Zongman: I Have An Equipment Bar

Chapter 166 Perfect Curtain Call (4)

Exquisite shape, ultimate taste, unparalleled spiritual enjoyment.

With just one bite, everyone was captured.

It was so delicious.

How can there be such delicious food in the world.

The girls, who were still maintaining etiquette, completely let go after mouthfuls of food.

Demeanor or something, in front of super food, go to hell. .

And it was Xiao Bu who felt the most. After all, she had tasted Liu Ming's cooking skills before, and she really didn't want to think about that dark history.

However, the current dishes are too delicious, compared with the previous ones, there is a gap between heaven and earth.

She really didn't understand how Liu Ming improved his cooking skills to such a level in such a short period of time.

Could it be that Liu Ming has been exercising secretly when she is not around?

Forget it, it doesn't matter anymore.

Compared to these, the food in front of me is the key point. If she doesn't act quickly, she will probably be eaten up.

After more than an hour, the dinner was finally enjoyed.

If it wasn't for the fact that their stomachs couldn't eat, 02 would probably not be willing to put down the tableware in their hands.

"It's so delicious, I've never eaten such delicious food. Xiao Kong, you're fine, you can eat this kind of food every day.

"Hey, I really want to marry a big brother, so I can eat delicious food with love every day. I am so happy."

Xiao Wei rubbed her swollen stomach, her unintentional words attracted the attention of many people present.

Thor immediately hugged Liu Ming's arm and declared his sovereignty.

Liu Ming actually brought so many women back today, which made her feel a little dangerous.

Xiao Chi tilted her head and jumped to sit on Liu Ming's lap, Yiping was also announcing her position.

Liu Ming rubbed Xiao Chi's head speechlessly, if he knew who spoiled his simple little loli, he would definitely teach it how to behave.

"Ah!" Lukya thought it was very interesting, and walked over. He stretched out his hands from behind to hold Liu Ming's head, and put her huge mountain-like chest on Liu Ming's head.

Feeling the sudden increase in the weight of his head, Liu Ming couldn't help but black lines came out.

Lukya, this guy, even ran over to join in the fun.

Xiao Bu raised his eyebrows, and sat down next to Liu Ming unobtrusively.

Zuo Hezi also wanted to go there, but when she saw the perfect women beside Liu Ming, her heart felt dark again.

"Hee hee" Mei Yu stood aside and secretly smiled.

"Miyu~" Xiaokong glared at Miyu.

Meiyu immediately put away her smile, but the smile on her face couldn't be stopped no matter what.

"Oh, Hinata wants to be the big brother's wife too" Hinata didn't know what to think, but ran over and forced herself into Liu Ming's arms.

"Wow! Hinata is so bold!" Maho shouted.

"How could Hinata do this?" Chika blushed, a little afraid to look. But he couldn't control the curiosity in his heart, and kept peeking at him.

"It's too shameful, it's too shameful" Xiao Mio kept muttering in a low voice, but her eyes didn't move away at all.

"Hehe..." Xiao Ze was much bolder, staring at the few people with scorching eyes, and seemed to want to join in the fun.

Sagiri, who has been sitting silently beside Mako, looks like a transparent person. Looking straight at the scene in front of him, he seemed quite interested, as if he planned to draw the interesting scene in front of him into his notebook as a minister.

Sensing everyone's surprised or curious gazes, Liu Ming, the person involved, did not intend to let this situation continue.

He first gently put the chick down, and then he struggled to break away from Thor and Lukoa. .

Then he stood up, first he rubbed Hinata's head, then looked at everyone and said, "It's very late, and it's time for you to go home, otherwise your family members will be worried."

"However, there are too many of you, and I can't send them all at once. How about I send you home one by one?"

"Big brother, don't bother you, I'll call my driver over, and then I'll take Xiaowei and the others back." Xiao said aloud.

After all, she is a young lady, so such a small matter can still be done.

"Is that so? That's fine." Liu Ming thought for a while, nodded in agreement, and then looked at Zhen Fan and the others

"Although I really want the big brother to take us back, but I've been bothering the big brother for a long time today, so I'll call the housekeeper too, and let him take us back." Maho also spoke.

Although Maho is not tuned at ordinary times, he is quite reliable when he should be serious.

Liu Ming nodded in agreement.

Everyone stayed for a while, and the people who picked them up also arrived one after another.

Liu Ming and the others stood at the door and watched them leave.

“Big brother, we will come to play again next time.”

"Big brother, remember our agreement, next time we must see the real luminous cooking.

Liu Ming had a black thread, thinking about the next meal as soon as he finished his meal.

"Hey, do they all live here?" Seeing that Mako and the others didn't leave, Xiao Bu couldn't help being very curious.

"Yeah, what's the problem?" Liu Ming looked at her strangely.

"Of course there is a problem. Don't Xiaokong and the others also live here? You have so many rooms." Xiaobu asked strangely.

"Oh 013, you said this, it seems that you don't know yet. The courtyard has been transformed into a dormitory house, and there are enough rooms for them to use.

Only then did Liu Ming understand why Xiao Bu made such a fuss.

Xiao Bu couldn't help being stunned, she blinked, and then her eyes lit up, "Brother Xiao Ming, do you have any vacant rooms there.

"Yes, what's the matter." Liu Ming looked at her suspiciously.

"Hey, can you give me one, I want to move back here." Xiao Bu said with a smile.

"Isn't your house right next door, you don't need to stay here with me?" Liu Ming rolled her eyes, not understanding why she was joining in the fun.

"It's not like you don't know that if I live at home, my grandma will definitely not allow me to play games," Xiao Wu case said.

Then, she took Liu Ming's hand and said coquettishly, "This is all Xiao Ming's fault. If you didn't teach me how to play games, how could I become addicted, so you have to take full responsibility. n

Liu Ming was speechless, and even threw the blame on him.

But he really has a lot of rooms here, and he didn't completely refuse, "If you can convince your grandma, I'll have no problem here."

"It's a deal, no regrets." Xiao Bu said.

Granny Tujian has always agreed with her idea, and she will definitely not prevent her from moving into Liu Ming's house. And she wasn't the only one inside, so it wasn't a problem at all. .

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