharper, and she quickly controlled the basketball with her right hand.

"Bang bang~" The basketball hit the ground, making a burst of noise.

Miyu and the others also quieted down, staring intently at the two on the court.

Compared with Zhihua, Liu Ming is much more relaxed, standing casually near the free throw line, with no intention of pressing at all.

Basketball is Zhihua's favorite sport, seeing how Liu Ming treats his beloved sport.

Even a person like Zhihua with a calm personality and a temper that is not easy to get angry is really a little angry now.

She said dissatisfied, "big brother, can you be more serious."

"That's right, Brother Xiao Ming, you've gone too far, you don't respect the game at all." Mei Yu echoed.

"Oh, big brother, you can't do this." Hinata said in her characteristic soft voice.

"Chika, come on, Chika, come on, beat the big brother" Maho kept waving his hands.

Liu Ming was speechless, how could he be treated as a villain this time? Could it be that he has the potential to be a villain?

He looked at Zhihua, who was reluctant to attack, and said helplessly, "No matter how I am doing now, let's talk about whether you can advance a goal, otherwise it will be just talk."

"You~" Zhihua's pretty face turned red with anger.

"Ah, it's disgusting, how can you say that about a cute girl." Maho said dissatisfied.

Liu Ming shrugged indifferently, looking at his complacent look, as if to say, "This is how I am now, if you have the ability, you can score a goal."

Zhihua was so angry that she jumped up on the spot, ready to take a long shot and give Liu Ming a look.

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