Zongman: I Have An Equipment Bar

Chapter 169 The Topic Is A Bit Off Topic (3)

Seilin Private Academy, the school where Onitsuka is now.

Because time was a bit tight, before the restaurant closed, Liu Ming drove the car and brought Onizuka back.

However, even so, when they arrived at the school, the bell for class had already rang.

"Kikuchi, it's that fellow Onitsuka. He seems to have brought one with him, so I don't know if he's using it against us.

Kunio Murai leaned over the window, looking straight at the situation outside the classroom building.

His words attracted the attention of many people, students in the classroom, one by one, went to the window.

Because this class is Onizuka's class, they are not worried about a teacher coming in at all.

Yoshito Kikuchi also came to the side of Murai, standing there condescendingly looking at Onizuka and Liu Ming who just got off the car. .

He raised his glasses, and said calmly, "It doesn't matter who comes, what should be done is~ I will do it."

"That's right, we won't give up so easily." - Murai nodded.

After getting off the car, Liu Ming began to look around, and then said, "This school is pretty good-ah.

Onitsuka immediately became proud and said, "Of course, otherwise I wouldn't be a teacher here."

Liu Ming glanced at him contemptuously, what he said was true, don't really think that he doesn't know the specific situation.

If it wasn't for Onizuka who forgot to take the relevant certificates, and if he hadn't been favored by the chairman, would he be here?

Liu Ming would not let Onizuka continue to be proud, he asked lightly, "Such a good school, the salary must be high too, remember to settle the bill after you pay your salary.

Onizuka's proud expression froze immediately.


In order to prevent Liu Ming from continuing to talk about this serious topic, Onizuka quickly led the way.

Soon, the two came to the classroom office.

It may be because the class has already started, and there is only one person in it. It is the goal this time, Tu Guizi.

And Liu Ming also officially met the Dongyue teacher that Onizuka said.

"Teacher Dongyue, come out." Onizuka leaned against the door of the office, beckoning to Dongyue secretly.

Liu Ming looked at the sneaky Onizuka speechlessly, but there was no one inside, so it would be fine to just go in.

"Hum..." Dongyue cast a glance at Onizuka, and then ignored her.

Onizuka suddenly became depressed.

He looked at Liu Ming and said, "A Ming, I'll leave this matter to you. I'm going to class. I want to see who framed me."

Liu Ming cast a glance at him, then walked in directly, and slowly came to Teacher Dongyue's side.

Dongyue saw that there was one more person beside her, so she couldn't help but raised her head and looked over.

At first she thought it would be Onizuka, but it turned out to be a man she didn't know.

The originally cold expression suddenly disappeared, and he asked awkwardly, "May I ask who you are?"

"I was brought here by Onitsuka to explain something to you." Liu Ming pulled a chair and sat beside Dongyue.

After hearing this, Dongyue's face immediately changed, "The photos are all clear, what else can I say. And I also want to understand, everyone has their own preferences, I shouldn't blame too much."

"Go back and tell Mr. Onizuka that I won't look down on him because of this, but please also keep him away from me."

Liu Ming looked at her speechlessly, then he took out two photos and wrote a few words on them.

After finishing all this, he directly took two photos on the table of the picture.

"What are you doing, I'm not interested in these photos." Dongyue said angrily.

But when she saw the words written on the photo, she was stunned.

She thought she had read it wrong, so she quickly picked it up and put it in front of her eyes, and took a closer look.

"Composite photo."

"Is this a composite photo?" Dongyue turned her head and looked at Liu Ming in disbelief.

"Otherwise?" Liu Ming gave her a white look.

Dongyue was already dumbfounded, she would never have thought that these photos would be fake.

She actually made a big oolong.

Moreover, she still remembered that she seemed to have slapped Onizuka.

Thinking of this, her fair and pretty face felt hot for a while.

"Since you also know the truth, my mission is complete." Liu Ming stood up after speaking.

Seeing that Liu Ming was about to leave, Dongyue hurriedly called out to stop him.

"This gentleman."

"My name is Liu Ming, you can call me Mr. Liu." Liu Ming said calmly.

"Okay, Mr. Liu, thank you very much. If you hadn't told me about this, I would have been kept in the dark." Dongyue said gratefully.

"If Onitsuka hadn't shown me the photo, I wouldn't have known what happened to him. Such an interesting thing" Liu Ming couldn't help laughing as he spoke.

0…ask for flowers……

When Dongyue heard what he said, she also recalled the matter of the photo, feeling unnatural for a while.

She gave Liu Ming a blank look, and said dissatisfiedly, "What kind of interesting thing is this? It's all about framing Mr. Onitsuka. You don't even know how much sensation this incident has caused in the school.

"Sensation? I don't think so. Apart from you new teachers, do other teachers have any opinions on this matter?" Liu Ming asked.

Dongyue couldn't help being stunned. She thought about it carefully, and it seemed to be the case.

Although the other teachers were also interested in these photos, they didn't question Onizuka's teachers' morality because of this, except for her, the new teacher.

Dongyue stared blankly at Liu Ming, she couldn't turn her head around, and asked, "Could it be that other teachers also know this is fake?"

Liu Ming shrugged and said calmly, "Although these photos are quite realistic, as long as experienced people can still see some flaws.

"Or, they already know who these photos are from, so they are not surprised at all."

Dongyue looked at Liu Ming blankly, completely unable to think.

Liu Ming scratched his head, and then continued to explain, "Onizuka has only been here for a short time after all, no matter how messed up he is, it's impossible for him to offend people so quickly."

"Also, even if it offended people, these photos appeared too quickly, as if they were prepared a long time ago."

Dongyue also reacted, and quickly asked, "Who would be so boring to do these things.

"You ask me, who do I ask, I'm not the teacher here. However, Onizuka said, it should be the students in the class he teaches."

"Actually, it should be like this. After all, struggles between students and teachers are not uncommon." Liu Ming said calmly.

"I won't argue with the students," Dongyue said dissatisfied.

"Yes yes yes, Teacher Dongyue is the most caring teacher in the world." Liu Ming said perfunctorily.

The simple Dongyue didn't hear the perfunctory in the words, but was a little embarrassed to be praised.

She gave Liu Ming a blank look, and said angrily, "Even if you praise me so much, I won't give you the little red flower."

"Hehe~" After finishing speaking, she couldn't help laughing.

Liu Ming looked at her speechlessly, not understanding the point of the joke. .

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