Zongman: I Have An Equipment Bar

Chapter 174 Start Training (2)

Liu Ming wasted no time, he clapped his hands and said, "Okay, now you guys change your clothes first, and then come back to the court.

"Oh, by the way, I invited Kang Na. She will join your women's basketball team. You can take her to the locker room to change clothes later."

"Really?" Zhihua was pleasantly surprised, staring straight at Liu Ming, hoping to hear more accurate words.

Maho and the others were equally happy watching~Kangna.

Now there are only six of them in the entire women's basketball team. Although a team can be assembled, the number of people is still a bit small for the entire basketball team.

"Kang Na, you are too mean. I obviously invited you, but you didn't agree. Now that Brother Xiao Ming said, you agreed." Mei Yu went with another expression.

"Is there such a thing?" Kang Na blinked blankly, with a look that I couldn't understand at all.

Meiyu was speechless for a moment, and at the same time became even more depressed.

"I've brought everyone here, so can I still have some time off? Hurry up and change your clothes, it's already been a long time, do you still want to practice?" Liu Ming said.

"Hey, why did you change it? It's so cute. If you're worried that we'll be gone, then you can rest assured, because we're all wearing safety pants.

After Maho finished speaking, she even pulled up her skirt, revealing the safety pants inside.

And not only that, she even lifted up the skirts of the remaining people, causing everyone to exclaim.

Saki couldn't take it any longer, so she gave Maho a slap in the face.

Zhen Fan innocently covered his head, and said unwillingly, "What's the matter, anyway, it's just to show the big brother, what's the big deal, and it's not like you don't wear safety pants.

"It's not okay to wear safety pants." Zhihua blushed and refuted loudly.

"Oh? But, Zhihua, haven't you been looking forward to the big brother coming over? Now that he's here to teach us how to play basketball, you don't even mind such a small matter."

Maho looked at Chika strangely, making her uncomfortable.

"I'm not, you're talking nonsense, I don't." Zhihua's face turned redder, and even started to emit steam.

"Isn't it just to look at the safety pants, Hinata is completely fine."

After Hinata finished speaking, she pulled up her own skirt. Like Maho just now, her safety pants were exposed.

"Hinata, this is not acceptable. Girls should learn to love and cherish themselves." Liu Ming gently rubbed Hinata's head and said.

"Oh" Hinata responded, and let go of his hand.

"Okay, Zhenfan, don't be silly, go and change quickly." Liu Ming gave Zhenfan a hand knife.

"Hee hee~" Maho ran over happily, grabbed Kang Na's hand, and ran towards the locker room together.

Zhihua looked at Xiao Lingyin next to Liu Ming, and asked, "Big brother, doesn't Lin-chan need to change clothes?"

"Little Lingyin is a little weak, so I don't plan to let her join the women's basketball team, but she will help you in other areas." Liu Ming said.

Although she couldn't understand the second half of Liu Ming's sentence, Zhihua still nodded, then turned around and followed Zhenfan and the others.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, Mei Yu and the others finally changed their clothes and came out.

Soon, there was a row of people standing in front of Liu Ming.

Everyone looked at Liu Ming full of energy.

Seeing this, Liu Ming also became serious.

He glanced at everyone first, and then asked, "Ahem~ If you are a basketball novice, please raise your hand."

"I, I, I." Maho held up his hands.

Hyuga Seven Hands.

Then, one after another.

A total of seven people, except Zhihua, all raised.

"Well, except for Zhihua, the rest are novices. I'm really curious, who gave you the courage to make such a bet, aren't you afraid of losing?" Liu Ming asked helplessly.

"That's why we brought in the big brother. As long as there is a big brother, there will be no problem." Maho said naturally.

"Boom" Liu Ming lightly gave her a hand knife.

"Oh!" Zhenfan cried out in pain.

"Hee hee" Mei Yu secretly smiled, but when she noticed Liu Ming's gaze, she immediately became serious.

"First of all, I want to emphasize one thing to you. Whether you can win this game depends not on me, but on you, because I have no way to end."

0...asking for flowers...

"Although basketball games have tactics, but it's only been a week, and you don't even know the basics of basketball, let alone tactics."

"So, this week I'm just going to help you lay the foundations, and nothing but foundations.

"So, if you really want to win, you have to practice hard, practice hard. The whole process will be very hard, even if it is, you don't plan to give up.

Liu Ming looked at the crowd seriously, unknowingly exuding a little momentum to overwhelm them.

Among the seven people present, except for Kang Na who didn't feel anything, the remaining six felt like they were being targeted, and their hearts trembled for a while.


"We won't give up." Zhihua suppressed the uneasiness in her heart and said solemnly.

Zhihua's words gave all the girls a shot in the arm, and they all stared at Liu Ming with burning eyes.

Very nice eyes, Liu Ming nodded secretly.

"The next training, I will be very strict, you have to be mentally prepared" Liu Ming said seriously.

Facing the serious Liu Ming, Maho and Miwa, the two naughtiest people, didn't dare to mess around anymore and stood there obediently.

"Understood," everyone responded loudly.

"Very well, I am very satisfied with your attitude. Now I will give you five minutes to move your body before training."

With Liu Ming leading by example, Zhenfan and the others did not dare to be distracted, and they were doing warm-up exercises seriously one by one.

And Liu Ming was thinking about what to teach them.

They are just a group of elementary school students, and they are still beginners. The foundation is certain, but just the foundation may not be able to improve their strength much.

With Kang Na as a hacker, Liu Ming is not worried about losing the game.

However, after all, the women's basketball club was founded by Maho and the others, and if Kangna alone could win, they might feel uncomfortable.

But once you have to take into account Zhihua and the others' feelings, then Kang Na can't exert too much strength.

In this way, it will be a bit difficult.

Of course, it's just a little knife. .

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