Zongman: I Have An Equipment Bar

Chapter 18 Editors And Colleagues

It's almost time for the next day.

Just like Liu Min guessed.

There are not so many guests today.

After all, the cheapest one costs 3,000 yuan, but not everyone can come here to eat every day.

Fortunately, it is located near the commercial street.

There is an endless stream of pedestrians coming and going every day, but I am not worried that there will be no guests.

And he is confident that as long as he is famous, more people will come to eat here.

"Grandma Tujian, you are here today too."

Thor was used to being a waiter, and when he saw someone coming in, he greeted him.

"Don't you welcome the old lady?" said Granny Tujian with a smile.

"No la"

"There are very few people here today." Granny Tujian looked around and found that there were only a few people in the store.

"Xiao Ming said it's okay, and he also said that if every day is like yesterday, it's easy to tire bad people." Thor repeated what Liu Ming said

"That's true, and the food in the store is also worth the price. After a while, the reputation will be much better." Granny Tujian was not worried.

"Is it clear soup noodles today?" Thor asked.

"No, I want to try something new today, do you have anything to introduce?"

"You have to ask Xiao Ming to find out. I'll call him out now."

Thor didn't wait for Granny Tuma to reply, and ran to the kitchen quickly.

Granny Tujian was taken aback for a moment, then smiled helplessly, "What a lively child."

Soon, Liu Ming came out

"Grandma Tujian, would you like to try lily red date porridge today? Lily clears the heart and calms the mind, and red dates nourish the stomach and spleen. It is very good for the elderly, and it tastes very sweet."

"Then do as you wish." Granny Tujian didn't object.

Liu Ming didn't stay long, chatted with Granny Tujian before returning to the kitchen.

Just after Liu Ming returned to the kitchen, two women walked in outside the restaurant,

One was dressed in white and the other was dressed in black.

"You said that Teacher Liu lives here." Xiaye Wuji, dressed in black, stood at the door, constantly looking at the layout of the restaurant and the dining staff.

"It's here. I didn't expect that the restaurant would actually reopen. Really, I suddenly called and said that I would close my pen and I would not write in the future. No matter how I persuaded him, he didn't listen, and even hung up on me directly. "Editor Hiiragi Suzuna said in a dissatisfied tone.

"Then it's useless for you to ask me to come." Natsu Ye Wuji said calmly.

"You both belong to the four best-selling young writers in the literary world, so you should have a common language, so help me persuade him. And you have long wanted to meet each other, so I'll bring you here." Hiiragi Suzuki With a straight face, she really didn't want the other party to seal the pen.

"This is his decision. We outsiders don't understand the situation, so we better not make decisions for others." After Xia Ye Wuji finished speaking, she ignored the bad editor.

"I really don't know what Mr. Liu thinks. Opening a restaurant has no future for writing. What he does is to give up the big and take the small." Editor Zhong Lingcai still doesn't give up. Teacher Liu is her trump card, and she must not just give up like this. . Otherwise, she will brag to others in the future.

"This way, please." Thor stepped forward and led the two to an empty table.

"Excuse me, is Teacher Liu there?" Editor Hiiragi Suzuna asked.

"Who is Teacher Liu?" Thor was puzzled.

"It's Liu Ming, the owner of this store"

"Oh, you're looking for Xiao Ming, he's in the kitchen, what else do you want to do?"

"Can you let him come out for a while? Just tell him that editor Hiiragi Suzuna is here, and he will understand."

"Okay, I'll tell him right now, Kanna, take a look at the store, if there are new customers, let them look at the menu first." Thor said to Kangna who was sitting at the cashier.

"I see, Lord Thor." Connor nodded her head, taking a bite of snacks from time to time.

She's not sitting here for the cash register, she's just acting as the restaurant's mascot.

"It's already noon, why don't we just eat here. Let's try the taste by the way, and we can find a reason to convince him later," editor Hiiragi Suzuna said to Natsuno Kirihime.

"I don't care, it's the same to eat there anyway. However, I'm not interested in whether he comes back to write or not. I want to convince him that you go by yourself, so I won't go," Xia Ye Wuji said proudly.

"Wow! The price is too expensive. An ordinary fried rice with eggs sells for 3,000." After reading the menu, the editor of Hiragina couldn't help but exclaimed.

"It's so expensive, no wonder there are no people in the store." Xia Ye Wuji nodded in agreement.

"Please use it slowly" Liu Ming brought the cooked porridge in front of Granny Tujian, and then he walked towards the editor's position of Hiiragi Suzuna.

"How did you get here?" Liu Ming looked at the editor Hiiragi Suzuna strangely.

"Can I not come? You just said on the phone that you will no longer write. Have you ever thought about the consequences, have you thought about your readers? Do you know how many people are eager for your achievements but can't, you Even if you say give up, you will give up."

Editor Hiiragi Suzuna became angrier as she spoke, and she stood up.

"I don't have time, and the situation is not as serious as you said, I don't write, there will always be others.

As you know, our family owns a Chinese restaurant. Now that I have inherited my ancestral business, it’s fine if you don’t say congratulations, but you still object. After all, we’ve known each other for 6 years, which really makes me sad. "

Liu Ming pretended to be sad, and turned his head to wipe away tears.

"You are obviously so talented, why did you give up so easily, don't you think it's a pity." Hiiragi Suzuna didn't believe his nonsense. When she came to press for manuscripts before, she was often deceived by him. Now she basically Has been exempted.

"You want to reopen the Chinese restaurant. I'm not really against it, but don't you know how to hire people? It's not like you don't have money, so the boss will do everything by himself."

"Hey, there are always various reasons." Liu Ming shrugged.

"Sealing the pen or something, I will never admit it." Editor Hiiragi Suzuna shook her head.

"It's fine if you like it. Anyway, I've already decided. Forget it, let's not talk about it. It's rare for you to come here today. I'll treat you to this meal. If you want to eat, just order it."

"I will definitely convince you." Editor Hiiragi Suzuna was not distracted by him, and stared straight at Liu Ming.

Liu Ming could only face it with a wry smile. To be honest, the character of editor Hiiragi Suzuna really scared him a little.

Her personality is extremely fanatical, and she will do everything for the writer. As long as it is helpful to the writer's creation, she will even resort to illegal methods. She is an extremely dangerous person.

"Who is this?" Liu Ming had no choice but to continue to change the subject. He had some guesses in his heart about this beautiful woman in black and long hair.

"She is another teacher I am in charge of. You must have heard of her pen name. You are also one of the four best-selling young writers in the literary world, Mr. Akiyama Shinobu. Isn't she very beautiful, isn't it very exciting. "Editor Hiiragi Suzuna continued to make daily sacrifices.

Xiaye Wuji couldn't take it any longer, and slammed her on the head.

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