Zongman: I Have An Equipment Bar

Chapter 161 Lethality Is A Bit Big (3)

Because they knew that Liu Ming would go to other schools to pick him up, Mei Yu and the others didn't waste too much time.

After changing their clothes, they each carried small bags and stood in front of Liu Ming in a lively manner.

Liu Ming took the little chick from her hands and hugged it gently.

Xiao Chi is still young after all, Liu Ming can't bear her to walk too long.

After leaving the school gate, Liu Ming took out his phone and called back to the restaurant, but it was Xingzi who answered the phone.

"Xingzi, have you gone back already?" Liu Ming asked strangely. Then he stretched out his left hand and looked at the time on the watch above, it was not yet five o'clock.

"It's the store manager. I already know you're back. Did you ask me? Yes, I'm already back." Kyoko said happily.

"Did you not participate in club activities?" Liu Ming asked.

"No, don't I still have to work part-time, so I have time to waste on it." Xingzi said strangely.

It was only then that Liu Ming remembered that he took in Kyoko for the reason of part-time work.

Unexpectedly, she kept remembering it all the time, even if she went to school, she still insisted on it.

What an honest and hardworking boy.

Liu Ming was a little moved, but 02 bit sad.

But it's inconvenient to talk about it over the phone. After returning home, Liu Ming plans to have a good talk with her.

"Has Xiaokong gone back?" He continued to ask.

"Xiao Kong hasn't come back yet, she should still be practicing in the club." Xiangzi said.

Now that you know that Xiao Kong is still at the school, let's pick her up.

Liu Ming chatted with Xingzi for a while before hanging up the phone.

"Brother Xiao Ming, are you going to pick up your sister now?" Mei Yu came to Liu Ming's side and asked.

"Well, she's still at school, since we're all here to pick you up, we can't miss her," Liu Ming replied.

"Of course, otherwise my sister will definitely be angry with you." Mei Yu said with a smile.

"Do you think Xiaokong is you? Xiaokong is so gentle that he won't get angry." Liu Ming rolled her eyes.

"Even if she doesn't get angry, she will be sad. Even if she doesn't say it, she will definitely feel very sad in her heart." Mei Yu was dissatisfied.

Liu Ming didn't speak this time, and he also thought of this, so he went to pick her up.

After all, if you don't pick her up, I'm afraid it will give Xiaokong the illusion that he is excluded.

"Sister, you are so beautiful." Hinata's words conveyed the thoughts of many people.

Since leaving school, Xiao Bu's passive aura has been activated by her.

Along the way, I don't know how many people focused their attention on her.

It's like a small light bulb, flashing from place to place.

Zhihua and the others are all little girls after all, with such a strong charm, it would be a lie to say that they are not envious.

Xiaobu didn't expect Hinata to speak to her suddenly, so he couldn't help but froze for a moment.

After realizing it, he smiled and said, "You are also very cute, and you will definitely be very popular when you grow up."

"Really!" Hinata immediately laughed happily.

One day, Hinata played forward with this natural cutie, and Zhihua and the others also leaned over.

Gradually, the few people became familiar with each other, and they laughed crisply from time to time.

Seeing this, Mei Yu ignored Liu Ming and walked over as well.

After a while, she screamed.

"It turns out that little sister Bui is the granddaughter of Granny Tujian."

"You know me?" Xiao Bu asked curiously.

"Of course, after all, Granny Tujian often talks about you, and about you and Brother Xiaoming when they were young, tsk tsk~" Meiyu couldn't help laughing strangely as she spoke.

Xiao Bu's expression froze, she seemed to recall some bad things, her cheeks blushed involuntarily.

Seeing Xiao Bu's face gradually turn red, Mei Yu couldn't help laughing out loud.

Zhihua and the others looked blankly at the two dumbfounded, completely unable to understand what they were talking about.

Liu Ming didn't eavesdrop on the conversation of the girls behind him, he hugged Xiao Chi with his right hand, held Xiao Lingyin with his left hand, and walked along the route he remembered.

When he first chose a school, in addition to considering the school's teaching ability, he also considered the corresponding distance. Everyone's school is relatively close to restaurants.

A group of ten people soon arrived at the destination Sakuragaoka Academy.

Liu Ming didn't know where Xiaokong was, but there were still many students in the school. After finding someone at random and inquiring about it, you will know the approximate location.

"Brother Xiao Ming, won't you call your sister, and let her come down to pick us up?" Mei Yu asked strangely.

"I told her in advance, how can I surprise her." Liu Ming gave her a contemptuous look.

Miha was speechless, but she couldn't refute.

After everyone entered the school, they attracted a lot of attention, especially after seeing that they were all cute and beautiful girls, some people couldn't help but want to strike up a conversation.

But after seeing Liu Ming, who was almost 1.9 meters tall, he stopped thinking about it.

I can't afford it.

With Liu Ming escorting them, and asking students on the road from time to time, it was easy for everyone to get outside the activity room.

'Light tone department'.

Looking at the name on the sign above the door, Liu Ming nodded slightly.

That's it, and you can't go wrong.

Even if you stand outside the door, you can still hear bursts of pleasant music coming from inside.

"It's my sister's voice. As expected of the main force of the former chorus department, the voice is just nice." Meiyu said happily.

"Is it Miha's older sister who is singing now?" Maho asked in surprise.

"Yeah." Miha nodded proudly.

"What a nice voice." Zhihua said in admiration.

Liu Ming couldn't help but nodded secretly. This kind of voice is really nice. It's no wonder that he was favored by the head of the chorus department in his previous school.

It's just that the song sung by Xiao Kong is a bit poor, and it feels like a waste of Xiao Kong's voice.

But once I thought that this song was composed by middle school student 377, I didn't go into it any further.

Liu Ming didn't immediately go in to disturb their practice, but stood outside the door with all the girls, listening quietly.

After about two minutes, the performance inside gradually stopped.

Under Liu Ming's gesture, Mei Yu came to the door and patted it lightly.

Soon, the door of the activity room was opened.

The person who opened the door was an adult woman in formal attire, a light yellow dress, and a pair of light glasses hanging on her face.

After Sawako Yamanaka opened the door, she saw a girl she didn't know, so she couldn't help but straighten her eyes.

Is it someone who wants to join the light music department?

However, when she saw the school uniform on Meiyu, she immediately denied this idea.

Although she didn't recognize the school uniform worn by the girl in front of her, it was definitely not the school uniform of her current school.

She couldn't help but asked suspiciously, "Excuse me, what can I do for you?"

Meiyu blinked, and she came to her senses, and immediately said, "Excuse me, is Xiaotiaoyoukong in there? My name is Xiaotiaoyoumeiyu, and I'm her younger sister.

"It turned out that I was looking for Xiao Kong, she was training inside, you come in first, uh, you..."

Sawako Yamanaka originally planned to open the door to let Miu in, but when the door opened, she found that Miu was not the only one outside the door.

One, two, three... She was dumbfounded as she counted.

There were 10 people standing outside the door. .

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