Zongman: I Have An Equipment Bar

Chapter 172 Shouting For Help (3)

"Little Sagi, it's really not good for you to draw like this. Liu Ming couldn't help rubbing Sagi's head.

"Why, I think it's very good." Sagiri said in a dissatisfied tone, obviously what she wanted was praise, but what she got was criticism.

As for Liu Ming's intimate movements, she didn't pay much attention to them.

At the beginning, she resisted for a while, but seeing that she couldn't escape, she let it go.

"Of course not. By the way, do you know what children's books are?" Liu Ming was a little depressed, as he had clearly emphasized it over and over again.

"In short, Fatty is not good, and neither is H. If Sagiri can't abide by these two points, then I have to hand over all the work to Mr. Eri Kashiwagi.

After much deliberation, Liu Ming only thought of this method.

It's a bit shameless, but it's the most effective.

"Bad store manager." Sagiri pouted in dissatisfaction.

Liu Ming shrugged, not intending to change his mind at all.

But Sagiri is still a child after all, and blindly suppressing her is not good.

Need to be coaxed.

"Little Sagiri, if it were you, I would definitely be able to do it. I believe in you, Xiao Sagiri is a genius." Liu Ming looked at Sagiri seriously. .

Hearing this, Sagiri's expression improved significantly.

Although her mouth was still flattened, a smile appeared in the corners of her eyes.

"Hmph, since the store manager begged me like this, then I will mercifully agree to you, just this time," Jiu Xi said arrogantly.

Liu Ming was speechless, could he not say a word less?

Obviously it is a request, not a request.

"Okay, okay, since the store manager, Big Brother, has finished speaking, let's leave quickly, I have to work."

Sagiri was very dissatisfied with Liu Ming's eyes, and pushed Liu Ming vigorously with both hands, pushing him out of the room.

Looking at the closed door, Liu Ming was speechless again, and even blamed him.

In this way, the time passed peacefully and leisurely.

Among them, Onizuka also came over once, and he told Liu Ming that he had found the prisoner who made the photo.

But Onizuka didn't make it difficult for the other party, after all, he is already an honorable teacher now, and he will definitely not be as knowledgeable as the students.

Liu Ming didn't care about this, anyway, he wasn't the person involved. But he still reminded Onizuka to be careful about the students in his class.

Being able to give Onitsuka a bad start from the very beginning is not an easy person to get along with.

However, looking at Onitsuka's full house, I'm afraid he didn't listen.

It was around five o'clock in the evening.

"Brother Xiao Ming, help us, you must help us this time." After school, Mei Yu didn't even participate in club activities, and ran back directly.

And when he came back, he yelled loudly.

Her shout not only caught Liu Ming's attention, even Thor and the others in the kitchen were startled and ran out one by one.

Liu Ming quickly came to Mei Yu, put his hands on her shoulders, and said in a deep voice, "Calm down first, and then explain the situation. Don't worry, with us here, nothing will happen.

Miha took a deep breath, and then explained the situation.

I don't know what happened today, but the advisor and supervisor of the school's men's basketball team suddenly proposed a game to the advisor of the women's basketball team.

If the men's basketball team wins, the women's basketball team will be abolished.

If the women's basketball team wins, the gymnasium can remain unchanged and rotate every three days for the men's basketball team and the women's basketball team to train respectively.

Liu Ming couldn't help raising a black thread, and knocked on Mei Yu's head forcefully.

"Oh, pain, brother Xiao Ming, why did you hit me." Mei Yu screamed and said dissatisfied.

"You still have the nerve to say, it's just such a small matter, why are you calling for help? Do you know how many people you scared by what you said just now?" Liu Ming said angrily.

"However, if we lose, our women's basketball club will be disbanded. It's not serious." Meiyu said worriedly.

"That's why I said it's a trivial matter. As long as you are still there, you can set up a women's volleyball club. Or other things, it's no big deal." Liu Ming said helplessly

"Brother Xiao Ming, what you said is really too much." Mei Yu glared at Liu Ming dissatisfied.

"Xiao Ming, this is a war. It is a very serious matter. We should prepare for it with all our strength." Thor said seriously.

"Thor, this is just a war between humans, you can't mess around." Alma stared at Thor vigilantly.

"Miyu is our friend, I can't watch her being bullied." Thor looked at Elma seriously.

"Ah, the situation seems quite interesting." Lukya looked at the situation in front of her with great interest, expressing her opinions from time to time.

Liu Ming was a bit dumbfounded, don't think about it, Thor and the others must have been misled by Miha's words, if Thor and the others got involved, the situation might get out of hand.

At that time, let alone competing for the training time of the gymnasium, it will even be a question of whether the gymnasium itself can exist.

In order not to make the situation more confusing, he had no choice but to come out and explain, and then sent Thor and the others away.

Liu Ming glared at Meiyu again, "Look at what you've done. "

Meiyu scratched her head in confusion, although what she said just now was a bit exaggerated, it's not that serious.

Why Liu Ming looked like the end of the world.

"Brother Xiao Ming, please help us. Didn't you always tell us to enjoy the life on campus? If you don't even have clubs, how can you enjoy life?" Meiyu looked at Liu Ming with tears in her eyes.

"It's not like you don't know, the restaurant is so busy, I have time to teach you how to play begging." Liu Ming said helplessly.

"Ah, Xiao Ming is obviously very free. He is either playing games or just staring in a daze every day." Lukya tilted his head, directly exposing Liu Ming's lie.

"Are you free now, go to work quickly." Liu Ming gave her a hard look.

"Oh, the boss is angry." Lukya blinked mischievously, and then walked away. ok)

Lukya indeed walked away, but left Liu Ming with a not-so-good situation.

"Brother Xiao Ming, you don't love us anymore." Mei Yu pouted and stared at Liu Ming dissatisfied.

Even Liu Ming was a little embarrassed to be exposed face to face. Especially when he saw Miyu's aggrieved look about to cry, he could only nod helplessly.

"It's done." Mei Yu stared at Liu Mingtuo.

"Yeah." Liu Ming nodded.

"Don't go back on your word." Meiyu continued to ask.

"Okay" Liu Ming continued to nod.

"You must teach us with your heart." Meiyu continued.

Liu Ming stretched out his magic hand and rubbed her hair, "You never finished, you said I agreed.

"Hee hee" Mei Yu didn't mind at this time, instead she laughed happily.

At this time, Liu Ming also discovered that Meiyu must be acting just now, it's a good thing she thought of this trick.

He pretended to be pitiful. .

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